Definition: Mass production is the process of manufacturing large quantities of standardized goods using assembly lines and machinery, significantly increasing efficiency.
Definition: Tenements were overcrowded, poorly built apartment buildings in urban areas where workers and their families lived.
Definition: Slums are densely populated urban areas characterized by substandard housing, poverty, and inadequate infrastructure.
Social Classes
Definition: Social classes are divisions within society based on wealth, labor, and power.
Blue Collar vs. White Collar Workers
Definition: Blue-collar workers engage in manual labor, often in industrial or manufacturing jobs, while white-collar workers hold office-based or professional jobs, typically requiring higher education.
Cult of Domesticity
Definition: The Cult of Domesticity was a social ideology in the 19th century that prescribed women’s roles as homemakers, caregivers, and moral guardians of the family.
Child Labor Laws
Definition: Child labor laws are regulations designed to protect children from exploitation and unsafe working conditions in industrial settings.