Lecture 8: Breeding & Genetics
1. Define a gene and the impact of a gene.
2. What is the shape of DNA?
3. What is the term used when a gene changes to cause a different outcome – like in the case of Polled
4. What is the “recipe” for the organism?
5. Why does much more genetic change come from the sire?
6. What breeding technologies allow for some parents to be used more frequently than typical breeding
cycles (give 2 examples)?
7. Why do we use selection in animal breeding?
8. What are the types of selection in animal breeding?
9. Give an example of a homozygous gene (allele) and a heterozygous allele.
10. Describe and give an example of the following:
a. Dominance/recessive
b. Over-dominance
c. Co-dominance
11. Give an example of heterosis.
12. List 5 types of qualitative traits.
13. List 3 ways in how the environment can impact phenotype of a calf before weaning.
14. List 1 trait that is highly heritable and one that is lowly heritable.
**Understand how genotype will alter phenotype- study examples in slides. **
Lecture 9: Growth & Development
1. Define the following...
Precocial young
Altricial young
Compensatory gain
Law of diminishing returns
2. What are the levels of cellular organization?
3. How are nutrients partitioned? Think order of importance.
4. Describe animal management during the finishing period to increase growth.
5. What factors can be manipulated to increase growth- how?
6. List the economically important tissues.
7. List the physiological important tissues.
8. What physiological factors can be altered to increase nutrient delivery to the fetus during gestation?
9. What is the order of fat deposition?
10. List the slaughter weights for all livestock species.
11. How does growth hormone fluctuate throughout an animal’s life?
Lecture 10: Reproduction
1. Be able to label the following...
a. Bovine female reproductive tract
b. Swine female reproductive tract
c. Male swine reproductive tract
*Diagrams are on canvas labelled “reproductive tract anatomy”
2. Define the following...
Seasonal Polyestrus
Estrous Synchronization
Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
In-Vitro Fertilization
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Sexed Semen
3. What is the difference between the vestibule and the vagina?
4. Why does the cervical anatomy change dependent on species?
5. What is the function of the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium in the uterus?
6. What is the site of fertilization?
7. What is a Graafian follicle?
8. What does seminal plasma add to increase sperm viability?
9. What is the function of the following...
Sertoli Cells
Leydig Cells
Seminiferous tubules
Tunica dartos
Cremaster muscle
Pampiniform plexus
Inner cell mass
10. What hormone is produced during the follicular phase?
11. What hormone is produced during the luteal phase?
12. What is the average estrus length for livestock species (cow, ewe, mare, sow, doe)
13. What is a zygote?
14. When is the embryonic period of gestation?
15. When is the fetal period of gestation?
16. What is the placenta type in livestock species (cow, ewe, mare, sow, doe)
17. Why do we use artificial insemination (AI) in livestock species?
18. What is the easiest way to see if an animal is producing to their potential?
Lecture 11: Digestive Systems
1. What are the 4 functions of the digestive tract?
2. What are the 3 types of digestion? Give examples of each.
3. What is absorption? Where does it occur?
4. Where does mastication & physical digestion of feed occur in chickens?
5. What is the main type of digestion reptiles use to digest their feedstuffs?
6. What type of digestive tract to the following species have?
7. What is the function of saliva?
8. What is the function of the epiglottis?
9. What are the 4 chambers of the ruminant stomach? What are their functions?
10. What is the by-product of microbial fermentation in the rumen and cecum?
11. What are the 3 VFAs?
12. What animal would have an esophageal groove? Why?
13. List the 3 sections of the small intestine in order and their subsequent functions
14. Why do protein hormones have to be activated?
15. Where is bile produced? Stored?
16. What is the function of the cecum?
* Be able to label the ruminant, monogastric, and hindgut fermenter GI tracts*
Lecture 12: Nutrients & Feeding
1. What is the highest cost in livestock production?
2. Define the following...
Building blocks
Essential AA
Non-Essential AA
Non-Protein Nitrogen
Gross Energy
Digestible Energy
Metabolizable Energy
Net Energy
Feed Efficiency
3. A lower feed conversion value means that animal has ____________ efficiency.
4. What are 5 traits of a balanced ration?
5. What are the macronutrients & micronutrients? Are they required for life?
6. How many calories are in a gram of each macronutrient?
7. Is energy a nutrient? Is energy required for life?
8. What is the difference in saturated vs. unsaturated fats?
9. List 3 functions of proteins in the body
10. What are the 4 types of carbohydrates?
11. On average, how much water do the following species consume in a day?
Dairy cow
Beef steer
Young Mare
Lecture 13: Animal Health I
1. Define the following...
Opportunistic Pathogens
True Pathogens
Fibrolytic Bacteria
Glycolytic Bacteria
2. Who are the microbial members within most microbiomes?
3. List 4 factors that can influence microbial colonization and microbiome composition
4. What is the relationship between dysbiosis and disease?
5. Give 3 reasons why the microbiome is considered a supporting organ and important for livestock
Lecture 14: Animal Health II
1. Define the following...
Reservoir Host
2. What is a zoonotic pathogen?
3. What is passive immunity & how to neonate obtain it?
4. At what point is there no longer any IgG absorption in the gut?
5. Give an example of structural biosecurity
6. Give an example of procedural biosecurity
7. How should an employee move through an operation on a daily basis?
8. What are the 4 types of injections?
9. What is the quickest way to increase herd immunity and achieve optimal herd health?
10. What is the One Health Initiative?