Binary Fission (asexual reproduction)
Cell elongation: Cells increase size through cellular structures accumulation (anabolism).
Septum formation: A partition that forms between dividing cells.
Generation: One cell divides into two; generation time is the duration of this process.
Exponential growth: Cell numbers double at regular time intervals.
Growth curve: Measurement of microbial population over time includes:
Number of cells.
Number of viable cells.
Turbidity (cloudiness indicating growth).
Growth Phases:
Lag phase: Little to no growth as cells acclimate.
Exponential phase: Fast growth occurs, population increases rapidly.
Stationary phase: Long generation time, little to no growth, stable population size.
Decline phase: Cell numbers decrease as resources become scarce.
Quantification of Growth allows:
Determining metabolic capacity.
Calculating growth rate.
Standardizing experimental protocols.
Spread plate method:
Spread sample evenly on a plate, incubate, count number of colonies.
Colony forming unit (CFU): Each colony represents the growth of an individual cell.
Limits: Serial dilution may be needed for countable colonies.
Cardinal temperatures: Minimum, optimum, and maximum temperature for growth.
Thrive in freezing temperatures.
Structural adaptations: More alpha helices, fewer beta sheets result in increased flexibility.
Cytoplasmic membranes have more unsaturated fatty acids, increasing fluidity.
Prefer higher temperatures, such as those found in hydrothermal vents.
Have adjusted ionic bonds due to acidic/basic amino acids to withstand high temperatures.
Cytoplasmic membranes contain more saturated fatty acids.
Benefits: Excellent electron acceptor enabling aerobic respiration.
Costs: Toxic by-products can cause cellular damage.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS): Include superoxide (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radicals (OH•), and water (H2O).
Types of Microorganisms:
Aerobes (use oxygen):
Obligate aerobes: Require normal atmospheric O2 (21%).
Facultative aerobes: Can grow in O2 but do not need it.
Microaerophilic: Need O2 at levels lower than 21%.
Anaerobes (cannot use oxygen):
Aerotolerant: Can survive with or without oxygen.
Obligate anaerobes: Oxygen is lethal.
Antimicrobial agents: Chemicals to control microbial growth.
Bacteriostatic: Stops growth when the agent is added.
Bactericidal: Decreases viable cells, total cells remain constant.
Bacteriolytic: Decreases both viable and total cell counts.
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC): Minimum amount of antimicrobial agent needed to inhibit growth.
Zone of Growth Inhibition: Size and presence of inhibition zones indicate susceptibility.
DNA-binding proteins:
Transcription factors: Affect gene expression by binding to DNA.
Operator: Genetic element recognized by DNA-binding proteins; sequence/spacing is crucial.
Regulation Types:
Negative control: Repression occurs when a compound decreases enzyme activity.
Co-repressors bind to the repressor, blocking transcription.
Positive control: Induction occurs when a compound increases enzyme activity.
Co-repressor binding promotes RNA polymerase action.
Regulon: All operons controlled by a single transcription factor.
Two-component system:
Kinase: Enzyme that phosphorylates compounds.
Response regulator: Function varies based on phosphorylation site.
Phosphorylation steps:
Sensor detects environmental signals and phosphorylates histidine.
Sensor phosphorylates response regulator (aspartate).
Phosphorylation alters function, leading to a cellular response.
Sensor is dephosphorylated.
Quorum sensing: Need sufficient individuals for coordinated behavior.
Noncoding RNA (ncRNA):
Includes rRNA, tRNA, sRNA (small): regulates post-transcriptional gene expression.
Responds to various stresses, quorum sensing, and biofilm formation.
Mechanism: Pairing with mRNA can inhibit translation or stability.
Bind with mRNA or small molecules affecting transcription/translation.
Located upstream of coding sequences, forming secondary structures.
Initiation of chromosomal replication: Begins at the origin site with dnaA in active form (DNA-ATP).
Inhibition mechanisms:
dnaA-ADP (inactive).
DnaA-ATP binding site depletion.
Binding prevention by seqA.
Repression of dnaA expression by seqA.
Cell division and Fts proteins:
FtsZ ring: Forms at the septum within the cytoplasmic membrane, influencing division.
Peptidoglycan biosynthesis: Provides structural integrity; holes in PGN can lead to lysis.
Bacterial biofilms:
Polysaccharide matrix that houses bacterial cells.
Represents typical bacterial states in environments.
This formation has medical implications when present on medical devices.
Techniques for observation:
GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein): Used for visualizing.
Confocal microscopy: Laser scanning creates 3D images of samples across multiple planes.
Stages of biofilm development:
Attachment: Initial adhesion of motile cells to solid surfaces.
Colonization: Intercellular communication initiates further growth and polysaccharide formation.
Development: Continued growth and polysaccharide accumulation.
Active dispersal: Triggered by environmental factors like nutrient availability.
Antibiotics: Antimicrobial agents naturally produced by microorganisms that target essential molecular processes.
Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance:
Spontaneous mutations lead to enzyme adaptations.
Antibiotic modifications via specific enzymes altering antibiotic functionality.
Efflux pumps: Transport antibiotics out of cells reducing interaction frequency.
Virus: A genetic element capable of replication only within a living host cell.
Host cell functions: Provides energy, metabolic intermediates, protein synthesis; viruses are obligate intracellular parasites.
Phage virion structure:
Bacteriophage: Viruses that infect bacteria (e.g., T4 bacteriophage infecting E. coli).
Replication cycle (lytic cycle):
Penetration of viral nucleic acids
Assembly and packaging of new virions
Cell lysis and release of new virions.
Lysogenic cycle: Phage DNA integrates into the host genome (prophage) contributing to genome evolution.
Culturing methods:
Titer: Number of infectious virions per volume.
Plaque: Zone of cell lysis among a lawn of host cells on solid media.
CRISPR: Regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats that protect bacteria from phage infections.
CAS proteins:
Processes transcription into crRNA for targeting foreign DNA; endonuclease activity cleaves these complexes.
Immunization process:
PAM (protospacer adjacent motif): Recognized by CAS; can release and incorporate foreign DNA into CRISPR regions.
Genome: All genetic information defining an organism predicting aspects regarding:
Energy and nutrient sources (catabolism).
Growth products (biosynthesis).
Fitness strategies (ecology).
Molecular adaptations (evolution).
Genomics: The study of mapping, sequencing, analyzing, and comparing genomes.
Sanger Sequencing: A specific DNA sequencing technique based on DNA synthesis via DNA polymerase with dNTPs and ddNTPs.
Next Generation Sequencing:
Shotgun sequencing: Genomic DNA fragments prepared without user specification (untargeted).
Massively parallel methods: Allows simultaneous sequencing of multiple samples (up to 10^6 individual reactions).
Computing Power: Handles and stores extensive DNA sequences (>10^9 base pairs), enabling automated identification.
Genome Assembly: Involves connecting sequence fragments in the correct order and eliminating overlaps.
Genomic Annotations: Identifies genes and functional regions.
Mutation: Heritable changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genome.
Genotype vs. Phenotype:
Genotype: Nucleotide sequence of the genome.
Phenotype: Observable properties driven by that genotype.
MacConkey Agar:
Pink colonies signify acid production.
Selection vs. Screening:
Selection: Isolation of mutants with a fitness advantage under given conditions (e.g. antibiotic resistance).
Screening: Identifying mutants with specific non-selectable traits.
Mutation Types:
Point mutation: Single nucleotide substitution; impact depends on context.
Frameshift mutations: Insertions or deletions that disrupt reading frames, altering codon sequences.
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Acquisition of genetic information from another cell:
Transformation: Uptake of free DNA from the environment.
Transduction: Viral particles carrying non-viral DNA facilitate transfer.
Conjugation: Plasmid-mediated DNA transfer between cells.
DNA outcome in host cells:
Degraded by cell defenses (catabolism).
Replicate independently as plasmids.
Incorporated into chromosomes via homologous recombination.
Recombination: Physical DNA exchange between genetic elements.
Homologous Recombination:
Depends on sequence homology between donor and recipient DNA.
Donor DNA yields single strands, facilitated by RecA.
Transformation: Uptake of free DNA incorporated into recipient genomes.
Natural transformation: Some species can take up DNA naturally when competent.
Transduction: Phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer.
Example: P1 phage utilizing core polysaccharide of LPS for genetic exchange.
Accidental formation of transducing particles occurs during the lytic cycle.
Conjugation: Plasmid-mediated DNA transfer.
oriT: Origin of replication transfer.
oriR: Origin of replication for vegetative growth.
Tra region: Genes encoding transfer factors (e.g. sex pilus formation).
PCR: Amplifies specific DNA regions in vitro.
Components: Template DNA, DNA polymerase, and DNA primers (with dNTPs).
Process: DNA separates; primers extend strands (exponential amplification: 1→ 2 → 4 → 8).
Reverse Transcription PCR: Identifies specific transcripts and synthesizes DNA from RNA (cDNA).
Gel Electrophoresis: Separates DNA fragments by size; smaller fragments migrate faster towards the positive electrode.
Cloning: Introduction of target DNA into a vector (plasmid tool).
Restriction Endonucleases: Enzymes that cleave double-stranded DNA to facilitate cloning.
Positive identification: Inserted target appears white; cells without inserts appear blue.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated insertion: Uses synthetic guide RNA (sgRNA) for specificity and cleavage depends on PAM (protospacer adjacent motif).
Cas9 protein: Recognizes sgRNA-DNA complex and exhibits endonuclease activity.
Insert DNA uses homologous recombination.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion: Involves two distinct sgRNA for specificity; PAM sites essential for DNA deletion.
DNA Repair Mechanism:
Involves degradation of excised DNA and activation of double-stranded break repair pathways.