History the Reform Movements

second great awakening happened during 1830 to 1850

the second great awakening was a period of religious revival in the United States

People wanted to reform and change for the better and it led to movements like transcendentialism and romanticism

People became more religious and wanted to be freed from their sins

women and slaves also fought for freedoms

there were camp meetings for hearings about abolition, women’s suffrage, and reforming

the second great awakening was concentrated in the western part of the United States

the second great awakening brought minorities together

most of these hearing aimed to convert people to evangelical Christianity

Lyman Beecher thought that society was becoming more secular and taking a more rational religious approach. He thought it should be more emotional and romantic. He wanted People to feel religion

Charles Grandison Finny didn’t get along with Beecher. He approved of women preaching in public

Puritans believed in predestination, while trancendentialists in the second great awakening believe you can change your future

the second great awakening is connected to the market revolution. For example, the Erie canal allowed for the transportation of goods across New York; changing the way business is done

railroads, canal, and steamship began to be created; expanding the radius of trading and traditions of trading

People began to work for another to earn wages instead of working for themselves. This caused a lot of anxiety. Personal relationships began to change because of things like the telegraph, and there was westward expansion

People began taking their fates into their own hands

abolition aimed to abolish slavery

the temperance movement aimed to reduce the amount of alchohol consumed

trancendentialism aimed to transcend the material world and for one to connect with spirituality

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two famous transcendentialists

Andrew Jackson was president in 1828

the second great awakening was a lot more gentle with religious compared to the first

Methodist and Baptist churches had the highest rate of growth

Dorothea Dix saw prison conditions as unfit and they were housing the mentally ill. She created mental health facilities

Horace Man saw issues in the education system and sought to change it. He was inspired by the European school system
