Inmate Markus Johnson at Danville Correctional Center faced a severe mental health crisis while incarcerated.
By September 6, 2019, he had become gravely dehydrated, leading to his eventual death.
Personal History: 21-year-old suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, entered prison in good health, hoping to gain work skills.
Mental Health Decline: Over three weeks prior to his death, he refused food, medication, and key hydration.
Initial Hospitalizations: Had repeated episodes of hospitalization for mental health crises before incarceration.
Lack of Treatment: Many mentally ill prisoners, like Johnson, receive little to no adequate mental health care.
Statistical Scope: Prisons have become the largest providers of inpatient mental health treatment, housing 200,000 to 300,000 seriously mentally ill individuals.
Inconsistent Care: The quality of mental health care varied greatly depending on individual staff members.
Joshua McLemore's Death: Another inmate with schizophrenia died due to neglect in a similar situation.
Nicholas Feliciano Case: Suffered brain damage leading to a lawsuit settlement by NYC.
Wrongful Death Suit: Johnson's mother sued the state of Illinois and Wexford Health Sources.
Analysis of Missteps: Reports indicate a series of failures in monitoring and providing treatment for Markus's health issues.
Lack of Intervention: Prison officials failed to act on Johnson's refusal of medication and food, despite his previous hospitalization history.
Quality of Care: Questions raised about medical interventions and the decision-making processes within the prison health care system.
Funding and Staffing: Efforts to improve care often stymied by inadequate funding and staffing issues, particularly in an environment that combines punishment and required care.
Adoption and Family Dynamics: Adopted by Lisa Barker Johnson shortly after birth; had a powerful bond with his adoptive mother.
Childhood Challenges: Struggled with bullying in school; diagnosed with ADHD, and showed early signs of mental health issues.
Impulsive Decisions: Engaged in criminal activities, leading to incarceration, while mental health deteriorated.
Mental Health Crises: Repeated hospitalizations and cycles of taking and refusing medication marked his adolescent years.
Physical Condition in Prison: Entered the prison healthy but quickly became unwell due to lack of support for his mental health needs.
Isolation and Further Mental Decline: Conditions of confinement exacerbated his mental health status, contributing to severe dehydration and weight loss.
Lack of Urgency from Staff: Staff expressed concern but failed to take the necessary actions to transfer him to a more suitable facility.
Final Days: Issued a hunger strike protocol, but his condition continued to deteriorate without appropriate medical responses.
Death and Cause: Died from cardiac arrest due to severe dehydration; coroner noted unusual dryness of the body.
Mother's Regrets: Lisa Johnson's feelings of helplessness and regret, believing state resources would care for her son adequately.
Legal Proceedings: Family pursuing legal action for wrongful death, highlighting systemic failures in the correctional facility.