Course Code: PHTY1040
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Step 1: Click on Attendance Check-in
Timing for Check-in: 5 minutes before lab starts; closes 45 minutes before class ends.
Manual Recording: If unable to check-in, the tutor will record names manually.
Movement directions for the hip and knee
Surface anatomy
Measuring hip and knee joint Range of Motion (ROM)
Case scenario discussion
Reasons for Measurement:
Establishing Baseline
Reassessment of progress
Differentiation between active and passive movement
Palpation Skills:
Identifying landmarks for measurement
Skill is essential for future physical examinations
Types of Movement:
Flexion / Extension
Abduction / Adduction
Internal / External Rotation
Types of Movement:
Flexion / Extension
Internal / External Rotation
For hip surface anatomy, refer to Clarkson, pg 276
For knee surface anatomy, refer to Clarkson, pg 333
Use a skeleton and personal body reference for anatomical landmarks.
Hand Hygiene: Essential before interactions.
Introduction: Introduce yourself to the patient.
Explain Procedures:
Communicate what you want them to do and why in layman's terms.
If necessary, explain why clothing removal is required.
Ensure both you and the patient are in a comfortable position.
Perform Measurement:
Monitor any relevant symptoms.
Compare both sides if necessary.
Iliac Crest
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)
Ischial Tuberosity
Greater Trochanter
Adductor Tubercle
Lateral and Medial Epicondyles and Condyles of Femur (Clarkson pg 277)
Patella Tendon
Tibial Tuberosity
Tibial Plateau(s)
Head of Fibula
Lateral and Medial Malleolus (ankle bones) (Clarkson pg 333)
Clarkson 2021: The Clarkson text has online resources available.
Account Setup: Sign up for an account (details inside the cover of the newly purchased textbook).
Accessing Videos: Log in to view instructional videos in preparation for labs; read the relevant textbook sections.
Reference: Clarkson pg 278 (hip) and 334 (knee)
Measurement Procedures:
Hip: Flexion/Extension, Abduction/Adduction, Internal/External Rotation
Knee: Flexion/Extension
Tips for Measurement:
Eyeball ROM first to assist with goniometer readings.
Be aware of 'trick movements'.
Always compare both sides.
Documentation: Understanding how to document findings is crucial.
Patient Profile: Mary Parsons, an 85-year-old woman with a surgical fixation of the neck of the right femur six weeks ago.
Discussion Points:
Why is this fracture common in this age group and gender?
Potential surgical management strategies.
Post-operative management considerations.