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Disease & Conditions

Orthopedics: Branch of medicine that studies prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

*Specialist = orthopedist

Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) - Education emphasize whole person, and connection between musculoskeletal systems and disease and symptoms

Osteoarthritis - most common type: Degenerative Joint disease (DJD)

Rheumatoid Arthritis - autoimmune type which results in deformities due to destroyed tissue in the joints

Crepitation - rubbing, grating, or crackling sound; when joints rub together

Osteoporosis - metabolic bone disorder; loss of calcium/bone tissue; leads to porous, brittle bone; fractures easily; common in post menopausal women

*When symptoms get worse from osteoporosis it’s called exacerbation

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) - median nerve is compressed due to inflammation from repeated stress

Ganglion cyst - cyst developing along joints when synovial fluid leaks out

Herniated Disk (HNP) - intervertebral disks have a center called nucleus pulpous.

*when the nucleus pulpous ruptures and leaks out compressing a nerve root, can cause pain numbness or tingling in extremities

Oncology: Primary and Secondary Cancers

  • Primary can metastasize and become secondary

Sarcomas - “flesh” malignancies that arise from bone, fat, muscle, cartilage, bone marrow and lymphatic cells.

  • Fibrosarcoma - develops in cartilage

  • Ewing Sarcoma - develops from nerve tissue in bone marrow

    • Affects diaphysis

  • Osteosarcoma - develops from bone tissue

Osteomyelitis - acute or chronic infection of the bone-forming tissue

  • Sequestrectomy - removal of necrotizing tissue

Spinal Curvatures

  • Scoliosis “abnormal condition”

    • crooked

    • lateral curvature

  • Kyphosis

    • humpback

    • exaggerated thoracic curvature

  • Lordosis

    • swayback/curve

      exaggerated lumbar curvature

Ankylosis – condition of being bent/crooked; Stiffening and immobility of joints

Muscular Dystrophy

  • Inherited disease that

    causes progressive loss

    of muscle mass and


  • “progressive disease”

    walking, eating,

    breathing become

    labored or impossible

    over time


  • Total Hip Replacement (THR)

    • Replacement of hip joint

  • Amputation

    • Partial or complete removal of an extremity

    • result of trauma or disease (can cause phantom limb pain)

  • Bone grafting – transplantation of bone tissue

  • Laminectomy

    • Excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra

    • Can be needed due to HNP

  • Myelography

    • Radiography of the spinal cord after injection of a contrast medium

    • Can identify spinal distortions caused by disease or trauma

Tendons - bone to muscle

Ligament - bone to bone


Disease & Conditions

Orthopedics: Branch of medicine that studies prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

*Specialist = orthopedist

Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) - Education emphasize whole person, and connection between musculoskeletal systems and disease and symptoms

Osteoarthritis - most common type: Degenerative Joint disease (DJD)

Rheumatoid Arthritis - autoimmune type which results in deformities due to destroyed tissue in the joints

Crepitation - rubbing, grating, or crackling sound; when joints rub together

Osteoporosis - metabolic bone disorder; loss of calcium/bone tissue; leads to porous, brittle bone; fractures easily; common in post menopausal women

*When symptoms get worse from osteoporosis it’s called exacerbation

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) - median nerve is compressed due to inflammation from repeated stress

Ganglion cyst - cyst developing along joints when synovial fluid leaks out

Herniated Disk (HNP) - intervertebral disks have a center called nucleus pulpous.

*when the nucleus pulpous ruptures and leaks out compressing a nerve root, can cause pain numbness or tingling in extremities

Oncology: Primary and Secondary Cancers

  • Primary can metastasize and become secondary

Sarcomas - “flesh” malignancies that arise from bone, fat, muscle, cartilage, bone marrow and lymphatic cells.

  • Fibrosarcoma - develops in cartilage

  • Ewing Sarcoma - develops from nerve tissue in bone marrow

    • Affects diaphysis

  • Osteosarcoma - develops from bone tissue

Osteomyelitis - acute or chronic infection of the bone-forming tissue

  • Sequestrectomy - removal of necrotizing tissue

Spinal Curvatures

  • Scoliosis “abnormal condition”

    • crooked

    • lateral curvature

  • Kyphosis

    • humpback

    • exaggerated thoracic curvature

  • Lordosis

    • swayback/curve

      exaggerated lumbar curvature

Ankylosis – condition of being bent/crooked; Stiffening and immobility of joints

Muscular Dystrophy

  • Inherited disease that

    causes progressive loss

    of muscle mass and


  • “progressive disease”

    walking, eating,

    breathing become

    labored or impossible

    over time


  • Total Hip Replacement (THR)

    • Replacement of hip joint

  • Amputation

    • Partial or complete removal of an extremity

    • result of trauma or disease (can cause phantom limb pain)

  • Bone grafting – transplantation of bone tissue

  • Laminectomy

    • Excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra

    • Can be needed due to HNP

  • Myelography

    • Radiography of the spinal cord after injection of a contrast medium

    • Can identify spinal distortions caused by disease or trauma

Tendons - bone to muscle

Ligament - bone to bone
