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Computer Science S5 : L3 : Web Browsers and Cookeis

—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 5: The Internet and its Uses

Lesson 3 : Web Browsers and Cookies

A browser is a program that allows the user to visit, retrieve and display information that a webpage contains. They translate code (Eg.HTML )  to create and display websites .

They can 

  • Have a home page

  • Store favourite websites/bookmarks (Can organised in folders and add to toolbar)

  • History of Browsing ( Easily navigate back to a site even if you forget URL)

  • Allow multiple tabs ( Have different sites and pages open and easily switch between tabs)

  • Stores Cookies

  • Provide Navigation tools

  • Provide an address bar

Cookies are small text files with ID tags stored on a user's computer. They are sent by a web server to a browser on a computer when you visit a website. Each cookie is a small look up table containing pairs of values.


Surname = Jones

Music = ROck

Every time it visit a website it checks if it has set cookies if so the browser reads cookies which holds key information

Web browsers supporting cookies can : 

  • Resume where you left off when you revisit the site

  • Storing login details

  • Saving personal details

  • Remembering preferences

  • Hold items in a online shopping cart

By law any website operator using cookies must : 

  • Tell users the cookies are there

  • Explain what the cookies are doing

  • Obtain users consent to store cookies on their device

Cookies can be divided into two main categories: 

Session Cookies - are created and replaced every time a user visits a website. These are stored in temporary memory and then deleted.

Persistent Cookies - Are created and saved in the first visit to a website which are then retained until they expire. These are stored on the user's hard drive and remain stored even after a website session is closed.

All modern browsers will allow you to view the contents of all cookies currently stored on you device and clear them if you wish.


Computer Science S5 : L3 : Web Browsers and Cookeis

—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 5: The Internet and its Uses

Lesson 3 : Web Browsers and Cookies

A browser is a program that allows the user to visit, retrieve and display information that a webpage contains. They translate code (Eg.HTML )  to create and display websites .

They can 

  • Have a home page

  • Store favourite websites/bookmarks (Can organised in folders and add to toolbar)

  • History of Browsing ( Easily navigate back to a site even if you forget URL)

  • Allow multiple tabs ( Have different sites and pages open and easily switch between tabs)

  • Stores Cookies

  • Provide Navigation tools

  • Provide an address bar

Cookies are small text files with ID tags stored on a user's computer. They are sent by a web server to a browser on a computer when you visit a website. Each cookie is a small look up table containing pairs of values.


Surname = Jones

Music = ROck

Every time it visit a website it checks if it has set cookies if so the browser reads cookies which holds key information

Web browsers supporting cookies can : 

  • Resume where you left off when you revisit the site

  • Storing login details

  • Saving personal details

  • Remembering preferences

  • Hold items in a online shopping cart

By law any website operator using cookies must : 

  • Tell users the cookies are there

  • Explain what the cookies are doing

  • Obtain users consent to store cookies on their device

Cookies can be divided into two main categories: 

Session Cookies - are created and replaced every time a user visits a website. These are stored in temporary memory and then deleted.

Persistent Cookies - Are created and saved in the first visit to a website which are then retained until they expire. These are stored on the user's hard drive and remain stored even after a website session is closed.

All modern browsers will allow you to view the contents of all cookies currently stored on you device and clear them if you wish.