—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 5: The Internet and its Uses
Lesson 3 : Web Browsers and Cookies
A browser is a program that allows the user to visit, retrieve and display information that a webpage contains. They translate code (Eg.HTML ) to create and display websites .
They can
Have a home page
Store favourite websites/bookmarks (Can organised in folders and add to toolbar)
History of Browsing ( Easily navigate back to a site even if you forget URL)
Allow multiple tabs ( Have different sites and pages open and easily switch between tabs)
Stores Cookies
Provide Navigation tools
Provide an address bar
Cookies are small text files with ID tags stored on a user's computer. They are sent by a web server to a browser on a computer when you visit a website. Each cookie is a small look up table containing pairs of values.
Surname = Jones
Music = ROck
Every time it visit a website it checks if it has set cookies if so the browser reads cookies which holds key information
Web browsers supporting cookies can :
By law any website operator using cookies must :
Tell users the cookies are there
Explain what the cookies are doing
Obtain users consent to store cookies on their device
Cookies can be divided into two main categories:
Session Cookies - are created and replaced every time a user visits a website. These are stored in temporary memory and then deleted.
Persistent Cookies - Are created and saved in the first visit to a website which are then retained until they expire. These are stored on the user's hard drive and remain stored even after a website session is closed.
All modern browsers will allow you to view the contents of all cookies currently stored on you device and clear them if you wish.