Concepts --natural and artificial Prototypes Cognitive Maps Schemas and Scripts Algorithms vs. Heuristics --representativeness vs. availability js

Working Memory Model (WMM)

--phonological loops, visual sketchpad, central executive 

Levels of Processing Theory

--Structural, Phonemic, Semantic Encoding

Stories of H.M. and Clive Wearing

--anterograde vs. retrograde  amnesia

Infantile Amnesia

Flashbulb memory

The Brain and Memory


--Long-Term Potentiation

Implicit vs. Explicit Memories

Prospective Memory

Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory


--Ebbinghaus & Forgetting Curve



--proactive vs. retroactive interference

--serial position effect

--primacy and recency effects

--next in line effect



--Loftus’s misinformation effect

--reconstructed memories

--eyewitness accuracy

--recovered memory controversy

--psychodynamic theory
  of repression


--expectancy bias

--self-consistency bias


“Advantages” of Seven Sins

The Normal Curve 

--percentages within 1 and 2 standard


Achievement vs. Aptitude Tests

Alfred Binet and Stanford-Binet Test

--Mental Age & Chronological Age

WAIS and WISC Tests (David Wechsler)

IQ scores


--cognitive impairment, giftedness

--reliability and validity of the tests

Savant Syndrome

Spearman’s g factor

Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Emotional Intelligence

Race, Culture, and Intelligence

--Hereditarians vs Environmentarians

--forms of testing bias

--cultural matters

--stereotype threat

--poverty and racism

Flynn Effect

Biological components of intelligence

--brain size

--speed of processing


Flashcards on Memory and Intelligence Topics

  1. Working Memory Model

    • Describes the structure of memory consisting of the phonological loop, visual sketchpad, and central executive.

  2. Levels of Processing Theory

    • Proposes different depths of processing: Structural (appearance), Phonemic (sound), and Semantic (meaning) encoding.

  3. Anterograde vs. Retrograde Amnesia

    • Anterograde: inability to form new memories; Retrograde: inability to recall past memories.

  4. Flashbulb Memory

    • A vivid, detailed memory of an emotionally significant event.

  5. Hippocampus

    • A brain region crucial for memory formation and storage.

  6. Long-Term Potentiation

    • A process that strengthens the connections between neurons, enhancing memory retention.

  7. Implicit vs. Explicit Memories

    • Implicit: unconscious memory (skills); Explicit: conscious memory (facts).

  8. Prospective Memory

    • The ability to remember to perform actions in the future.

  9. Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory

    • Issues affecting memory: transience, absent-mindedness, blocking, misattribution, suggestibility, bias, and persistence.

  10. IQ Scores

    • A measurement of intelligence, influenced by standardization, reliability, and validity of tests.

  11. Savant Syndrome

    • A condition where individuals with significant disabilities exhibit extraordinary abilities in specific areas.

  12. Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

    • Fluid: ability to think abstractly; Crystallized: accumulated knowledge and skills over time.

  13. Emotional Intelligence

    • The ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others.

  14. Flynn Effect

    • The observed rise in IQ scores over time across generations.
