Chapter 25 - The Spanish-American War and the Imperialism Debate

Imperialism Debate

  • With territories under spheres of influence, nations faced off in economic competitions and defending their territories
  • ^^Isolationists^^ ^^were pacifists and humanitarians reformers, vs. imperialists who wanted to expand into foreign territories^^

Anti-Imperialist League

  • Formed in 1898
  • Mission to reverse imperialist foreign policy
  • Battled the American annexation of the Philippines as an insular area

Spheres of Influence

  • ^^A diplomatic term denoting an area in which a foreign power or powers exerts significant military, cultural, or economic influence^^
  • The region over which a group or institution has power, which is separate from whoever is traditionally in control

Alfred Thayer Mahan

  • 1890 - Wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History
  • Oversaw the gradual buildup of the US Navy + naval bases

Cuban Revolution

  • Cuba was an economic hub for sugar, tobacco, and coffee
  • ^^1895 - Cuban slaves revolted using modern weapons^^
  • General Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler oversaw cruel Cuban concentration camps
  • Was heavily published in American newspapers

Spanish-American War

  • 1898
  • After Cuban atrocities and the sinking of the USS Maine, McKinley declared war against Spain
  • Invaded Cuba and the Philippines
  • Teddy Roosevelt oversaw the Rough Riders, which was his lead-up to national fame
  • Cuba + Philippines + Guam + Puerto Rico were sites of the war

Joseph Pulitzer

  • ^^Using “yellow journalism,” he sensationalized and overexaggerated the news to increase circulation^^
  • Promoted the war with Spain
  • Founded a journalism school and the Pulitzer Prize

USS Maine

  • In Havana, Cuba, the Maine protected American citizens
  • 1898 - Was destroyed + sunk in an explosion
  • With yellow journalism newspapers, “Remember the Maine!” was used to sensationalize the incident
  • However, the US couldn’t prove that Spain exploded the ship

Teller and Platt Amendment

  • ^^1898 - The Teller Amendment declared that the US wouldn’t interfere in Cuban affairs^^
  • ^^1901 - The Platt Amendment declared that it wouldn’t go into treaties with other foreign nations and would intervene if danger arose^^
    • Established a US naval base at Guantanamo Bay

Rough Riders

  • A volunteer cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt
  • Invaded Cuba
  • High casualty rate
  • Made Roosevelt famous


  • 1893 - American sugar and fruit planters overthrew Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani
  • McKinley was pro-annexation
  • ^^Congress established a joint resolution that eventually led to the US annexing the Hawaiian islands in 1898^^

Foraker Act

  • 1900
  • Puerto Ricans were represented in American gov’t BUT couldn’t participate

Coaling Stations

  • ^^Coaling stations were US islands stocked with coal for refueling^^
  • US cargo ships picked up coal and supplies at these islands

Insular Cases

  • 1901
  • Answered the question of “Does the Constitution follow the flag?”
    • Does US law apply equally to foreign territories that it annexes?
  • Decided that these islands were ruled by the US BUT the people wouldn’t receive full American rights

Filipino Insurrection

  • ^^Because the US governed the Philippines, it helped Filipinos^^
  • Fighting between Filipinos and American soldiers
  • Guerilla warfare led by Emilio Aguinaldo

Open Door Policy

  • 1899 - Created by John Hay
  • Didn’t exclude the US from trading in China
  • High competition from other nations for spheres of influence in China eventually led to the Russo-Japanese War (1904) and the Portsmouth Treaty (1905)

Boxer Rebellion

  • ^^The Boxers wanted to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and to kill all foreigners in China^^
  • The US sent troops which eventually crushed the Boxers

Roosevelt Corollary

  • 1904
  • Established by Theodore Roosevelt
  • US wanted stability in Western Hemisphere
  • Established the US as an international police force

Hay-Paunceforte Treaty

  • 1901
  • ^^Gave British consent to build the Panama Canal and to fortify the Canal Zone^^

Panama Canal

  • With Colombia unwilling to negotiate with the US, Roosevelt encouraged the Panamanian Revolution
  • 1904 - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty allowed for the building of a canal zone
  • 1914 - Canal was completed

Great White Fleet

  • 1907
  • Managed by Theodore Roosevelt
  • ^^The nickname for 16 American battleships that circulated the globe^^

Root-Takahira Agreement

  • 1908
  • Minimized tensions between Japan and the US in China and California
  • Allowed Japan to pursue its own imperial goals

Dollar Diplomacy

  • 1909
  • Coined by William Howard Taft
  • ^^Believed that the US should intervene in foreign affairs without using its military^^
  • If nations cooperated with US interests, the US would provide them with investment money

Pancho Villa

  • A guerilla fighter during the Mexican Revolution (1911)
  • Led an invasion on US soil
  • Escaped and wasn’t caught by the US military


  • Spanish actions in Cuba + yellow journalism → Spanish-American War
  • What to do w/ Spanish colonies?
  • Imperialists - Gain Pacific Ocean territories
  • Teddy Roosevelt - Panama Canal + Great White Fleet
  • US is world power → Protect interests + exert influence
