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  1. Identify the long and short term causes of WWI

Short term:

  • Austria and Russia were competing for influences of South East Europe

  • Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany

  • Arms race between Germany and France

  • French unhappiness at loss of Alsace and Lorraine in 1871

  • 2 alliance systems in existence

  • Germany attempts to gain colonies: annoy and frighten France, Britain, and Russia

Long Term:

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.

  1. Explain how the assassination of Franz Ferdinand led to the start of WWI

  • Serbia did not want to be under the rule of Austria anymore, so they assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to gain independence and freedom. Then, Austria gave Serbia a list of demands, and Serbia was expected to comply within 48 hrs. Serbia refused, and Austria declared war.

  • Germany backed up Austria, Ottoman Empire backed up Germany and Austria.

  • Britain and France backed up Serbia.

  1. Identify the two main alliance groups and locate those countries on a 1914 map of Europe

Triple Entente (Allied Powers): Britain, France, Russia (Also Belgium and Portugal) (Italy switches near end of war)

Central Powers (Triple Alliance): Germany, Austria-Hungary

  1. Explain why the US became involved in WWI

  • Germany was doing unrestricted submarine warfare: in 1915 the Luisitania was sunk (civilian ship). Sussex Pledge was signed but Germany broke it.

  • Zimmerman Note sent to Mexico by Germany saying if the U.S. declared war on Germany, then Mexico should declare war on the U.S. Germany promised to give Mexico back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Note was never sent to Mexico, but intercepted by the British and given to U.S. These counted as overt acts, and Wilson declared war.

  1. Identify various organizations that helped to mobilize the US after we declared war

  • National Defense Act expanded the size of the army

  • Naval Construction Act ordered building of more warships

  • War Industries Board encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency- organized by Bernard M Baruch

  • Selective Service Act: Draft lottery for the war

  1. Describe what happened at the end of WWI

  • Armistice signed 11/11/1918

  • Germany was losing support and the citizens were surprised when the armistice was signed. The November Criminals were the German leaders who signed the Treaty of Versailles.

  • France had most damage

  • Germany had to pay for war damages, lost military and territory

  • After WWI, Poland existed, and Austria Hungary was broken up

  • Wilson’s 14 points included “Peace without Victory”, created League of Nations to try to keep peace

  1. Compare and contrast the Treaty of Versailles to Wilson’s 14 Points.

  • Both wanted to give land back to France, both wanted to take weapons away from Germany, for freed nations to get independence, reduce military, Germany take responsibility, “putting world back together”

  • Treaty of Versailles: Revenge

  • Wilson’s 14 Points: Peace

  1. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany

  • Germany cannot make any more bases

  • Territories given to Germany are given to the French

  • Take away possessions

  • Loss of military forces

  • Compromise parts of their army

  • Take responsibility for war, pay for losses

  1. Describe how Schenck v. US changed the meaning of free speech during certain times

  • Free speech is allowed to be limited in times of war or importance. People cannot knowingly harm the war effort. Schenck was arrested for violating the Espionage and Sedition Acts.


Weapons of WWI- Tanks, Machine Guns, Trench Warfare, Artillery, Poisonous Gas

Great Migration


  1. Identify the long and short term causes of WWI

Short term:

  • Austria and Russia were competing for influences of South East Europe

  • Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany

  • Arms race between Germany and France

  • French unhappiness at loss of Alsace and Lorraine in 1871

  • 2 alliance systems in existence

  • Germany attempts to gain colonies: annoy and frighten France, Britain, and Russia

Long Term:

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.

  1. Explain how the assassination of Franz Ferdinand led to the start of WWI

  • Serbia did not want to be under the rule of Austria anymore, so they assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to gain independence and freedom. Then, Austria gave Serbia a list of demands, and Serbia was expected to comply within 48 hrs. Serbia refused, and Austria declared war.

  • Germany backed up Austria, Ottoman Empire backed up Germany and Austria.

  • Britain and France backed up Serbia.

  1. Identify the two main alliance groups and locate those countries on a 1914 map of Europe

Triple Entente (Allied Powers): Britain, France, Russia (Also Belgium and Portugal) (Italy switches near end of war)

Central Powers (Triple Alliance): Germany, Austria-Hungary

  1. Explain why the US became involved in WWI

  • Germany was doing unrestricted submarine warfare: in 1915 the Luisitania was sunk (civilian ship). Sussex Pledge was signed but Germany broke it.

  • Zimmerman Note sent to Mexico by Germany saying if the U.S. declared war on Germany, then Mexico should declare war on the U.S. Germany promised to give Mexico back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Note was never sent to Mexico, but intercepted by the British and given to U.S. These counted as overt acts, and Wilson declared war.

  1. Identify various organizations that helped to mobilize the US after we declared war

  • National Defense Act expanded the size of the army

  • Naval Construction Act ordered building of more warships

  • War Industries Board encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency- organized by Bernard M Baruch

  • Selective Service Act: Draft lottery for the war

  1. Describe what happened at the end of WWI

  • Armistice signed 11/11/1918

  • Germany was losing support and the citizens were surprised when the armistice was signed. The November Criminals were the German leaders who signed the Treaty of Versailles.

  • France had most damage

  • Germany had to pay for war damages, lost military and territory

  • After WWI, Poland existed, and Austria Hungary was broken up

  • Wilson’s 14 points included “Peace without Victory”, created League of Nations to try to keep peace

  1. Compare and contrast the Treaty of Versailles to Wilson’s 14 Points.

  • Both wanted to give land back to France, both wanted to take weapons away from Germany, for freed nations to get independence, reduce military, Germany take responsibility, “putting world back together”

  • Treaty of Versailles: Revenge

  • Wilson’s 14 Points: Peace

  1. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany

  • Germany cannot make any more bases

  • Territories given to Germany are given to the French

  • Take away possessions

  • Loss of military forces

  • Compromise parts of their army

  • Take responsibility for war, pay for losses

  1. Describe how Schenck v. US changed the meaning of free speech during certain times

  • Free speech is allowed to be limited in times of war or importance. People cannot knowingly harm the war effort. Schenck was arrested for violating the Espionage and Sedition Acts.


Weapons of WWI- Tanks, Machine Guns, Trench Warfare, Artillery, Poisonous Gas

Great Migration