20,000-30,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age, humans crossed over the Bering Sea land bridge into the Americas.
-Inhabited the hemisphere from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Widespread dispersion led to a diversity of languages and cultures, most advanced of which were Mesoamerica and South America.
Early cultures in North America
American Indian culture developed over many centuries
First originated from Asia
Agriculture changed some Indian culture from a nomadic to a farming community
North American Indians were skilled in a few areas
The Hopewell were skilled farmers, flourished in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys (200 BC-400 AD)
Mississippian culture developed in 800 AD, built large religious mound structures
Anasazi culture (800-1300) developed in the Southwest, skilled builders (Mesa Verde cliff houses) as well as sophisticated farmers.
Pueblo Indians, Southwest, after the Anasazi, and built extensive adobe cities.
Early cultures in Mesoamerica
The Olmec (1200-400 BC) developed one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica (region that is now Mexico, Central America, and western coast of South America)
Developed an agricultural community
Developed the first calendar in America
The Mayas (250-900) achieved a complex civilization
cities were trade and religious centers
math, science, astronomy, and engineering (pyramid building)
The Aztecs (1325-1521) conquered much of central Mexico
Toltecs preceded the Aztecs
built the great city of Tenochtitlan and ruled an empire
religion and war dominated Aztec life
The Incas (1200-1533) controlled a vast empire in South America
Tiahuanaco culture developed in the Andes mountains and the Incas unified an extensive empire
Developed a sophisticated record-keeping system, highly skilled craftsmen.
Impact of Spanish Exploration and Conquest on Indigenous People of the Americas
Disease devastated native populations
smallpox, measles, typhus
Spread from Mexico into American southwest an southward towards the Andes
From 1520-1620, 20 million died
conquest aided by weakening of native forces
Aztecs conquered by Cortes in 1521
Inca empire conquered by Pizarro in 1533
Mass transfer of wealth (gold and silver) from Americas to Spain
end of political and economic independence
loss of native culture
conversion to Christianity
Native Americans and Early Cultures in America
20,000-30,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age, humans crossed over the Bering Sea land bridge into the Americas.
-Inhabited the hemisphere from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Widespread dispersion led to a diversity of languages and cultures, most advanced of which were Mesoamerica and South America.
Early cultures in North America
American Indian culture developed over many centuries
First originated from Asia
Agriculture changed some Indian culture from a nomadic to a farming community
North American Indians were skilled in a few areas
The Hopewell were skilled farmers, flourished in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys (200 BC-400 AD)
Mississippian culture developed in 800 AD, built large religious mound structures
Anasazi culture (800-1300) developed in the Southwest, skilled builders (Mesa Verde cliff houses) as well as sophisticated farmers.
Pueblo Indians, Southwest, after the Anasazi, and built extensive adobe cities.
Early cultures in Mesoamerica
The Olmec (1200-400 BC) developed one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica (region that is now Mexico, Central America, and western coast of South America)
Developed an agricultural community
Developed the first calendar in America
The Mayas (250-900) achieved a complex civilization
cities were trade and religious centers
math, science, astronomy, and engineering (pyramid building)
The Aztecs (1325-1521) conquered much of central Mexico
Toltecs preceded the Aztecs
built the great city of Tenochtitlan and ruled an empire
religion and war dominated Aztec life
The Incas (1200-1533) controlled a vast empire in South America
Tiahuanaco culture developed in the Andes mountains and the Incas unified an extensive empire
Developed a sophisticated record-keeping system, highly skilled craftsmen.
Impact of Spanish Exploration and Conquest on Indigenous People of the Americas
Disease devastated native populations
smallpox, measles, typhus
Spread from Mexico into American southwest an southward towards the Andes
From 1520-1620, 20 million died
conquest aided by weakening of native forces
Aztecs conquered by Cortes in 1521
Inca empire conquered by Pizarro in 1533
Mass transfer of wealth (gold and silver) from Americas to Spain
end of political and economic independence
loss of native culture
conversion to Christianity