Last saved 51 days ago

Native Americans and Early Cultures in America

20,000-30,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age, humans crossed over the Bering Sea land bridge into the Americas.

-Inhabited the hemisphere from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Widespread dispersion led to a diversity of languages and cultures, most advanced of which were Mesoamerica and South America.

  • Early cultures in North America

    • American Indian culture developed over many centuries

      • First originated from Asia

      • Agriculture changed some Indian culture from a nomadic to a farming community

    • North American Indians were skilled in a few areas

      • The Hopewell were skilled farmers, flourished in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys (200 BC-400 AD)

      • Mississippian culture developed in 800 AD, built large religious mound structures

      • Anasazi culture (800-1300) developed in the Southwest, skilled builders (Mesa Verde cliff houses) as well as sophisticated farmers.

      • Pueblo Indians, Southwest, after the Anasazi, and built extensive adobe cities.

  • Early cultures in Mesoamerica

    • The Olmec (1200-400 BC) developed one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica (region that is now Mexico, Central America, and western coast of South America)

      • Developed an agricultural community

      • Developed the first calendar in America

    • The Mayas (250-900) achieved a complex civilization

      • cities were trade and religious centers

      • math, science, astronomy, and engineering (pyramid building)

    • The Aztecs (1325-1521) conquered much of central Mexico

      • Toltecs preceded the Aztecs

      • built the great city of Tenochtitlan and ruled an empire

      • religion and war dominated Aztec life

    • The Incas (1200-1533) controlled a vast empire in South America

      • Tiahuanaco culture developed in the Andes mountains and the Incas unified an extensive empire

      • Developed a sophisticated record-keeping system, highly skilled craftsmen.

  • Impact of Spanish Exploration and Conquest on Indigenous People of the Americas

    • Disease devastated native populations

      • smallpox, measles, typhus

      • Spread from Mexico into American southwest an southward towards the Andes

      • From 1520-1620, 20 million died

      • conquest aided by weakening of native forces

    • Aztecs conquered by Cortes in 1521

    • Inca empire conquered by Pizarro in 1533

    • Mass transfer of wealth (gold and silver) from Americas to Spain

    • end of political and economic independence

    • loss of native culture

    • conversion to Christianity

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Native Americans and Early Cultures in America

20,000-30,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age, humans crossed over the Bering Sea land bridge into the Americas.

-Inhabited the hemisphere from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Widespread dispersion led to a diversity of languages and cultures, most advanced of which were Mesoamerica and South America.

  • Early cultures in North America

    • American Indian culture developed over many centuries

      • First originated from Asia

      • Agriculture changed some Indian culture from a nomadic to a farming community

    • North American Indians were skilled in a few areas

      • The Hopewell were skilled farmers, flourished in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys (200 BC-400 AD)

      • Mississippian culture developed in 800 AD, built large religious mound structures

      • Anasazi culture (800-1300) developed in the Southwest, skilled builders (Mesa Verde cliff houses) as well as sophisticated farmers.

      • Pueblo Indians, Southwest, after the Anasazi, and built extensive adobe cities.

  • Early cultures in Mesoamerica

    • The Olmec (1200-400 BC) developed one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica (region that is now Mexico, Central America, and western coast of South America)

      • Developed an agricultural community

      • Developed the first calendar in America

    • The Mayas (250-900) achieved a complex civilization

      • cities were trade and religious centers

      • math, science, astronomy, and engineering (pyramid building)

    • The Aztecs (1325-1521) conquered much of central Mexico

      • Toltecs preceded the Aztecs

      • built the great city of Tenochtitlan and ruled an empire

      • religion and war dominated Aztec life

    • The Incas (1200-1533) controlled a vast empire in South America

      • Tiahuanaco culture developed in the Andes mountains and the Incas unified an extensive empire

      • Developed a sophisticated record-keeping system, highly skilled craftsmen.

  • Impact of Spanish Exploration and Conquest on Indigenous People of the Americas

    • Disease devastated native populations

      • smallpox, measles, typhus

      • Spread from Mexico into American southwest an southward towards the Andes

      • From 1520-1620, 20 million died

      • conquest aided by weakening of native forces

    • Aztecs conquered by Cortes in 1521

    • Inca empire conquered by Pizarro in 1533

    • Mass transfer of wealth (gold and silver) from Americas to Spain

    • end of political and economic independence

    • loss of native culture

    • conversion to Christianity