Deontological ethics- following some set of rules that decide that a set of actions by a person or a company is right or wrong
looking to a set of rules by the PR associations, the tech industry
Using rules as a way to decide
Morality- what is right or wrong
Ethics- the process of determining right and wrong
You as a pr professional are brought into the board roomPublic Relations as a manageable function
to have a seat at the executive table
You are viewed as being part of the management team, your voice is heard
You are involved in leadership and decision making for the company
This helps to do the right thing ethically, and the right thing effectively
Public relations is proactive
It anticipates what is happening in society, and then guiding the organization how to make changes to be in line with the changes happening in society
Changes in politics, government, finance, economy, technology
Anticipating and Using management
Where you are intentional about releasing what you are legally able to release information to the public
There are some things you can’t disclose
Two way communication
The organization listens to its publics to create change
The way we listen to our publics is through research: interviews, focus groups, survey, data
We need to listen to our publics to adjust and adapt
Trying to promote a policy or idea to benefit your brand
Doing something for public interest
Press Agentry
Communicating one way
Trying to create interest, buzz, hype
Exaggeration, not accurate
P.T. Barnum
Not equal communication
We do research to persuade the publics
We listen to decide to educate or make changes, adapt
Not ethical
False, misleading, exaggerated information
Something purchased, controlled, meant to persuade audience
Target audience
The group of people you are trying to strategically work with to disseminate a message
Content marketing
A way in which you create content that you hope people will share and talk about and come to your website to convert into a sale
Indirect marketing approach
Similar to press agentry
Trying to get unpaid media coverage
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
Coordination of advertising, marketing, and publicity
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Responsibility not just for profit, but a social responsibility to improve the people and planet in which they operate
The organization uses resources to benefit community, workforce, society, and environment
External public
Target audience
These are the people who have a shared interest in the organization, outside of the organization
Media relations
Trying to manage the relationships that the company has with the press and news media
News values: timely, proximity, conflict drama, human interest
The criteria reporters use to determine what is worthy of being in the news
A topic or problem that is open for public debate
Public relations is a management functions that establishes and creates a mutually beneficial relationship between an organization and its publics on whom its success or failure depends
One of the goals of PR is to communicate with specific groups of people with specific interests
Public relations agencies have clients and work with big and small corporations, businesses, schools, governments, non-profits
Organizations are the clients of public relations
We need to be proactive in disseminating facts, being transparent, telling the truth
In the long term, people will trust us more
Ex: recall of a product
Why do we listen?
To gain feedback, feedback to take to upper management so they can adjust and adapt
PR will be most effective when it works with management
If you are trying to identify your public,
You can’t target everyone
You can learn from that principle
deliberate attempt to make available all legally reasonable information for the purpose of enhancing the reasoning ability of publics
the degree to which one communicates reliably, accurately and true to his or her own character and the character of the organization that he or she represents
Page principles
tell the truth, prove it with action, listen to the customer, manage for tomorrow, the company’s true character is expressed by its people, conduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it, remain calm patient and good humored
4 models of PR
Press agentry
Public information
Two way asymmetrical
Two way symmetrical
If you are working for a public company (where the public can by stock)
The law requires the company to disseminate public information that can affect investor’s decisions to everyone
Recruitment, legitimacy, profit, advocacy, agitation
attracting new volunteers, new members, new hires, new students
gaining popular acceptance
Status conferral- mass media and search
getting people fired up about causes or issues
promoting persons, organizations and nations
sales of products, services, and ideas, or fundraising
Understand the PRSA code of Ethics
Transparent, honest, advocate (Which one is a value in the code of ethics?)
*It is ethical to ADVOCATE
advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, fairness
Remember when you’re trying to get media attention/publicity,
people put on an event
-> putting on an event, but it wasn’t an actual event, the whole goal was to get publicity
Material information
any information that could influence the market value of a company or its products
SEO- search engine optimization
Effort that companies make in marketing and pr to try to get their company to show up in the top searches in google
Study the different types of convergence
Technological convergence - your technical capabilities and media content come together (like social media)
Cultural convergence - we need to be tuned into pop culture and general culture in order to understand and communicate
Economic convergence- one company owns another that owns another, ex: Pepsi owns Pizza Hut
Professional convergence - integration of marketing, pr, advertising
4 P’s of marketing
the purpose of marketing
to drive sales
Good public relations
recognizes similarities and differences with advertising and marketing
How public relations differs from advertising and marketing
its promotion of whole organizations
its communication with all publics
its purpose to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships
Brand journalists
set up newsroom, create content that public wants to learn about
The four C’s of communication
consumer, cost, convenience, communication
the role of consumers is changing (to what a consumer wants and needs)
to satisfy wants and needs should replace price
convenience to buy should replace place
communication should replace promotion
Social media and word of mouth marketing
Advertising is something you can control- paid media
Media talking about it- earned media
Why would advertising measure publicity a bad idea?
Were not just trying to get free publicity
Why would we want to compete with advertising?
If we were going to be in the news, what is the motivation behind it?
Are we trying to build trust people have with our brand? Are we trying to build credibility
Look at the effects that the communication has
Relationship Maintenance strategies
openness, assurances, social networking, sharing tasks
discloses about the nature of the organization and information valuable to its publics
communication that emphasizes the importance of publics in the relationship
Social networking
emphasis on common affiliations between the organization and publics
Sharing tasks
asking for public support or offering support when appropriate
News driven relationships- pitch a story
Commerce driven relationship
business to consumer
business to business
Employee driven relationships
establishing and maintaining trust with the internal publics (employees)
Investor relations
management of relationships between an organization and publics in the financial community, investors, analysts, regulators
Issue driven relationships
driven by where the organization stands on issues that affect human and natural resources
Publics- which of my publics are aware of an issue? Which publics are active? Which are not active? Which are emerging?
When there is an issue starting to arise, emerging publics are those starting to be vocal
Who would start emerging as activists
Exchange relationships
each party gives benefits to the other with the expectation of receiving comparable benefits in return
Communal relationships
each party gives benefits to the other and a primary motivation for each is the other’s benefit
Golden mean- the point between the company’s interest and the public’s interests
manage relationships with donors and volunteers
Media catching
when journalists post queries online inviting public relations people or other experts to respond. Public relations people catch these opportunities rather than pitching story ideas to journalists