The protective layer in the stratosphere
“Ground-level”; photochemical oxidant (sunlight reacts with SO2 and NOs)
Absorbs the sun’s UV Rays, allowing just enough for life on earth
Step 1 of Ozone Formation: O2 + UV-C → O + O
Step 2 of Ozone Formation: O +O2 → O3
Nontoxic, nonflammable, very stable
Contains C, CL, and F
Found in refrigerants, propellants (aerosols), foam, and packing materials
So Cl acts as a catalyst—it aids another reaction but is not getting used up itself
1 Cl atom can break down 100,000 ozone molecules before it bonds with another Cl atom, creating Cl2 and stopping the reaction
UV causes a chlorine atom to break away from the CFC molecule
The free chlorine atom hits an ozone molecule
The chlorine atom pulls one oxygen atom away.
A free oxygen atom hits the chlorine monoxide molecule
The result is another free chlorine atom
Free chlorine will continue to deplete ozone in the stratosphere
Montreal Protocol: Gradually eliminating the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances to limit their damage to the earth’s ozone layer.
Considered to be the most successful environmental global action.
Stop producing ozone-depleting chemicals immediately
It will take at least 60 years to 1980 levels
Agreements with a prevention approach
Montreal protocol: Cut emissions of CFCs
Copenhagen Amendment: Accelerated phase-out of CFCs
Human Health and Structure
Worse sunburns
More eye cataracts and skin cancers
Immune system suppression
Food and Forests
Reduced yields for some crops
Reduced seafood supplies due to smaller phytoplankton populations
Decreased forest productivity for UV-sensitive tree species
More eye cataracts in some species
A shrinking population of aquatic species sensitive to UV radiation
Disruption of aquatic food webs due to shrinking phytoplankton populations
Air Pollution and Climate Change
Increased acid deposition
Increased photochemical smog
Degradation of outdoor painted surfaces, plastics, and building materials
While in the troposphere, CFCs act as greenhouse gases
World’s largest island: Mostly covered by ice glaciers
Glaciers melting at an accelerating rate in summers
Atmospheric warming is a crucial factor
Greenland’s ice loss: Responsible for nearly one-sixth of the global sea-level rise over the past 20 years
Scientific evidence strongly indicates that the earth’s atmosphere is warming at a rate that is likely to lead to significant climate change
Weather: Short-term changes
Climate: Average weather conditions of a particular area over 30 years or more
The greenhouse effect is a natural process
Heat-holding gases absorb heat
CO2, CH4, N2O
Historical changes in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere correlate to changes in global temperatures
Incoming solar radiation: UV and visible light
1/3rd reflected back into space
The remaining light is absorbed by clouds and the planet’s surface
These become warmer, emit infrared radiation
This radiation is either absorbed by the GHGs or emitted into space
More GHGs = more IR absorbed & emitted back to earth
This process should be in equilibrium; short term, inputs might be higher or lower, which causes global warming/cooling (ice ages)
N2 and O2 = 99% of the atmosphere- NOT GHGs
H2O Vapor: Absorbs more IR than anything else, but does not persist
CH4 (methane)
H2O (nitrous oxide)
O3 (ozone)
CFCs (not natural)
Volcanoes: ash reflects incoming radiation, so a cooling effect
Decomposition & Digestion: Dead organic matter is converted into CO2 unless there is not enough O2. If there is not enough O2, it’s converted to CH4 (methane)
Methane sources
Denitrification: How we get N2O or nitrogen cycle
Evaporation and Evapotranspiration: water vapor
Fossil Fuels: CO2, methane, N2O
PM lowers albedo (black soot) causing a cooling effect
Overirrigation: low O2 so methane-like wetlands
Fertilizers: identification so an increase in N2O
Livestock: cattle and sheep create methane
Deforestation: less photosynthesis, more CO2 burning releases PM, methane, N2O as well
Landfills: Methane
Modern chemicals like CFCs: HCFCs (have replaced CFCs) also GHGs
Thermal expansion of ocean water
Disease vectors spreading from the tropics to the poles
Rising sea levels
Population movements
Global climate change
Population dynamics
Excess GHGs in the atmosphere
Melting ice sheets
Global change: Planetary scale changes in Earth systems land, air life, soil, atmosphere, oceans, humans
Global climate Change: changes in temperature, precipitation, wind, storms, currents, etc.
Global warming: Increase in average temp of earth over time
Increasing CO2 concentration
Keeling Cure: First to accurately measure CO2
CO2 levels vary seasonally and increase overall
Why is there a seasonal fluctuation?
Vegetation, most of it is in the northern hemisphere so overall there is a huge decrease in our spring/summer
Why is there a latitudinal difference?
90% of the world’s population is in the northern hemisphere
60% of the world’s land
However, phytoplankton (single-celled algae) produce > 40% of the world’s oxygen
Why does it increase overall?
Increased emissions from fossil fuel combustion
Net destruction of vegetation
Temperature Increases: Global temperatures have increased on average 1.4F, but regionally up to 4F
Changing species compositions
Proxy data: Preserved physical characteristics of the environment that can stand in for direct measurement
Foraminifera: different species prefer different temps; very narrow range
Fossilize well
Sedimentary layers of the ocean floor
Ice cores
Data from 500,000 years
Air bubbles are trapped each year as layers of ice laid down
Ice in warmer temps has more O-18 isotopes (heavy)
For half a million years, CO2 has never been above 300 ppm; last 60 years has risen to >400 ppm
Methane and N2O have also increased
Tree rings
Coral growth rings
Pollen spores
What caused CO2/Temp shifts before humans?
Path of orbit/position relative to the sun
Orbital tilt
Industrialization happens first→ through fossil fuel combustion in stage 2
There is no money or political will to pass progressive environmental laws until phases III or IV
Air/ocean temperatures
Concentrations of CO2, other GHGs
Amount of vegetation/sea ice
Polar ice melting
Sea level rise
Polar bear habitat is lost
Glaciers melting
Lack of water supply
Permafrost melting
Lakes drain deeper into the ground, lose water
Cause erosion with loss of structural support
Organic matter decomposes and releases methane
Ocean acidification: CO2 dissolves in water to form H2CO3 (carbonic acid). Dissolves shells/skeletons of marine organisms (crustaceans, mollusks, coral)
Sea level Rise
Has risen by 9 in (2.2 cm)
By 2100, 7-23 in. more
Total volume increases as land ice melts
Water expands as it gets warmer (thermal expansion)
Effects→flooding of coastal nations and towns, saltwater intrusion into aquifers, increased erosion
100 million people live within 3 ft. of sea level
Ranges have shifted toward both poles
Plants flower earlier, birds, migrate earlier, insects emerge earlier
Coral bleaching: range of temperature tolerance is small
Fragmentation prevents migration
Heat waves
Increased energy demand
Risk of death to poor and elderly
Damage to crops and increased irrigation needs
Cold spells
May have some positive effects
Expands the range of pest species
Precipitation Patterns
Where there’s less, crops require more irrigation
Where there’s more, there is flooding, landslides, erosion
Storm Intensity
Ocean warming causes more hurricanes
Ocean currents
Thermohaline circulation: freshwater dilutes the ocean and stops salt water from sinking near Greenland
Relocation/Climate refugees
Health→ heat waves, infectious diseases
Tourism→ snow, coral reefs
Fewer deaths, crop damage due to cold
New habitats become hospitable to humans
Higher rainfall = recharge aquifers, more crops
Kyoto Protocol: Set goals for global emissions of GHGs to be reduced by 2012
Different amounts required from different countries---US 7%
Developing (China/India) had no limits
The US would not ratify
Reduce emissions: Increase fuel efficiency, renewable energy
Carbon sequestration: return agricultural lands to pasture/forest
Capture CO2 from emissions and pump underground or into the ocean
Brought outside of historical range by humans
does not necessarily have negative impacts
Has a negative impact on the ecosystem
May spread rapidly
Outcompete natives, disrupt food webs
May have been introduced on purpose or accidentally
Lacey Act (1900): (one of the earliest environmental laws) prohibits the transport of illegally harvested plants and animals
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
IUCN Red List: threatened species. In each country, an agency is assigned to monitor the import and export of species on the list. (US Fish & Wildlife)
Illegal trade = $5-20 billion/yr
Excessive predation
Loss of habitat through natural means
Impediments to mating
Natural disaster
Being outcompeted by other similar species
Habitat Destruction
Invasive Species
Climate Change
Selective Pressures: Any factors that change the behaviors and fitness of organisms within an environment
“Selective” = Natural selection = leads to evolution
Not all species are equally impacted by selective pressures and ecosystem changes
Criminalizing poaching
Protecting animal habitats
Factors influencing ecosystem conserve nation plans
Size, shape, connectedness
Theory of island biogeography
Metapopulations: Spatially separated pops of the same species, interact and interbreed
SLOSS (Single Large or Several Small)
Edge habitat
Biosphere reserves: contain zones that vary in the allowed amount of impact. The central core, buffer zone, transition area
Single species legislation
More traditional option
Become experts on important species
Focus $/resources/efforts
Indicator: Quickly reflected changes in ecosystems functioning
Keystone: Has a disproportionate, far-reaching impact on species in its ecosystem
Flagship/Charismatic: Popular with humans due to their '“cuteness”, large size, and/or high intelligence. Serves to raise concern and awareness
Umbrella: The conservation and protection of these species indirectly affect the conservation and protection of other species within their ecosystem
Protecting HABITAT instead allows the ecosystem to be more flexible/natural
Protects species/relationships we’re not even aware of
Focus $/efforts on “hot spots” of biodiversity (rainforests, coral reefs)
Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972): Prohibits killing any marine mammals in the US and any import/export of MM body parts
Endangered Species Act (1973): Authorizes the USFWS to determine which species can be listed as threatened or endangered. Prohibits their harm as well as the trade of fur/other body parts
Endangered: Danger of extinction within the foreseeable future
Threatened: Likely to become endangered in foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range
Goods and services
Genetic info
Right to exist regardless of practical use to humans
E.O Wilson
Biophilia: inherent genetic kinship with the natural world
Population growth, resource consumption, and climate change continue to increase
The actual number of species is unknown
Very expensive and difficult to accurately categorize all extant species
New species are being discovered all the time
Rates are even higher in the centers of highest biodiversity--a hotspot
Terrestrial- rainforests
Marine- coral reefs
Potential habitats for new species are increasingly degraded and fragmented→speciation crisis
Changes in temp and precipitation outside of species’ range of tolerance
The sea level rising is destroying polar and coastal habitats