Final Exam Material
Religion of Abraham
Holy Book of Judaism
Rabbinic Literature
Writing of the teacher( RABYES)
and the priests
Rabyes are more important and priests aren’t as important
Types of Literatures of Rabbinic
Josephus- “Romanized” Jewish Author A.D 1st century
Comes from the priestly class
Jewish rebellion(fought by the Romans, captured by the Romans)
Became the Jewish emperor.
Hebrews: comes from the tribe of Abraham was from
Habiru- Abraham
City UR- Mesopotamia city of states:; he left UR
In search of a green pastor
El Shaddai: God Abraham worshipped( he of the MOUNTAIN)
Jacob: grandson of Abraham
He goes up to a mountain to talk with God. I have a new main.”
Wrestles with a divine force. ( I am Israel, you become Israelites)
There is a promised land.
Wandering continues
Yahweh: the one; instead of yastinh
Ten commandments:
Monotheism: can’t way they were all monotheistic
Paganism: live in the country, not sophisticated
Welcomed Abraham another god
It becomes a region and a southern region (kingdom of Judah) and the Kingdom of Israel becomes a northern region)
Egyptian text: weren’t there originally, became the Philistines
many people living in the region
Temple gets destroyed(warfare)- Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in 6th CBC
Jews: people of nebuchadnezzar faith)
One temple: the temple was rebuilt.
Diaspora: forced migration
Temple rebuilt second temple
Destroyed by the Romans (will not be rebuilt)
Josephus’ Judaism: (similarities Jews, Christians)
There are many different ways that you practice Judaism.
Sadducees: strict literal interpretation of written laws
It’s impossible( no camel to the eye of the needle”
Find a holy book, you will always have that division( different ways of believing it)
Story with a moral
Flexible interpretation of written and oral laws
Ascetic communities
One branch did not marry ; they believed in cavalcade( cellivicacy
Shared material possessions by the community
Zeal ace: particular, passionate
NO King but GOD
The king shouldn’t be a part of the kingdom ( some people did)
Believe there shouldn’t be a Jewish king
Believe a strict interpretation of the Torah -when the decision was made, Jerusalem gods chosen site for the temple,
Mt Gerizim not Jerusalem is the chosen location of the temple; gods chosen location for the temple
Jerusalem and mt Gerizim- both chosen location of the temple
Reject Rabbinic Literature
How can you worship without a temple?
Literature highlights how you can be a jew without the temple
Still have priests
Christianity ( a lot of connections between religions)
Followers of Christ identified as Jews
Roman and Legal historical texts
Church councils – first church councils created by Constantine, comes full of churches, stacked by the Christian barbarians
Church Literature: by church officials
Historians: Eusebius: History of the Church; first ___
Bishop: Eusebius history of the Church
Persecution by the Romans
Exception rather than the norm to persecute Christians
Nero: fire burned 1/3 city of Rome
Nero blamed ____ for the fire
Trajan: coast of modern day turkey
Pliny has trouble with Christians, governor of plinia
In charge of keeping the peace
Gotta keep the gods happy, governor abides this rule
Put in jails: many people come to Pliny, “ Many are Christians go put them in jail” accusing them they were Christians to manipulate them
Trajan: don’t do this
If some is accused they are the Christian you don’t automatically put in jail, evaluate it and if they aren’t the person who accused get charged. Persecuted because they weren’t sacrificed
Decius Persecution: Empire Wide
Wanted everyone to sacrifice to the major gods and goddesses of Roman religion
Wants the god on his side
“Take a bite of the burger” get a certificate that you sacrificed
He was only an emperor for only a year and got Killed fighting the next emperor
Kept issuing laws that got harsher against the Christians
Christian Rome
Constantine- adopt Christianity as his main religion
Official governor support(churches, preferential treatment, bishop( wealthy Christians) polytheistic, used their wealth, the members of communities, go them to settle disputes
Edict of Milan
Stopped persecution of Christians
Will be tolerated
Council of Nicea
Nature of Jesus state support for Christianity
Last emperor to claim he is a ___
Theodosius I
Nicene Christianity is the state religion
What was created under the Council of Nicaea
Persecution of heretics
The Great Christoloigical Debate
- Chrisitan was completely human ( the idea that )
Christ nature was similar to that of gods but the same. His divinity was less then gods divinity.
Similar but not the same
Christ is both a human and a divine nature
Christ Separate human and divine culture
Souls go to the Olympus and one goes to the human life
Jesus was god in human form
Chrisitan Neo Platonism
Everyone’s soul is a part of a god
Form of Christian that everyone’s soul is a part of god
Muhammad – the last prophet, last correction the relgion
Allah- the one
Developed on the Arabian Peninsula
Koran: Holy Book( Qur’an)
It means recitation( saying it was important)
Speaking of the “spell”
Muhammad Abraham and Jesus didn't write them
Uthman ibin Affan – written the Koran?
Sahabah – companions of Muhammad, inner council, who were with them on a daily basis
Sunnah ( practice) Hadith ( account) words deeds approvals of Muhammad.
Ibn Ishaq
Life the messenger of god (wrote the religious book related to Muhammad )
People of the Arabian peninsula: many participated in the trade
Sheikh – led chief , tribal leader, military leader combined
Used stone to represent their gods
God Blocks: shrines to the gods
Mecca: where Muhammad was from , city of trade
Biggest important city of the Arabian peninsula
Cosmopolitan city
Ka’aba: place; shrine over shrine blocks, if you are on business, go and worship your god, 300 stones there, *
Quraysh- Muhammad was belong to the tribe
The tribe that was dominated in Mecca
Visited by Greek age – Gabriel- finds that they aren’t just one god( check this)
Caliph: leader in political and religious sense
Mecca- important in arabia peninsula
Higira( turning point)
AD 630 conquest of mecca
AD 632- death of Muhammad
Religious Concepts
Sin- live a life that is not proper
Heaven and hell
After life- good or bad afterlife
Monotheism- huge change for the arabian peninsula
Geography and climate of the Arabian peninsula ( heaven and hell)
Five Pillars
Prayer : city of Mecca, praying
Charity : not present in polytheistic world.
Fasting: purify the body, focus on their spiritual well-being,
Pilgrimage :
Acceptance of Allah and Muhammad
Some Islams
Sunni- leader chosen by the community
Shi’a- only descendants of Muhammad ;
Huge argument to deem him as king of Shi’a
-Ibadi=not in a particular faith, you are considered an unbeliever,
Hell is forever
Quranic- only follow the Quran :
Mathematics (concept of zero and empty set)
Preservation and commentaries of Greek Texts
School was very important
Many Greek texts were missing because of the all the__
West reconnected with Muslims with the east, then the Greek texts were rediscovered
Because of the build-up of trade networks, there is no middle class at the beginning
People who are either really poor( very big) really rich ( very little)
Type of government where political power is held locally by private individuals.
Personal dependence
One person pledges to serve another in exchange for some reward.
Feudalism foundations
Personal dependence
One person pledges to serve another in exchange for some reward
Land Tenancy
The land owner allows another use of the land in exchange for the service and payment
Modern day: landlord and paying rent each month
The Feudal System
Monarch: controls the land ( K)
Vassals: noble who wants to use the land( wealth), lords of the manor: plantation big farm
Fief: whatever the land is involved
Vikings: controlled a huge slave trade( England)
Fiefdoms: further shows feudalism
Feudal contract
Depends on the reactions( they can be both
Think of landlord
Who controls the land
Rents the land
Commendation: formal ceremony or the act of swearing allegiance to a superior in return for protection
Homage: think of signing a contract today – swearing an oath of loyalty and performing certain obligations
Fealty: another word for loyalty
Ring or Piece of Earth
Either is exchanging
Shows the vassal has control over the land that was given
The deal is sealed the land has been formally turned over
Obligations of the Lord
Protect the vassal ( return the land to me, I have vassals, thieves, and killing farmwork, basically helps them)
Provide justice aka court system.
Obligations of the Vassal
Loyalty and good conduct to the lord
Military service(40 days of the year)- basically you are responsible for sending troops
Advise and counsel the lord
Monetary Aid
Pay cash
Knighting of the lord’s eldest son; contributed money
Marriage of the lord’s eldest daughter; contribute to the dowry; married land or something that went with her
Hospitality: most hated obligation
When the lord visits the vassal pays expenses of feeding entertaining and housing the lord (and his entourage) you travel and you have the vassal to pay for it; if you are on the bottom tier, you don’t get much and its challenging
Feudal Incident
Originally obligations and priivledges associated with the lord ownership of the land
Responsible for maintaining the property
The vassal’s heir paid the relief*
If you die, the family pays the relief: inherence tax NOBLE- death tax or inheritance tax between the nobles
Wardship over the Vassals children: as the lord in the agreement, yo get o decide what education, career help( church, and education government control how powerful the family can become
Infidelity- faithful, breaking the contract
Example, you take soldiers late, not paying rent on time
Forfeiture: giving up the land
Subinfeudation subleasing the land to a lesser vassal
Nobility: loyalty and bravery
Chivalry: how men treat women
How nobles treat other nobles
Let the more important people go by
Lower Classes:
Manor (manorialism)
Self-sufficient economic unit, never have to leave, its dangerous
Workers on the manor, poor
Lives are often serfdom”, POOR
Obligations of Serfs
Work of the lord’s land
Labor has required the serf on the lord’s field
Tax of a percentage of crops from the Serf’s fields
3. To use the crops
4. Banalities: tax to use the lord’s equipment
Heriot Death Tax : continue to belong on the manor you have to pay of a tax to keep your membership of the manor
Judicial taxes
Provide justice for the lords
Traveling judges that stop by the manor to court to settle disagreements.
A tenth income to the church
Church official where manors
Final Exam Lecture 5/14/24
Medieval Cities
Trade fairs were important for economic change
Near several traders come to the trade fair
Traveling trade fairs, and stayed there
Towers were the expression of city’s power and importance
Needed workers; then offered them a higher deal and they will migrate for a better life
Built towers that you are prosperous, and your house is powerful and for protection
Fortification walls build high on ground
High ground is easier to defend
Most people did not live in cities
Decline in violence in this time, led to trade increases
Increase in number of cities was most important as it got us off the bridge
Demographic change as people left the manors for cities
Significant l changes sometimes led to better working conditions and a better life
Linguistic Divide
Education: privately or done by the church (catholic church) >>> change
Had to read and write (the language of the empire, the government, and educated people) LATIN
Wanted them to be good at their job
Vernacular Language the commonpeople spoke
Most popular was literature about the church ( about the officials )
Medieval College
had master's degree(took 6 years)
Had Doctor’s Degree (theology, law, medicine, and took 13 years beyond masters)
Their Knowledge of College of Theology to their Master’s Degree
Commenting on texts ( take the text and
scholarship dessect their arguments ( missing, what aregood the bad)
Lectio: where we get lecture from, where the teacher talks to you
Sorbonne in Paris- still functions today
Medieval Philosophy
Tied to theology
Whether the human mind would grasp religious truth”
Can we understand how God wants us to live?
Disagreed wit their _____________________
Peter Abelard- belonged to a medieval scholars that believed that you use logic or reasoning( critical approach) to take a critical approach to theology
Aristotle( abelard was influenced by Peter)
Group of scholars who appplied logic and reasont otunderstand the idea of religous truth
If you ___ you never understand it if god will revealed reliigous truth to them
Mystical Illumination: you could be a dirt farmer if god wanted you for that understanding
Summa Theologiae –34 volumes
Logic has to be Controlled disciplined channeled revealed
Outlined the sides the scholastic it had good ____________
It's up to god
Medieval Literature
Becomes more “historical” - brecause the history is not as accruate
Biography_ of church officials, also secular rulers and mayors
Vernacular Literature
Begins to written in the vernacular literature
Medieval Epic- super long poem
Becomes localized, they each have their own literature
- English : Beowwulf
Scandinavia: Eddas
Charlemagne the time rule of rome and now the rule ofgermanty
France Song of Roland – SPain: roland is thecommander of the roman troops, does something to the soaniads and becomes a very admired person
Lyric Poetry –SONGS
Troubadours : wandering musician who specialized in music ,and travel, was a spy, who rich are these people?
Love songs becomes very popular
Medieval romance: all about adventure
Historicla people who are being created very made up
EX: alexander the great going to africa
Dante Alighieri
Divine comedy
Gets us to the end of the bridge
Hell and purgatory and heaven
Two world s one in the rennissance
Located in Florence Italy
About the journey to the underworld
Example of the blended of these: sees a lot of people from Dante's time and sees popes
Religious centered like the roman world ( HE RELATES A LOT ABOUT THE CONTRAST WITH ROME)
Based on a roman basilica form
Large rectangular hall
Semicircular aspse one end
Great stone arches on the exterior
Example: how people in medieval world took the roman basscica and adapted it to their own kind of style
Church de Foy – France
Orginiated in Ffrance
Emphasized on light and height
- light to let light out the windoes and openings, it looks light and it doesn't look heavy
So high that it doesn’t look super heavy
Ex. Notre Dame
And main one is Chartres
Lots of stain glass windows and decorated stonework
Pointed arch
Similarities of Aztec Inca and Maya
Left us the most things to study
Warrior Cultures: warfare was common and practices on a large scale all ruled vast territories by conquering and enslaving their neighbors
Human Sacrifice (very important): they were buried with servants
After life- the person becomes the servant
Happened on a major scale
Keep reviving their life force by conquering their neighbors acquire their people for sacrifice
Class Structure
King ( occasionally queens)
Nobles ( Elites)
Immense pyramid like temples for the purpose for human sacrifice
Blood would run down to the temple and enviring the earth
Differences in the Aztec Inca and Maya
Maya has no contact european cultures
Obtaining human sacrifice ( greek city states) - Maya only ruled the city within the city states
Collaspsed hundreds of years before european cultures
Mostly comes from post European contact
Can be in latin Spanish and Nahuatl ( local language ) of pictorial texts
Histories list of maps
Pictorial Texts were colorful
Called as the Mexica: where we get mexico
Migrated to mexico from their legendary land of the origin Aztlan ( somewhere north of mexico)
Fought several wars ( were very strong and powerful) with earlier inhabitants in the region
Established their capital city of Tenochtitlan on island in a lake
Only have to defend that one roadway , the lake acted the fortification laws*
Quickly conquered the people, but many hated aztec rule and resisted imperialism
Tlaxcalans, Teolititlan, Yopitzingo, and Mitztec
These people assisted the Spanish( more in ppt)
Pyramid like structures that were built by the Aztecs*
Aztec elites used a lot of feathers to label them as “Elite” used headdresses ( like the other elites had silk)
Incan civilization
Incan conquered _
Tawantinsuyu center of four quarters ( four quarters means the world, chosen people to rule the world)
Labor taxation instead of tribute -
Mita: forced labor, work on huge porjects, architecture
Mitimaqs: Incas refers to entire communities conquered people who were relocated and taken away to work on the inca and less likely to rebel
Quipu: ropes with knots used certainly for accounting purposes and probably as a form of communication, be able to read it was lost ( couldn’t read it)
The sun was the most important city
Sapa Inca: Incan emperor who the son of the sun married his sister(think Egypt)
Machu Picchu- function was unknown because of their location
Mayan Civilization
Archaeological remains
Codices( like the ones of the Aztec)
Dresden codex is important example
Sources: came over with conquistadors and took down their history and story
Bishop Diego de Landa:
Mayan glyphs
Symbols of high pictographic and phonetic (was a written language) that represent sounds and can be phonetically speak the language
Maya didn‘t create an empire like aztec and inca and human sacrifice was mainly practiced
People of Crow Creek- Lived in small groups and villages which was on crow creek of south Dakota
Eventually they dig the massive ditch for the resistance of their village
Crow Creek Massacre
Only 800-900 people were found
They were buried in the deep ditch
90% of people were scalped( barely cut skin and pull it off, and hang it from spear, symbolize the bravery to get super close to that warrior
Many survived the scalping and had additional wounds , the scalped wounds were healed
The suffered long term malnutrition
Bodies were exposed before they were placed on the ditch
They buried them in the ditch with a layer of clay on top to stop scavenging the animals
Cross Creek was not inhabited