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Act i vocab quiz 3

Latina IV/V – Menaechmi Vocabulary List

(Act I: Lines 152-185)


rogus, rogī (m2) funeral pyre

oculus, oculī (m2) eye

solum, solī (n2) bottom, sole of foot

verbum, verbī (n2) word

agitator, agitatoris (m3) charioteer

prandium, prandiī (m2) lunch

meretrix, meretricis (f3) courtesan, prostitute

stella, stellae (f1) star

corpus, corporis (n3) body

sol, solis (m3) sun

candor, candoris (m3) splendor, beauty


habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus (2) to have, hold

comburō, comburere, combussī, to burn

combustus (3)

moror, morārī, moratus (1 dep.) to delay

concedō, concedere, concessī, to retire, withdraw

concessus (3)

opinor, opinārī, opinatus (1 dep.) to suppose, believe, think

oleō, olēre, oluī ---- (2) to emit a smell

fastidiō, fastidīre, fastidiī, fastiditus (4) to feel disgust or loathing,

to shrink back from

feriō, ferīre, ---, --- (4) to knock, strike


clam secretly

igitur therefore 

licet it is permitted

ecquid perchance

oportet it is necessary

muliebris, muliebre (3) womanly

placidē softly, gently

Act i vocab quiz 3

Latina IV/V – Menaechmi Vocabulary List

(Act I: Lines 152-185)


rogus, rogī (m2) funeral pyre

oculus, oculī (m2) eye

solum, solī (n2) bottom, sole of foot

verbum, verbī (n2) word

agitator, agitatoris (m3) charioteer

prandium, prandiī (m2) lunch

meretrix, meretricis (f3) courtesan, prostitute

stella, stellae (f1) star

corpus, corporis (n3) body

sol, solis (m3) sun

candor, candoris (m3) splendor, beauty


habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus (2) to have, hold

comburō, comburere, combussī, to burn

combustus (3)

moror, morārī, moratus (1 dep.) to delay

concedō, concedere, concessī, to retire, withdraw

concessus (3)

opinor, opinārī, opinatus (1 dep.) to suppose, believe, think

oleō, olēre, oluī ---- (2) to emit a smell

fastidiō, fastidīre, fastidiī, fastiditus (4) to feel disgust or loathing,

to shrink back from

feriō, ferīre, ---, --- (4) to knock, strike


clam secretly

igitur therefore 

licet it is permitted

ecquid perchance

oportet it is necessary

muliebris, muliebre (3) womanly

placidē softly, gently