1. Abeyance: a state of temporary suspension; postponement
- The project was held in abeyance until the board approved the budget.
2. Abdicate: to renounce; resign; relinquish
- The king decided to abdicate the throne in favor of his son.
3. Aesthetic: a set of principles guiding an artistic movement; concerned with beauty; artistic; tasteful
- The new building has a modern aesthetic with its clean lines and minimalist design.
4. Ambiguous: unclear; open to interpretation; having a double meaning
- The ambiguous phrase puzzled the readers, leaving them to wonder about the author's intent.
5. Ambivalent: having mixed feelings; uncertain; indecisive
- She was ambivalent about the job offer and needed more time to make a decision.
6. Amicable: friendly; likable
- Despite their differences, the two leaders maintained an amicable relationship.
7. Anachronistic: outdated; belonging to an earlier period; antiquated
- The young tech entrepreneur's style was anachronistic, favoring vintage clothing from the 1920s.
8. Apathetic: uninterested; unconcerned; indifferent
- Voter turnout was low due to the apathetic attitude of the electorate.
9. Autonomous: self-governing; independent
- The autonomous region has its own government and operates independently from the central authority.
10. Benevolent: kind; caring; benign
- The benevolent donor contributed a large sum to the children's hospital.
11. Benign: kind; friendly; benevolent
- The doctor assured her that the tumor was benign and not a cause for concern.
12. Blithe: indifferent; unconcerned; careless
- His blithe disregard for the rules landed him in trouble.
13. Callow: inexperienced; immature; naive
- The callow intern made several mistakes but was eager to learn.
14. Capricious: unpredictable; volatile
- The capricious weather made it difficult to plan outdoor activities.
15. Contentious: controversial; heated
- The debate became contentious as both sides refused to compromise.
16. Cumbersome: awkward; unmanageable; difficult to carry
- The cumbersome package was too heavy for one person to lift.
17. Digress: to deviate or go off subject
- During the lecture, the professor would often digress onto unrelated topics.
18. Divergent: differing; varying; unalike
- Their divergent opinions on the issue led to a lively discussion.
19. Dogmatic: opinionated; unyielding; offering opinions and principles as truths
- His dogmatic approach to management caused conflicts within the team.
20. Eminent: respected and famous
- The eminent scientist was awarded a Nobel Prize for her groundbreaking research.
21. Empathy: the ability to understand the feelings of others
- A good counselor shows empathy towards their clients' problems.
22. Ephemeral: fleeting; brief
- The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, lasting only a moment before night fell.
23. Esoteric: specialized; obscure; intended for a small audience
- The esoteric subject was only understood by a handful of experts in the field.
24. Evanescent: quickly disappearing; temporary; ephemeral
- The evanescent mist vanished as the morning sun rose.
25. Frugal: cheap; thrifty; economical
- Her frugal lifestyle allowed her to save a significant amount of money.
26. Garrulous: talkative; verbose; chatty
- The garrulous host kept the conversation lively throughout the evening.
27. Haughty: arrogant; snobbish; conceited
- His haughty demeanor made it difficult for others to approach him.
28. Hedonistic: pleasure-seeking; self-indulgent
- The hedonistic lifestyle of the rich and famous was depicted in the magazine.
29. Ignominious: deserving shame; embarrassing; humiliating
- The politician's ignominious exit from office shocked his supporters.
30. Impecunious: poor; indigent; destitute
- The impecunious artist struggled to afford his rent.
31. Impetuous: impulsive; rash; careless
- Her impetuous decision to quit her job left her without a plan.
32. Impudent: disrespectful; impertinent; insolent
- The impudent child was scolded for talking back to the teacher.
33. Indifferent: unconcerned; uninterested; nonchalant
- He remained indifferent to the criticism and continued with his work.
34. Intrepid: fearless; adventurous; daring
- The intrepid explorer ventured into uncharted territories.
35. Intrinsic: inherent; essential; inborn
- Curiosity is an intrinsic part of human nature.
36. Magnanimous: generous; forgiving; charitable
- The magnanimous gesture of the CEO was praised by the community.
37. Meticulous: extremely careful; precise; thorough
- Her meticulous attention to detail ensured the success of the event.
38. Mundane: ordinary; commonplace; banal
- He found his mundane office job unfulfilling and longed for excitement.
39. Nonchalant: coolly unconcerned; indifferent; casual
- She gave a nonchalant shrug when asked about her test results.
40. Novice: a beginner; someone new to a field or activity
- As a novice in martial arts, he was eager to learn and improve.
41. Obsolete: out-of-date; no longer in use
- With the advent of digital cameras, film rolls became obsolete.
42. Ostentatious: showy; pretentious; displaying wealth or knowledge
- The ostentatious display of luxury cars was meant to impress the guests.
43. Paradox: a statement that seems contradictory but may be true
- The paradox of her situation was that she had too many choices and yet none at all.
44. Parched: dried out; thirsty
- After the long hike, they were parched and desperate for water.
45. Perfidious: deceitful; untrustworthy
- The perfidious advisor betrayed the trust of everyone in the kingdom.
46. Pragmatic: practical; dealing with things sensibly and realistically
- His pragmatic approach to problem-solving made him an effective leader.
47. Precocious: exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age
- The precocious child was reading novels well above her grade level.
48. Prosaic: dull; lacking in imagination; commonplace
- The prosaic nature of the task made it unappealing to creative individuals.
49. Querulous: complaining; grumbling; showing discontent
- The querulous passenger made the flight unpleasant for those around him.
50. Rancorous: bitter; hateful
- The rancorous debate left the participants feeling angry and resentful.