Untitled Flashcards Set

From the founding of Rome in about 753 BCE until 509 BCE, Rome was a monarchy, ruled by kings.  In 509 (or so), the Romans expelled their Etruscan kings and established the Roman Republic.  Having witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and oligarchy and democracy among the Greeks, the Romans opted for a government constructed from all three.

 Executive Branch:  Consuls

Two consuls carried on the functions of the former kings, holding supreme civil and military authority in Republican Rome.  The office of consul lasted for only one year. There were two consuls so that one of the consuls did not take too much power.  One consul was a patrician, the other a plebeian.  In emergencies such as times of war a single dictator could be appointed for a six-month term.  Other powers of the Consuls included the power to veto, leading the army, representing Rome in foreign affairs, and ruling over the Assembly.

Legislative Branch:  Senate & Assembly

Senate (senatus=council of elders, related to the word ‘senior’), was the advisory branch of the Roman government, early on composed of about 300 patricians who served for life.  They were chosen by the kings, at first, then by the consuls.  

The Assembly of Centuries, which was composed of all members of the army, elected consuls annually.  The Assembly of Tribes composed of all plebeians, approved or rejected laws and decided issues of war and peace.

Judicial Branch: The Courts & 12 Tables

After the Conflict of Orders, plebeians demanded laws be inscribed on 12 tablets, known as the 12 Tables.  These ensured ALL citizens had equal social, economic and property rights.  The Courts of ancient Rome were made up of 8 judges who served a one year term.
