Parts that make up an Cell

  • The cell is made up of protoplasm

  • The cell membrane is double walled with selective permeability, allowing water and other materials in and out of the cell.

  • The protoplasm inside the cell is cytoplasm compromised mainly of water and structures called organelles

  • The control of the cell is nucleus; it contains the genetic material DNA.

  • The nuclear membrane is a double walled structure with pores that allow materials in and out of the nucleoplasm.

  • Nucleoplasm is the protoplasm inside the nucleus containing DNA and ribosomes.

  • The DNA and ribosomes are arranges in a loose and diffuse state called chromatin.

  • The mitochondria is the site where glucose is covered to ATP, which the cells us for energy.

  • Lysosomes digest stored food, build and repair cellular components and destroy weakened cell components.

  • The endoplasmic reticulum or ER, is the transport system for the cell that brings material from the cell membrane to the nuclear membrane.

  • Two types of ER includes smooth and rough which has ribosomes.

  • Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis.

  • Compounds secreted by the cells are stored and concentrated in the Golgi Apparatus.

  • Centrioles form spindle fibers during cell division to guide the duplicated chromosomes to the newly formed cells.
