Understanding the historical context is essential to analyze the emergence of various academic disciplines.
Question 1: Identify the systematic study of human society.
A. Humanities
B. Social Science
C. Natural Science
Question 2: Identify academic disciplines studying human culture using analytical and critical methods.
A. Humanities
B. Social Science
C. Natural Science
Question 3: Identify disciplines that describe, predict, and understand natural phenomena based on empirical evidence.
A. Humanities
B. Social Science
C. Natural Science
Question 4-5: List at least two branches for the following:
Social Science
Natural Science
Objective: Connect disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
Learning Competency: Trace the historical foundations and social contexts leading to the development of each discipline (HUMSS_DIS 11-IIId-4).
Herodotus (484 B.C - 425 B.C): Father of History
Aristotle (384-322 B.C): Political Scientist
Edward Burnett Taylor (1832-1917): Proponent of Sociocultural Evolution
Auguste Comte (1798-1857): Philosopher and Founder of Sociology
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920): German Psychologist and Father of Modern Psychology
Eratosthenes (276 B.C - 194 B.C): Greek Geographer
Adam Smith (1723-1790): Founding Father of Economics
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913): Swiss Linguist
Background: First chair in anthropology at Oxford in 1896; coined “culture.”
Historical roots stem from the study of natural history and contact with new civilizations.
Background: Systematic collection of historical narratives; authored "Histories" discussing ancient traditions.
Development through Medieval and Renaissance perspectives.
Background: Founder of classical economics; wrote "Wealth of Nations."
Evolved as a distinct discipline through economic changes and moral considerations.
Background: Established geographical principles; calculated Earth's circumference accurately.
Ancient Greeks made significant contributions to geographic understanding.
Background: Advocated for structuralism in linguistics; published foundational texts on language.
Early linguistic studies date back to Babylon and the Vedic texts in India.
Background: Laid the groundwork for governance; authored "The Politics."
Development traced back to ancient governance systems.
Background: Opened the first psychology laboratory; developed methodologies for studying consciousness.
Roots in Greek philosophy and natural sciences.
Background: Coined the term sociology; focused on applying scientific methods to social life.
Developed during the intellectual, scientific, and industrial revolutions of the 19th century.
Group Activities:
Group 1: Anthropology & History (News Reporting)
Group 2: Economics & Geography (Vlogging)
Group 3: Linguistics & Political Science (Talk Show)
Group 4: Psychology (Talk Show)
Group 5: Sociology & Demography (News Reporting or Vlogging)
Understanding of Topic/Relevance: 20%
Presentation: 20%
Cooperation: 10%
Overall Performance: 50%
Anthropology: Emergence linked to exploration and cultural understanding.
History: Evolved from religious perspectives to objective analyses.
Economics: Transition from moral obligations of commerce to formal theories.
Geography: Curiosity about exploration shaped by ancient Greek contributions.
Linguistics: Roots in philosophical inquiries and ancient texts.
Political Science: Grounded in governance and law from ancient Greece.
Psychology: Influence of philosophy and natural sciences in development.
Sociology: Arises from intellectual and social upheavals of the 19th century.
Quiz Next Meeting: Focus on foundational topics including disciplines and their historical backgrounds.