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Lady Macbeth


  • Her marginalisation (how she is treated in society) has led to her subsequent persuasion to get her husband to commit regicide

  • She gets Macbeth to do it as the only power she has in a patriarchal society is through the man she marries

  • Protest against her own lack of power

Act 5, Scene 5

  • Her death announced - she dies off stage

  • This is a way to punish her for rejecting her gender and asking the supernatural to ‘unsex me here’, and for emasculating Macbeth

  • Shakespeare points out her proper, subservient (obeys others) position in society as a woman

  • The fact that it happened off stage shows what can happen to women in a patriarchal society


  • Married a woman who was older than him and was his equal

King James

  • Was sexist

  • Shakespeare tried to not challenge him too much to avoid irritation


Lady Macbeth


  • Her marginalisation (how she is treated in society) has led to her subsequent persuasion to get her husband to commit regicide

  • She gets Macbeth to do it as the only power she has in a patriarchal society is through the man she marries

  • Protest against her own lack of power

Act 5, Scene 5

  • Her death announced - she dies off stage

  • This is a way to punish her for rejecting her gender and asking the supernatural to ‘unsex me here’, and for emasculating Macbeth

  • Shakespeare points out her proper, subservient (obeys others) position in society as a woman

  • The fact that it happened off stage shows what can happen to women in a patriarchal society


  • Married a woman who was older than him and was his equal

King James

  • Was sexist

  • Shakespeare tried to not challenge him too much to avoid irritation