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1.1 Introduction to Psychology-Notes&Flashcards

Pre-scientific psychology

?How are ideas formed?

  • Hebrews, Aristotle, and Augustine believed mind and body are connected
    - Aristotle and John Locke say that minds are a “blank slate” and we are completely impersonal by the world.

  • Socrates, Pluto, and desecrates believed mind and body are distinct

-Socrates and Plateau say ideas are inborn, we innately have ideas

Dorothea Dix

  • The first advocate for those suffering with mental illness

  • Insisting they get help and not torture.

  • Created the first mental asylum during Civil War because people with mental illness were classified as crazy


  • William Wundt (father psychology)

  • -established the first Laboratory in Germany in 1879

  • The goal of Wundt and structuralism was to study how the mind was organized and related to one another, and to study consciousness. He used introspection: mindset


  • William James (first American psychologist)

    • He was interested in how consciousness help people adapt to their environment.
      -He thought Wundt’s theories were incorrect.
      -He wanted to look at thought through questions not just self-reported thinking.

Gestalt psychology

  • was founded to revolt against against Wundt’s ideas

  • Max wertheimer is the founder of Gestalt psychology
    -he believed conciousness was best understood by looking at the whole experience, rather than just looking at the parts.

"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”

Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic)

  • Sigmund Freud- first psychoanalysis/first to focus on abnormal behavior.

  • He believed that behavior and mental processes were directed by unconscious forces.
    -Problems arise from unsolved conflict and the unconscious mind.

  • He used free association and dream analysis to look into the unconscious mind.

  • His ideas still are controversial and yet to have had a great influence on psychology.


  • Very popular from the 1920’s to 1960’s.

  • The theories of behaviorism disagreed with others in the psychology field

  • Believed that psychology should only study what could be observed/measured (J. B. Watson)
    -insisted that's solely external factors shape behaviors.( B. F. Skinner)

  • thoughts and hidden parts of the mind aren't relevant because we are a "Blank Slate" in their opinion

Contemporary Psychology

Psychology today-the scientific study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (enter thoughts). controversy over nature (DNA) v. S. Nature (how we were raised).


1.1 Introduction to Psychology-Notes&Flashcards

Pre-scientific psychology

?How are ideas formed?

  • Hebrews, Aristotle, and Augustine believed mind and body are connected
    - Aristotle and John Locke say that minds are a “blank slate” and we are completely impersonal by the world.

  • Socrates, Pluto, and desecrates believed mind and body are distinct

-Socrates and Plateau say ideas are inborn, we innately have ideas

Dorothea Dix

  • The first advocate for those suffering with mental illness

  • Insisting they get help and not torture.

  • Created the first mental asylum during Civil War because people with mental illness were classified as crazy


  • William Wundt (father psychology)

  • -established the first Laboratory in Germany in 1879

  • The goal of Wundt and structuralism was to study how the mind was organized and related to one another, and to study consciousness. He used introspection: mindset


  • William James (first American psychologist)

    • He was interested in how consciousness help people adapt to their environment.
      -He thought Wundt’s theories were incorrect.
      -He wanted to look at thought through questions not just self-reported thinking.

Gestalt psychology

  • was founded to revolt against against Wundt’s ideas

  • Max wertheimer is the founder of Gestalt psychology
    -he believed conciousness was best understood by looking at the whole experience, rather than just looking at the parts.

"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”

Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic)

  • Sigmund Freud- first psychoanalysis/first to focus on abnormal behavior.

  • He believed that behavior and mental processes were directed by unconscious forces.
    -Problems arise from unsolved conflict and the unconscious mind.

  • He used free association and dream analysis to look into the unconscious mind.

  • His ideas still are controversial and yet to have had a great influence on psychology.


  • Very popular from the 1920’s to 1960’s.

  • The theories of behaviorism disagreed with others in the psychology field

  • Believed that psychology should only study what could be observed/measured (J. B. Watson)
    -insisted that's solely external factors shape behaviors.( B. F. Skinner)

  • thoughts and hidden parts of the mind aren't relevant because we are a "Blank Slate" in their opinion

Contemporary Psychology

Psychology today-the scientific study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (enter thoughts). controversy over nature (DNA) v. S. Nature (how we were raised).