Key Functions of Skin: Understand the multiple roles skin plays in animal physiology.
Temperature Regulation: Discuss mechanisms of thermoregulation in domestic animals.
Thermo-Neutral Zone: Comprehend the thermal neutrality zone and its effect on animal welfare and production.
Vitamin D Formation: Outline how vitamin D is synthesized in the skin and identify species prone to deficiency.
Provides waterproofing and mechanical protection.
Contains fur follicles along with muscles, veins, arteries, and thermoreceptors.
Functions in insulation and as an energy store; composed of adipose cells.
Assist in heat retention and act as energy reserves.
Adjusts hair position for temperature regulation by trapping air for insulation or releasing heat.
Core Temperature: Remains stable within 1 degree Celsius, while skin temperature can vary by up to 20 degrees depending on the environment.
Physiological Mechanism: Involves feedback from receptors in the skin to the hypothalamus that controls thermoregulation.
Mechanisms include changes in blood flow and heart rate to regulate temperature.
Examples: Seeking shaded areas, panting, reducing locomotor activity, licking skin for evaporative cooling.
Chinese Crested Dog: Engages in behavioral modifications to cope with heat.
Sphynx Cat: Displays unique adaptations to thermoregulate effectively.
Xoloitzcuintli Dog: Similar physiological adaptations to cope with heat.
Involves pre-motor neurons stimulating muscle contractions, generating heat through shivering.
Neonates may lack muscle mass, making shivering less effective. They utilize alternative methods to maintain warmth.
Thyroid Hormone Influence: Regulates metabolic rate impacted by growth, pregnancy, and lactation which, in turn, affects heat production.
Metabolic Rate: 60-70% of heat is produced by just 10% of body mass.
Defined by upper and lower critical temperatures that influence an animal's body temperature relative to ambient conditions.
Adaptations in Hot Climates: Higher egg mass and laying intensity observed in these breeds; suggests advantages in hot environments, though details of specific adaptations aren't essential.
Animal Health in Heat: Understand challenges pigs face in hot climates.
Fever Mechanisms: Clarify what pyrogens are and their effect on body temperature.
Anaesthetic Effects: Recognize how isoflurane may induce heat loss in animals.
Skin Infections in Breeds: Discuss why breeds like the Shar Pei are susceptible to persistent skin infections.
Essential Functions: Vitamin D plays a role as both a hormone and vitamin, crucial for calcium homeostasis.
Two Forms: Vitamin D2 (dietary) and Vitamin D3 (synthesized in skin).
Synthesis Process: Involves 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin reacting to UV light; dense fur coats and heavy pigmentation can inhibit this synthesis.