Unit 1 - Exemplars
Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane covering the eyeball)
- caused by bacteria, viruses, allergies, chemical irritants
- sx: photophobia, foreign body sensation, scratching/burning
acute bacterial conjunctivitis: caused by gram+ organisms
sx: yellow-green drainage, tearing, burning
tx: antibiotics
viral conjunctivitis (pink eye)
sx: clear discharge, tearing
tx: rest, avoid transmitting it!!
allergic conjunctivitis
sx: swelling, runny nose, etc.
tx: antihistamines
trachoma: caused by Chlamydial conjunctivitis
sx: inflammation + scarring of conjunctiva & eyelids → distorted lashes
Glaucoma: disruption of structural/functional integrity of the optic nerve
- primary risk factors: race & age
- pathophysiology: IOP builds up → damage to optic nerve
- diagnosis: use tonometry (determines IOP)
- tx: topical drugs, surgery to increase aqueous flow
primary: no evidence of preexisting ocular disease
secondary: result of previous/ongoing inflammatory process
open-angle glaucoma: drainage of aqueous humor is impaired → increased IOP gradually
sx: halo around lights, mild-severe IOP, gradual reduction in visual field, impaired adaptation to dark
risk factors: race (latino & African Americans), sex (M), age
angle-closure glaucoma: trabecular meshwork is blocked → increased IOP rapidly
sx: N/V, cloudy cornea, fixed pupils, reddened conjunctiva
risk factors: race (inuit & Asians), sex (F)
related exemplars: otitis media (hearing difficulty, ear pain, loss of damage), PD (impaired balance, hand tremors), cataracts (cloudy lens), macular degeneration (loss of central vision)
Cataracts: clouding of the ocular lens, interfering with transmission of light to the retina → loss of peripheral vision
- risk factors: age (most common age-related visual loss), genetics, environmental & metabolic influences, smoking
- thought to be disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
- sx: → glare, decreased visual acuity
- diagnosis: eye exam, Snellen eye chart
- tx: surgery
Macular degeneration: degeneration of the central portion of the retina → loss of central vision
- risk factors: age (50+), sex (F), comorbidities, smoking
- causes: aging of the eye, low perfusion, inflammatory process
- diagnosis: Amsler grid, ophthalmoscopic appearance
- tx: prevent progression (diet/lifestyle changes, visual aids, etc.)
atrophic (dry): Drusen deposition, macular thinning, slow
sx: night vision changes, difficulty reading
neovascular (wet): leaking of serous fluid & blood under retina → retinal tissue death, scar tissue formation, rapid & severe
sx: sudden vision changes
Otitis media: ear infection of the middle ear (common btwn 3 months & 3 yrs)
- causes: bacteria, virus
- diagnosis: pneumatic otoscopy, tympanometry, acoustic reflectometry
- sx (must have 2+): decreased/absent motility of tympanic membrane, white/yellow/amber tympanic membrane
- tx: antibiotics (amoxicillin), heat/cold, myringotomy
acute otitis media (AOM): usually caused by existing bacterial or viral infection → eustachian tubes becoming swollen or blocked → inability to drain into nasopharynx
risk factors: unimmunized, bottle-feeding
sx: fever (>102.2/39) hearing loss, otorrhea, irritability
otitis media with effusion (OME):
related exemplars: otitis externa (outer ear infection, “swimmers’ ear”), barotrauma (caused by rapid pressure change btwn middle ear & environment), otosclerosis (new bone formation → hearing loss)
Osteoporosis: decrease in bone density & mass
- risk factors: post-menopausal women, Caucasian & Asian women, heavy smoking & drinking, poor diet, low levels of physical activity, advancing age
- pathophysiology: imbalance of bone breakdown & restoration
- sx: back pain, increase in fx, postural changes
idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis: occurs in children w/o known cause (rare)
Parkinson disease (PD): progressive nervous system disorder
- sx: tremors, stiffness, bradykinesia, shuffling gait
- risk factors: male sex, family history, 60+ yrs old, exposure to toxins
5 stages
mild- sx affect only one side of body
mild- sx affect both sides of body
getting severe- gait changes
Hearing Loss
- tx: hearing aids, cochlear implants, reconstructive surgery (for tympanic membrane), depends on prelingual or post lingual
- associated issues: isolation, depression, & decreased safety
conductive hearing loss: disruption in transmission of sound
sensorineural hearing loss: impairment of organ of Corti or its central connections
Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane covering the eyeball)
- caused by bacteria, viruses, allergies, chemical irritants
- sx: photophobia, foreign body sensation, scratching/burning
acute bacterial conjunctivitis: caused by gram+ organisms
sx: yellow-green drainage, tearing, burning
tx: antibiotics
viral conjunctivitis (pink eye)
sx: clear discharge, tearing
tx: rest, avoid transmitting it!!
allergic conjunctivitis
sx: swelling, runny nose, etc.
tx: antihistamines
trachoma: caused by Chlamydial conjunctivitis
sx: inflammation + scarring of conjunctiva & eyelids → distorted lashes
Glaucoma: disruption of structural/functional integrity of the optic nerve
- primary risk factors: race & age
- pathophysiology: IOP builds up → damage to optic nerve
- diagnosis: use tonometry (determines IOP)
- tx: topical drugs, surgery to increase aqueous flow
primary: no evidence of preexisting ocular disease
secondary: result of previous/ongoing inflammatory process
open-angle glaucoma: drainage of aqueous humor is impaired → increased IOP gradually
sx: halo around lights, mild-severe IOP, gradual reduction in visual field, impaired adaptation to dark
risk factors: race (latino & African Americans), sex (M), age
angle-closure glaucoma: trabecular meshwork is blocked → increased IOP rapidly
sx: N/V, cloudy cornea, fixed pupils, reddened conjunctiva
risk factors: race (inuit & Asians), sex (F)
related exemplars: otitis media (hearing difficulty, ear pain, loss of damage), PD (impaired balance, hand tremors), cataracts (cloudy lens), macular degeneration (loss of central vision)
Cataracts: clouding of the ocular lens, interfering with transmission of light to the retina → loss of peripheral vision
- risk factors: age (most common age-related visual loss), genetics, environmental & metabolic influences, smoking
- thought to be disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
- sx: → glare, decreased visual acuity
- diagnosis: eye exam, Snellen eye chart
- tx: surgery
Macular degeneration: degeneration of the central portion of the retina → loss of central vision
- risk factors: age (50+), sex (F), comorbidities, smoking
- causes: aging of the eye, low perfusion, inflammatory process
- diagnosis: Amsler grid, ophthalmoscopic appearance
- tx: prevent progression (diet/lifestyle changes, visual aids, etc.)
atrophic (dry): Drusen deposition, macular thinning, slow
sx: night vision changes, difficulty reading
neovascular (wet): leaking of serous fluid & blood under retina → retinal tissue death, scar tissue formation, rapid & severe
sx: sudden vision changes
Otitis media: ear infection of the middle ear (common btwn 3 months & 3 yrs)
- causes: bacteria, virus
- diagnosis: pneumatic otoscopy, tympanometry, acoustic reflectometry
- sx (must have 2+): decreased/absent motility of tympanic membrane, white/yellow/amber tympanic membrane
- tx: antibiotics (amoxicillin), heat/cold, myringotomy
acute otitis media (AOM): usually caused by existing bacterial or viral infection → eustachian tubes becoming swollen or blocked → inability to drain into nasopharynx
risk factors: unimmunized, bottle-feeding
sx: fever (>102.2/39) hearing loss, otorrhea, irritability
otitis media with effusion (OME):
related exemplars: otitis externa (outer ear infection, “swimmers’ ear”), barotrauma (caused by rapid pressure change btwn middle ear & environment), otosclerosis (new bone formation → hearing loss)
Osteoporosis: decrease in bone density & mass
- risk factors: post-menopausal women, Caucasian & Asian women, heavy smoking & drinking, poor diet, low levels of physical activity, advancing age
- pathophysiology: imbalance of bone breakdown & restoration
- sx: back pain, increase in fx, postural changes
idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis: occurs in children w/o known cause (rare)
Parkinson disease (PD): progressive nervous system disorder
- sx: tremors, stiffness, bradykinesia, shuffling gait
- risk factors: male sex, family history, 60+ yrs old, exposure to toxins
5 stages
mild- sx affect only one side of body
mild- sx affect both sides of body
getting severe- gait changes
Hearing Loss
- tx: hearing aids, cochlear implants, reconstructive surgery (for tympanic membrane), depends on prelingual or post lingual
- associated issues: isolation, depression, & decreased safety
conductive hearing loss: disruption in transmission of sound
sensorineural hearing loss: impairment of organ of Corti or its central connections