
Causes of World War I

  • Historical Context: The quote from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck suggests premonitions of conflict arising from the Balkans.

  • Essential Question: Understanding the causes and consequences of World War I is pivotal in grasping its historical significance.

Contributing Factors to Conflict

  • Social and Political Developments: Tension escalated due to shifting powers and the competitive nature of European nations.

    • Nations expanded their empires to secure raw materials in Africa and Asia.

    • Entangled alliances led to a web of commitments among nations for mutual defense.

    • Arms races among Germany, Great Britain, and Russia created significant military influence on the political landscape.

Immediate Causes of War

  • Rising Nationalism: A surge in national pride and ethnic tensions culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, drawing Austria-Hungary into conflict with Serbia.

    • Assassination Context: Princip's actions were motivated by Serbian nationalism aimed at ending Austro-Hungarian dominance in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

  • War Declaration Sequence:

    • Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia; upon rejection, declared war on July 28, 1914.

    • Russia supported Serbia, leading to Germany declaring war on Russia and then France.

    • Britain entered the war against Germany shortly after, and the conflict spiraled into a world war with Japan joining by late August 1914.

Long-Term Causes of the Great War

  • Acronym for Tensions: MAIN

    • Militarism:

      • Defined as aggressive military preparedness; nations prioritized military strength and spending post-Industrial Revolution.

      • The cultural perspective rendered war as a competitive, even festive activity, leading to a cavalier attitude toward conflict (example: “It’ll be over by Christmas”).

    • Alliances:

      • Secret alliances formed among European nations meant mutual defense pacts; for instance, the Triple Entente (France, Britain, Russia) against the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy).

      • Alliances meant that conflicts among nations could rapidly escalate into broader wars given the interconnected obligations.

    • Imperialism:

      • Western European nations competed for global dominance and colonial territories, which heightened rivalries.

      • The scrabble for African colonies intensified friction and ambitions among nations.

    • Nationalism:

      • Growing pride in national identity led to desires for self-determination among ethnic groups, particularly within multi-national empires.

      • Nationalist movements like that of the Serbs contributed directly to the triggering events of World War I.

Consequences of the Great War

  • Global Impact: World War I shattered the optimism of the early 20th century, leading to significant global shifts.

  • Political Changes:

    • The downfall of four empires: Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.

    • Redrew national borders in Europe and the Middle East, with new political landscapes emerging.

  • Colonial Repercussions: Loss of overseas colonies for Germany and the shifting control of Ottoman provinces to Britain and France marked the decline of imperialism.

  • Emergence of New Ideologies: The war's devastation contributed to the rise of communism and fascism, as well as various social revolts and genocides.

  • Historical Significance: The conflict demonstrated the lethal potential of modern warfare and shifted economic power from Europe to the United States.

  • Treaty of Versailles: Germany faced severe restrictions, taking blame for the war and required reparations—conditions that sowed seeds for future conflicts.

Key Terms by Theme


    • Great War

    • Gavrilo Princip

    • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    • Triple Entente

    • Allies

    • Triple Alliance

    • Central Powers


    • Black Hand

    • Militarism

    • Secret alliances

    • Self-determination
