Instructor: Bonnie Goff, Ph.D.
Week: 8, Class 1
Focus: Social and Personality Development
A violation of the expectable environment including:
Chronic illness
Physical or emotional abuse
Economic hardship
Emotional response to adversity
Data from Harvard Center on the Developing Child (2011) shows high incidence of early-life adversity.
From 17,337 participants: 21.5% reported at least one ACE.
Expanded ACE Study with 1,784 participants: 83.2% reported at least one ACE.
Classification of ACEs into categories:
1-3 ACES
Reference: Merritt et al. (2013) on Philadelphia Urban ACE Survey.
Definition of Stress: Physiological changes in response to perceived threats to harm, loss, or misfortune (Felitti et al., 1998).
Categories of ACEs affecting immigrants:
Emotional & Sexual Abuse
Physical & Emotional Neglect
Substance Abuse
Domestic Violence
Mental Illness
Poverty, Violence, Discrimination, Community Disruption, Economic Mobility, Poor Housing Quality.
Highlight of chronic stress in relation to ACEs and their impact.
Acute Stress Responses:
Pupil: Dilate
Heart: Increases heartbeat
Airways: Dilate bronchial tubes
Sweat Gland: Stimulates secretion
Liver: Increases conversion of glycogen to glucose
Digestive System: Decreased activity
Adrenal Glands: Stimulates adrenaline production
Chronic or "toxic" stress affects the HPA axis leading to various health risks and emotional disturbances.
Definitions: Adversity, Stress, and Trauma related to early life impacts.
Amygdala: Overactivity increases emotional responses and fear.
Prefrontal Cortex: Impaired development affects emotional regulation and judgment.
Hippocampus: Structural alterations lead to memory issues.
Hypervigilance and altered emotion regulation skills.
Importance of sensitive periods for brain adaptability and response to experiences.
Adults with childhood maltreatment show insecure attachment styles.
Increased trauma-related symptoms in trauma survivors with insecure attachments.
Older adults with such backgrounds report a higher incidence of previous traumas.
Negative self-perception shaped by others' attitudes leading to low self-esteem, doubts, and distortions in self-image.
Difficulty in forming secure attachments affects intimate relationships.
Common issues:
Trust problems
Fear of abandonment
Patterns of repetition from childhood experiences
Boundary establishment difficulties.
Negative Coping Mechanisms:
Avoidance and Denial
Substance Abuse
Aggression or Violence
Compulsive Behaviors
Ruminative Thinking (Sheffler, 2019).
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)
Anxiety Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Increased risk for negative health outcomes as ACEs accumulate:
Behavioral issues: lack of activity, smoking, substance abuse.
Physical & Mental Health conditions: obesity, diabetes, depression, heart diseases.
Components of ACE impacts:
Early death, health burdens, stress-related behaviors, neurological disruptions.
Buffers for Adversity:
Strong social support, positive role models, stability in environment, educational & mental health resource access.
Open floor for questions.