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Reading course

Mastering Reading Strategies

  • Learn - Slow practice - Feedback - Fast Practice - Test: Develop the strategy slowly

  • Feedback: Am I doing everything right? Why am I making mistakes while using the strategy?

  • Fast Practice: Trying to use the strategy under exam conditions

Learning from your mistakes

  • Go slow and then Follow Chris’ strategy step by step (you can use your notes)

  • Analyse your mistakes to discover your weakness

  • Improve your weakness

  • Ask yourself: Why I chose the incorrect answer?

  • If you made a mistake by not knowing a word, then you should improve your vocabulary.

  • Troubles with vocabulary — Follow vocabulary course

  • Troubles with Reading — Reading course

  • Only practice under timed conditions when you can get the score you need

  • Use practice tests to check your progress

  • Don’t use CAMBRIDGE IELTS tests to improve your general reading

  • Don’t expect your scores to improve until you’ve reacted to the mistakes

Short answer

  • Common problems: Lack of awareness of synonyms and paraphrasing (vocabulary); You should find balance between understanding the meaning and reading fast while skimming and scanning

  • Look and understand the questions first, before you start reading the text

  • Key words in the question will normally be nouns or noun phrases

  • When you find key words, think of synonyms and paraphrases

Matching Headings

  • Skimming: looking at certain parts of parapgraph, so you can understand the general meaning

  • Try to sum up the general meaning of the paragraph in one or two words

  • Read the first one or two sentences and the last sentences of the paragraph. You can also briefly look at the rest of the paragraph

  • You actually need some time to understand what these headings actually mean

  • Remove the heading that is already matched before you

  • Read enough so you can understand the main idea

  • The first sentence (the topic sentence) is the most important one

  • Pay attention to some words that might tell a lot about the whole paragraph

  • You can keep in mind two possible headings and look up again the paragraph

  • If there’re two heading that look suitable, then try to look up for synonymous words.

  • It’s a good idea to use the topics sentence to quickly understand the general idea, but pay attention to the incoming sentences

  • You can name your heading using one or two words

Multiple choice

  • Always read the questions first

  • Be aware of distractors: Some people like pizza vs All people like pizza

  • Try to predict the answer before looking at the text

  • You can exclude other options of the correct answer isn’t obvious or if it is, then choose the answer

  • Don’t make your own assumptions, the answer should written clearly

  • Pay attention to qualifaying words (all, only)

  • Mistake I made: Be attentive towards the answer in the text (Because it can be too exact to be the correct one); You need to have an exact reason why you assumed one of the answers wrong; Instead of writing “adding at the right moment” they might say: adding before smth and after smth, so you should understand the meaning.

  • The signs that the answer is wrong are gonna be written

True/False/Not given

  • Common mistake: Focusing on keywords instead of understanding what the statement as a whole means

  • Read the statements first, trying to understand what the whole sentence means

  • Try to think of the synonyms

  • Locate the area — Go back to the statement — Look at the area again, read it and make a decision

  • Probably future mistake: There will be no direct synonym given to you. (No “some” written as in the statement)

  • If there’s a fast transition between questions 5 and 7, probably the 6 one is NOT GIVEN.

  • Mistake I made: Fewer means less(Vocabulary); Try to check every paragraph, because 90% chance that in each of them there’s an answer (Check the paragraph till the end, don’t abandon it). If there’s a paragraph that doesn’t clearly say the answer (You clearly found NG), then use it to navigate.; I didn’t know what mammals mean, so I was confused; I wasn’t attentive, so I couldn’t understand the full sentence clearly; Often doesn’t mean in majority of cases!! Some things can occur more often, so it doesn’t say a lot.

Labelling a diagram

  • The answers do not always come in the same order

  • 1. Stone bridge

  • 2. East Ditch

  • 3. Prominent Chimneys (Wrong) Mistake: If you’re unsure of smth, double check it!!!

  • 4. Mortimer Tower

  • 5. Granary

  • 6. Kitchen

  • 7. Western Pikehead

  • 8. The Great hall

  • 9. Armourer’s Tower

  • 10. Chapel

  • Other mIstakes:

  • Pay attention to the main entrance, everything will start there (if it is a map)

  • The way you read: You should pay attention to every sentence, unlike the matching headings. where you look at the topic sentence and the last sentence.

  • Don’t assume for no reason the location of an object

Matching names

  • Common mistake: Reading the whole text and trying to find the names that way.

  • Focus on easy questions first

  • Some examples can be shortened, instead of John Jones it may be writtent just John

  • Look for synonyms, as always

  • The questions do not follow the order of the text, so use your scanning skills

  • Try some reverse engeneering (Appreciating how the test was created, what skills it tests)

Mistakes I made:

  1. Didn’t follow the instructions : Should have just underlined the names, Didn’t read the question. Didn’t look for names that appear only once

  2. Vocabulary: pledging to revitalize (don’t assume the answer out of your mind. you did good!); Distinguish the word by the context, it might be an answer!!

  3. You were looking for an answer. but it was written exactly

Matching information to paragraphs

  • Just find the specific information the paragraph (no need to understand the whole one)

  • Common problem: The answers might not be the main idea of each paragraph

  • Do this type of question last

  • Common advice: look for names, numbers, these are easier to find. There might be synonyms

  • You can find an answer in one sentence

  • Skimming, scanning and close reading works perfectly here

  • You repeated your mistake: The answer should exactly respond to the question

  • another mistake: You may think that after skimming a paragraph the answer is there, but read other paragraphs as well, understand the meaning of an unknown word. Read till you’ll understand the overall meaning of a paragraph

Table Completion

  • Undertsand what the table is about

  • Note the heading of the table so that you know what type of information you need.

  • Predict the types of words you have to include based on the information already there

  • Look for clues

  • Basically it’s all about predictions here

  • Basically it’s a scanning exercise

  • Read the first sentence to understand where to scan for

  • Mistakes I made: Before 3rd step look at the flowchart; The former, The latter - The first, the Last

  • Scan the table for the words that can’t be paraphrased

  • Headings will help you to navigate through the text

  • Important one: Check if the answer consisting of several words matches the sentence!! You can get a sentence with synonymous words from the table, but keep reading, because the answer might come up later!! If you cannot find the answer, it may be not in a sequencial order!!

  • You are scanning through the whole text using the headings to navigate

  • Try to come up with synonyms

Yes/No/Not given

  • The questions are in the same order

  • If the statement is “No” the statement will clearly contradict the writer’s opinion

  • You SHOULD NOT care about the other writers’ opinion, just the writer’s opinion

  • Look out when the writer gives their opinion, using phrases such as “In my opinion” or using comparative, superlative

  • Try to understand what the WHOLE sentence mean

  • of course, as always you should FIND SYNONYMS

Mistakes I Made:

  • A slip: You changed the meaning of the statment in your mind

  • Reading style, not a mistake: You just scan the text for synonyms or words that cannot be paraphrased

  • If it is not given, then it won’t directly answer the sentence, will be just bullshitting!!! And it should be given a direct reason for a writer’s view to state that the sentence is YES or NO.

  • In order to get an answer you may need to read the half of the paragraph

Summary completion

  • Scanning and correct use of grammar is essential here

  • Now, You know that it is necessary to PREDICT the answer

  • IF you get A LIST of words think about the ones that cannot be correct because of MEANING or GRAMMAR: try to guess 2 or 3 possible words

  • You only scan the text

  • As always: you do close reading when you found where the answer is.

  • If you’re confused, try to find synonyms of words!!

Mistakes I made:

  • Don’t spend too much time on reading the whole summary, just skim it, and then read carefully the first sentence step-by-step.

  • Don’t be in a rush, even if you think that the answer is correct, make sure that the meaning of a summary MATCHES the sentence in the text. (keep reading if the assumed answer doesn’t make any sence)

Matching sentences

  • PREDICTION is the king here

  • You need to interpretate the main idea of the text and apply it to the sentence

  • Start with incomplete sentences

  • Spend more time on the FIRST QUESTION

  • As always, synonyms and paraphrases

  • the second part of a sentence may be written FAR WAY DIFFERENTLY. F.e. instead of a direct answer, an example or a situation could be put there

Sentence completion

  • It’s a vocabulary test

  • SYNONYMS and PARAPHRASING skills are especiallt required here

  • If it says “ using the words from the text” then do NOT changet them at all

  • words should GRAMATICALLY correct

  • PREDICT what words and its forms can be used in the text

  • Don’t worry if you don’t know the synonyms, just be aware of the meaning

  • Be aware of two words to scan the location

Why is my score not increasing?

  • The 4 tires system:

  • 1) Strategy for each question type: You have to master the strategy, so you’ll be able to explain it automatically

  • 2) Practice tests: Mastering strategies – doing the test with unlimited time;

  • Doing the test under exam conditions and analyse you weak areas

  • 3) Mistake analysis:

  • Spelling

  • Vocabulary

  • Skills

  • Strategy

  • Particular type of question.

  • 4) Work on your mistakes:

How to skim and scan?

  • What kind of information – means What the paragraph is talking about

  • You’re moving your eyes either from left to right by jumping through the words or just by going down.

  • Get curious what kind of information do you expect to find?

  • Depending on a genre or a context you may anticipate some information

  • While scanning move your eyes in a zigzag pattern

  • Instantly you should recognize the paraphrased information

  • Kind of information: List of photography techniques

  • You’ll certainly know that the list will consist of nouns and prolonged sentences

  • And lists of things are often balanced


Reading course

Mastering Reading Strategies

  • Learn - Slow practice - Feedback - Fast Practice - Test: Develop the strategy slowly

  • Feedback: Am I doing everything right? Why am I making mistakes while using the strategy?

  • Fast Practice: Trying to use the strategy under exam conditions

Learning from your mistakes

  • Go slow and then Follow Chris’ strategy step by step (you can use your notes)

  • Analyse your mistakes to discover your weakness

  • Improve your weakness

  • Ask yourself: Why I chose the incorrect answer?

  • If you made a mistake by not knowing a word, then you should improve your vocabulary.

  • Troubles with vocabulary — Follow vocabulary course

  • Troubles with Reading — Reading course

  • Only practice under timed conditions when you can get the score you need

  • Use practice tests to check your progress

  • Don’t use CAMBRIDGE IELTS tests to improve your general reading

  • Don’t expect your scores to improve until you’ve reacted to the mistakes

Short answer

  • Common problems: Lack of awareness of synonyms and paraphrasing (vocabulary); You should find balance between understanding the meaning and reading fast while skimming and scanning

  • Look and understand the questions first, before you start reading the text

  • Key words in the question will normally be nouns or noun phrases

  • When you find key words, think of synonyms and paraphrases

Matching Headings

  • Skimming: looking at certain parts of parapgraph, so you can understand the general meaning

  • Try to sum up the general meaning of the paragraph in one or two words

  • Read the first one or two sentences and the last sentences of the paragraph. You can also briefly look at the rest of the paragraph

  • You actually need some time to understand what these headings actually mean

  • Remove the heading that is already matched before you

  • Read enough so you can understand the main idea

  • The first sentence (the topic sentence) is the most important one

  • Pay attention to some words that might tell a lot about the whole paragraph

  • You can keep in mind two possible headings and look up again the paragraph

  • If there’re two heading that look suitable, then try to look up for synonymous words.

  • It’s a good idea to use the topics sentence to quickly understand the general idea, but pay attention to the incoming sentences

  • You can name your heading using one or two words

Multiple choice

  • Always read the questions first

  • Be aware of distractors: Some people like pizza vs All people like pizza

  • Try to predict the answer before looking at the text

  • You can exclude other options of the correct answer isn’t obvious or if it is, then choose the answer

  • Don’t make your own assumptions, the answer should written clearly

  • Pay attention to qualifaying words (all, only)

  • Mistake I made: Be attentive towards the answer in the text (Because it can be too exact to be the correct one); You need to have an exact reason why you assumed one of the answers wrong; Instead of writing “adding at the right moment” they might say: adding before smth and after smth, so you should understand the meaning.

  • The signs that the answer is wrong are gonna be written

True/False/Not given

  • Common mistake: Focusing on keywords instead of understanding what the statement as a whole means

  • Read the statements first, trying to understand what the whole sentence means

  • Try to think of the synonyms

  • Locate the area — Go back to the statement — Look at the area again, read it and make a decision

  • Probably future mistake: There will be no direct synonym given to you. (No “some” written as in the statement)

  • If there’s a fast transition between questions 5 and 7, probably the 6 one is NOT GIVEN.

  • Mistake I made: Fewer means less(Vocabulary); Try to check every paragraph, because 90% chance that in each of them there’s an answer (Check the paragraph till the end, don’t abandon it). If there’s a paragraph that doesn’t clearly say the answer (You clearly found NG), then use it to navigate.; I didn’t know what mammals mean, so I was confused; I wasn’t attentive, so I couldn’t understand the full sentence clearly; Often doesn’t mean in majority of cases!! Some things can occur more often, so it doesn’t say a lot.

Labelling a diagram

  • The answers do not always come in the same order

  • 1. Stone bridge

  • 2. East Ditch

  • 3. Prominent Chimneys (Wrong) Mistake: If you’re unsure of smth, double check it!!!

  • 4. Mortimer Tower

  • 5. Granary

  • 6. Kitchen

  • 7. Western Pikehead

  • 8. The Great hall

  • 9. Armourer’s Tower

  • 10. Chapel

  • Other mIstakes:

  • Pay attention to the main entrance, everything will start there (if it is a map)

  • The way you read: You should pay attention to every sentence, unlike the matching headings. where you look at the topic sentence and the last sentence.

  • Don’t assume for no reason the location of an object

Matching names

  • Common mistake: Reading the whole text and trying to find the names that way.

  • Focus on easy questions first

  • Some examples can be shortened, instead of John Jones it may be writtent just John

  • Look for synonyms, as always

  • The questions do not follow the order of the text, so use your scanning skills

  • Try some reverse engeneering (Appreciating how the test was created, what skills it tests)

Mistakes I made:

  1. Didn’t follow the instructions : Should have just underlined the names, Didn’t read the question. Didn’t look for names that appear only once

  2. Vocabulary: pledging to revitalize (don’t assume the answer out of your mind. you did good!); Distinguish the word by the context, it might be an answer!!

  3. You were looking for an answer. but it was written exactly

Matching information to paragraphs

  • Just find the specific information the paragraph (no need to understand the whole one)

  • Common problem: The answers might not be the main idea of each paragraph

  • Do this type of question last

  • Common advice: look for names, numbers, these are easier to find. There might be synonyms

  • You can find an answer in one sentence

  • Skimming, scanning and close reading works perfectly here

  • You repeated your mistake: The answer should exactly respond to the question

  • another mistake: You may think that after skimming a paragraph the answer is there, but read other paragraphs as well, understand the meaning of an unknown word. Read till you’ll understand the overall meaning of a paragraph

Table Completion

  • Undertsand what the table is about

  • Note the heading of the table so that you know what type of information you need.

  • Predict the types of words you have to include based on the information already there

  • Look for clues

  • Basically it’s all about predictions here

  • Basically it’s a scanning exercise

  • Read the first sentence to understand where to scan for

  • Mistakes I made: Before 3rd step look at the flowchart; The former, The latter - The first, the Last

  • Scan the table for the words that can’t be paraphrased

  • Headings will help you to navigate through the text

  • Important one: Check if the answer consisting of several words matches the sentence!! You can get a sentence with synonymous words from the table, but keep reading, because the answer might come up later!! If you cannot find the answer, it may be not in a sequencial order!!

  • You are scanning through the whole text using the headings to navigate

  • Try to come up with synonyms

Yes/No/Not given

  • The questions are in the same order

  • If the statement is “No” the statement will clearly contradict the writer’s opinion

  • You SHOULD NOT care about the other writers’ opinion, just the writer’s opinion

  • Look out when the writer gives their opinion, using phrases such as “In my opinion” or using comparative, superlative

  • Try to understand what the WHOLE sentence mean

  • of course, as always you should FIND SYNONYMS

Mistakes I Made:

  • A slip: You changed the meaning of the statment in your mind

  • Reading style, not a mistake: You just scan the text for synonyms or words that cannot be paraphrased

  • If it is not given, then it won’t directly answer the sentence, will be just bullshitting!!! And it should be given a direct reason for a writer’s view to state that the sentence is YES or NO.

  • In order to get an answer you may need to read the half of the paragraph

Summary completion

  • Scanning and correct use of grammar is essential here

  • Now, You know that it is necessary to PREDICT the answer

  • IF you get A LIST of words think about the ones that cannot be correct because of MEANING or GRAMMAR: try to guess 2 or 3 possible words

  • You only scan the text

  • As always: you do close reading when you found where the answer is.

  • If you’re confused, try to find synonyms of words!!

Mistakes I made:

  • Don’t spend too much time on reading the whole summary, just skim it, and then read carefully the first sentence step-by-step.

  • Don’t be in a rush, even if you think that the answer is correct, make sure that the meaning of a summary MATCHES the sentence in the text. (keep reading if the assumed answer doesn’t make any sence)

Matching sentences

  • PREDICTION is the king here

  • You need to interpretate the main idea of the text and apply it to the sentence

  • Start with incomplete sentences

  • Spend more time on the FIRST QUESTION

  • As always, synonyms and paraphrases

  • the second part of a sentence may be written FAR WAY DIFFERENTLY. F.e. instead of a direct answer, an example or a situation could be put there

Sentence completion

  • It’s a vocabulary test

  • SYNONYMS and PARAPHRASING skills are especiallt required here

  • If it says “ using the words from the text” then do NOT changet them at all

  • words should GRAMATICALLY correct

  • PREDICT what words and its forms can be used in the text

  • Don’t worry if you don’t know the synonyms, just be aware of the meaning

  • Be aware of two words to scan the location

Why is my score not increasing?

  • The 4 tires system:

  • 1) Strategy for each question type: You have to master the strategy, so you’ll be able to explain it automatically

  • 2) Practice tests: Mastering strategies – doing the test with unlimited time;

  • Doing the test under exam conditions and analyse you weak areas

  • 3) Mistake analysis:

  • Spelling

  • Vocabulary

  • Skills

  • Strategy

  • Particular type of question.

  • 4) Work on your mistakes:

How to skim and scan?

  • What kind of information – means What the paragraph is talking about

  • You’re moving your eyes either from left to right by jumping through the words or just by going down.

  • Get curious what kind of information do you expect to find?

  • Depending on a genre or a context you may anticipate some information

  • While scanning move your eyes in a zigzag pattern

  • Instantly you should recognize the paraphrased information

  • Kind of information: List of photography techniques

  • You’ll certainly know that the list will consist of nouns and prolonged sentences

  • And lists of things are often balanced