innate immune system - They are always available to provide rapid responses to protect us against disease

First-line defenses - Skin, mucous membranes, and certain antimicrobial substances

Second-line defenses - They include proteins that produce inflammation, fever that enhances cytokine activity, and phagocytes and natural killer

adaptive immune system

Third-line defenses - Include lymphocytes that target specific pathogens for destruction when the second-line defenses don’t contain infections.

It includes a memory component that allows the body to more effectively respond to that same pathogen in the future

Differential white blood cell count - Breaks down the white blood cell count further, identifying the percentages of eosinophils

  • High White Blood Cell Counts - his typically occurs when the patient battles a bacterial infection

  • Low White Blood Cells Counts - Low white blood cell counts may result from viral infections or pneumonia.

Immunity - ability to ward off disease caused by microbes or their products and to protect against environmental agents such as pollen, chemicals, and animal dander

  • Susceptibility - Lack of immunity

Innate immunity - Refers to defenses that are present at birth. They are always available to provide rapid responses to protect us against disease

Adaptive immunity - Is based on a specific response to a specific microbe once a microbe has breached the innate immunity defenses, Involves; T cells and B cells

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) - detect conserved molecular patterns on pathogens and initiate an immune response. (PAMPS) . induce the defensive cells to release chemicals called cytokines.

Cytokines - are proteins that regulate the intensity and duration of immune responses

Treponema pallidum - A pathogen that can thrive on the moist secretions are able to penetrate the membrane if the microorganism is present in sufficient numbers

Lacrimal apparatus - A group of structures that manufactures and drains tears

Saliva - Helps dilute the numbers of microorganisms and wash them from the surface of the teeth and the mucous membrane of the mouth

Ciliary escalator - Keeps the mucus blanket moving toward the throat at a rate of 1 to 3 cm per hour; coughing and sneezing speed up the escalator

Hairs and earwax/cerumen - Which help prevent microbes, dust, insects, and water from entering the ear

Urine - Which cleanse the urethra which prevents microbial colonization in the genitourinary tract

Peristalsis - Is a series of coordinated contractions that propels food along the gastrointestinal tract

Defecation - Mass peristalsis of large intestinal contents into the rectum

Vomiting and/or diarrhea - mechanism when microbial toxins is present in the gastrointestinal tract


Sebum - oil found in the glands of the hair, Prevents hair from drying and becoming brittle

Isotretinoin - inhibitor for sebum production, A derivative of vitamin A

Perspiration - sweating, regulates temperature

Lysozyme - An enzyme capable of breaking down cell walls of gram-positive bacteria Breaks chemical bonds on peptidoglycan, which destroys the cell walls.

  • Found in tears, saliva, nasal secretions, tissue fluids, and urine,

Helicobacter pylori - Its growth initiates an immune response that results in gastritis and ulcers


Commensalism - One organism uses the body of a larger organism as its physical environment and may make use of the body to obtain nutrients

  • One organism benefits while the other is unaffected

  • Most microbes that are part of the commensal microbiota are found on the skin and in the gastrointestinal tract

Probiotics - Are live microbial cultures applied to or ingested that are intended to exert a beneficial effect

Lactic acid bacteria - Colonize the large intestine, the lactic acid and bacteriocins they produce can inhibit the growth of certain pathogens

SECOND LINE OF DEFENSE - When microbes penetrate the first line of defense, they encounter a second line of defense that includes defensive cells, such as phagocytic cells; inflammation; fever; and antimicrobial substances

Hematopoiesis - formation of red blood cells

Leukocytes are divided into two main categories based on their appearance under a light microscope

GRANULOCYTES - presence of large granules in their cytoplasm that can be seen with a light microscope after staining

  • Neutrophils - Are highly phagocytic and motile, are active in the initial stages of an infection

  • Basophils - release substances, such as histamine, that are important in inflammation and allergic responses

  • Eosinophils - Kill certain parasites, such as helminths

AGRANULOCYTES - Also have granules in their cytoplasm, but the granules are not visible under the light microscope after staining

  • Monocytes - enter body tissues, and mature into macrophages

  • Dendritic cells - destroy microbes by phagocytosis and initiate adaptive immune responses

  • Lymphocytes - Include Natural killer cells, T cells, and B cells

  • Natural killer (NK) cells - Attack any body cells that display abnormal or unusual plasma membrane proteins

Perforin - which inserts into the plasma membrane of the target cell and creates channels in the membrane ( murag tubo e sud sa cell)

Granzymes - protein-digesting enzymes that induce the target cell to undergo apoptosis

Leukocytosis - Increase in the total number of white blood cells during bacterial infections as a protective response to combat the microbes

Phagocytosis - Is the ingestion of a microorganism or other substance by a cell



  1. Chemotaxis - Is the chemical attraction of phagocytes to microorganisms.

  2. Adherence - Is the attachment of the phagocyte’s plasma membrane to the surface of the microorganism or other foreign material

    • Opsonization - A coating process of microorganism with certain serum proteins that promote attachment of the microorganism to the phagocyte so they can be readily phagocytized

  3. Ingestion - The plasma membrane of the phagocyte extends projections called pseudopods that engulf the microorganism

  4. Digestion - Next, the phagosome pinches off from the plasma membrane and enters the cytoplasm, where it contacts lysosomes that contain digestive enzymes and bactericidal substances

    • Lysozyme - hydrolyzes peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls


Acute inflammation - inflammation ● The signs and symptoms develop rapidly and usually last for a few days or even a few weeks

Chronic inflammation - The signs and symptoms develop more slowly and can last for up to several months or years

Increased permeability - Permits defensive substances normally retained in the blood to pass through the walls of the blood vessels and enter the injured area

  • Kinins - they play a role in chemotaxis by attracting phagocytic granulocytes, chiefly neutrophils, to the injured area

  • Prostaglandins - intensify the effects of histamine and kinins and help phagocytes move through capillary walls.

  • Leukotrienes - Cause increased permeability of blood vessels and help attach phagocytes to pathogens

Chemokines - Are cytokines that are chemotactic for phagocytes and T cells and thus stimulate both the inflammatory response and an adaptive immune response


Stroma - Is the supporting connective tissue

Parenchyma - Is the functioning part of the tissue

FEVER - Abnormally high body temperature,

Cytokines interleukin-1 - These cytokines cause the hypothalamus to release prostaglandins that reset the hypothalamic thermostat at a higher temperature

Interleukin-1 - Helps step up the production of T cells

Crisis - Heat-losing mechanism such as vasodilation and sweating occurs


Classical Pathway - It is initiated when antibodies bind to antigens

Alternative Pathway - Activated by contact between certain complement proteins and a pathogen

Lectin Pathway - When macrophages ingest bacteria, viruses, and other foreign matter by phagocytosis, they release cytokines that stimulate the liver to produce lectins, proteins that bind to carbohydrates

Cytolysis - disruption of cells

Opsonization - Or immune adherence, promotes attachment of a phagocyte to a microbe. This enhances phagocytosis


Interferons - Were originally named for one of their functions: the ability to interfere with viral infections in host cells

Alpha interferon (IFN-a) and Beta interferon (IFN-b) - Inhibit viral replication and activate immune cells like natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages.

Gamma interferon (IFN-g) - Plays a key role in activating macrophages and enhancing the immune response against pathogens. Slows the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) and lessens the frequency and severity of MS attacks


Vaccination - A procedure that harnesses the adaptive immune response

Immunoglobulin - Antibodies recognize and combat foreign molecules called antigens, Another term for antibodies

Valence - The number of antigen-binding sites on an antibody

Monomer - Simplest structure
