Module 2: One-Way ANOVA

The main purpose of a t-test is to test whether two group means are significantly (or meaningfully) different from one another

When there are two experimental conditions and different participants were assigned to each condition
Otherwise called independent-samples, independent-measures, independent-means
When there are two experimental conditions and the same participants took part in both conditions of the experiment
Otherwise called paired-samples, dependent-means, matched-pairs

Independent samples t- tests assumptions include the level of measurement (DV interval or ratio) random sampling, normality and Homogeneity of variance

Repeated-measures t-test assumptions include level of measurement (DV interval or ratio) random sampling and normality

**ANOVA = Analysis of Variance**

ANOVA’s measure and compare the variance of more than two conditions.

F-statistic represents the ratio of the model to its error. Significant F-statistic shows there is a difference between the groups, but not where the difference is.

F = Variability Between Groups / Variability Within Groups = (Random Error + Treatment Effect)/Random Error. If null is true, treatment effect = 0

Between Conditions = Effect caused by our models conditions

Within Conditions = Error

Family-wise Error Rate (FWER) is the probability of at least 1 false positive when multiple comparisons are being tested. This probability increases for each t-test conducted.

Mean Squares is calculated to eliminate bias associated with the number of scores used to calculate

When an F-ratio is large, it means more variability

A factor is an independent variable

An ANOVA is significant if the f-score is larger than the f-critical
