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Skull Bones

Foramen spinosum          Inferior View

Frontal Bone   Right Lateral View

coronal suture Right Lateral View

Parietal Bone  Right Lateral View

Saggital Suture               Posterior view

occipital Bone Right Lateral Bone

Squamous Suture            Right Lateral View

Lambdoid Suture            Right Lateral View

Termporal Bone              Left Lateral View

Occitimastiod suture   Right Lateral View

Pterion Suture Right Lateral View

Zygomatic bone              Anterior view

Maxilla bone   Right Lateral view

Mandible             Anterior View

spheniod bone Anterior View

Ethmoid bone Posterior View (in the orbital cavity)

Lacrimal bone Anterior view of right side

Nasal Bone         Right Lateral View

Palatine Bone  Posterior View

Vomer Anterior view

Inferior nasal concha  Anterior View

parietomastoid suture Right Lateral View

Occipitomastoid suture               Right Lateral View

zygomaxillary suture  Anterior View

Nasomaxillary Suture Anterior View

frontonasal suture           Anterior view

Sphenotemporal suture               Right Lateral View

Frontozygomatic suture              Anterior view of left side

Sphenofrontal suture   Right Lateral View

Mental Foramen             Right Lateral View

Orbit        Anterior view

perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone  Anterior View

supraorbital foramen  Anterior view

supraorbital margin        Anterior view

Supraorbital Fissure        Anterior View of Right side

inferior orbital fissure Anterior view of right side

foramen magnum            Posterior View

jugular foramen              Posterior View

foramen lacerum             Posterior View

Crista Galli         Posterior view

Olfactory Foramina        Posterior View

optic foramen  Posterior View

sella turcica         Posterior View

hypoglassal foramen   Superior View

internal auditory meatus             Superior View

formane ovale Superior View

Foraman Rotundum        Superior View

frontal squama Anterior View

Zygomatic process on frontal bone        Anterior View

Supraorbital notch          Anterior View

frontal eminence             Anterior View

supraciliary arch             Anterior View

Frontal Crest   Inferior View

arachnoid fovea              Inferior View

saggital sulcus Inferior View

Horizontal portion of frontal bone          Posterior-Inferior View

Foramen Cecum             Superior View

meningeal grooves          Right Lateral View

frontal sinus        Right Lateral View

lacrimal fossa  Anterior View of the Left Side

ethmoidal notch              (Labeled C) Inferior View

parietal tuber   Superior View

Parietal Foramen            Superior View

Frontal angle (of parietal bone)              Superior View

Superior Temporal Line             (Blue) Right Lateral View

Inferior Temporal Line               (Pink) Left Lateral View

Sphenoidal angle            Left Lateral View

parietal striae  Right Lateral View

Mastoid Angle Right Lateral View

Sigmoid (transverse) sulcus        Superior View

Petrous pyramid              Superior View

internal aucoustic meatus           Right lateral View

Parietal notch  Left Lateral View

Parietomastiod process               Left Lateral View

Mandibular Fossa           Right Lateral View

Tympanic Part Right Lateral View

Vaginal Process              Left Lateral View

Stylomastoid Foramen                Inferior View

Articular eminence         Left Lateral View

Carotid Canal  Inferior View

styloid process temporal bone Right Lateral View

Jugular Fossa  Inferior View

Occipital groove of temporal bone         Right Lateral View

Mastoid Foramen            Inferior View

mastoid notch of temporal bone             Left Lateral View

stapes  Ear bone

Incus   Ear bone

malleous             Ear Bone

occipital planum             Posterior view

superior nuchal line of occipital bone (Top blue line) Posterior View

inferior nuchal line of occipital bone (Bottom blue line) Posterior View

Condylar Foramen          Inferior View

Condylar Fossa               Inferior View

Groove for Medulla Oblongata              Inferior View

Hypoglossal canal          Inferior View

Occipital Condyle           Inferior View

External Occipital Crest             Inferior View

Nuchal planum (occipital)          Posterior View

external occipital protuberance              Posterior View

Sagittal Sulcus on occipital bone           Inferior View

Interal occipital protuberance 360 Superior View

Cruciform eminence   Superior View

Transverse Sulcus           Superior View

cerebella fossa Inferior View

jugular process of the occipital bone  Inferior View

jugular notch of the occipital bone         Inferior View

hypoglossal canal of occipital bone        Superior View

internal occipital crest Superior View

frontal process of maxilla           Anterior View

canine jugum  Anterior View

Canine fossa of maxilla              Anterior View

infraorbital foramen        Anterior View

zygomatic process of maxilla Anterior Process

palatine process of maxilla         Inferior View

maxillary sinus                Anterior View

nasoalveolar clivus         Anterior View

anterior lacrimal crest Left Lateral View

anterior nasal spine         Right lateral view

alveolar process              Right Lateral View

infraorbital sulcus           Superior View

Orbital Margin                Anterior View

lacrimal groove of maxilla         Left Medial View

Greater palatine groove              Inferior View

Incisive Foramen            Inferior View

Alveoli on the maxilla bone   Right Lateral View

Conchal crest of palatine            IDK what view

Perpendicular plane of palatine              IDK what view

Pyramidal process           Anterior View

Posterior Border of palatine   Left Medial view

Pterygopalatine canal Right Medial View

Nasal Crest on palatine               IDK what view

Ala          Superior View

perpendicular plate on vomer Anterior View

nasopalatine groove of vomer Right Lateral View

Posterior border of vomer           Right Lateral View

Lacrimal process of the inferior nasal conchae              Anterior View

Maxillary Process of inferior Nasal conchae IDK what view

Lamina of inferior nasal conchae           Anterior View

Ethmoidal process of inferior nasal conchae IDK what view

Cribriform plate              Superior View

lamina orbitalis of ethmoid        Anterior View

ethmoid air cells             Anterior and inferior view

middle nasal concha of ethmoid bone Anterior View

crista galli of ethmoid bone        Anterior VIew

labryinth of ethmoid bone          Anterior and Posterior View

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone  Anterior and Posterior view

Posterior lacrimal crest of lacrimal bone            Lateral View

Lacrimal groove of lacrimal bone          Right Lateral View

front process of the zygomatic bone   Right Lateral View

Masseteric origin of zygomatic bone Left Lateral View

Temporal process of zygomatic bone Right Lateral View

Zygomaticofacial foramen         Anterior View

superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone           Anterior View

sphenoidal sinuses of the sphenoid bone            Right Medial View

lesser wing of sphenoid bone Superior View

Orbital surface of sphenoid bone            Anterior View

Greater wing   Superior View

angular spine of sphenoid           Anterior View

Lateral pterygoid plate               Anterior and Superior View

Medial pterygoid plate               Anterior and Superior View

pterygoid canal of sphenoid bone           Anterior View

pterygoid process of sphenoid bone   Inferior View

Infratemporal crest         Anterior View

Sphenoidal crest             Anterior View

Hypophyseal fossa          Superior View

Posterior clinoid process            Superior View

Anterior clinoid process             Superior View

Sphenoidal rostrum         Inferior View

Foramen ovale Inferior View

Pterygoid hamulus          Posterior View

dorsum sellae of sphenoid bone             Superior View

optic canal of sphenoid bone  Superior View

Foramen rotundum         Superior View

pterygoid fossa of sphenoid bone           Inferior View

Clivus of sphenoid bone             Superior View

body of the maxillary bone         Anterior View

Mental spines  Posterior View

Extramolar surface         Anterior/Right Lateral View

Mandibular notch           Right Lateral View

Mandibular condyle        Right Lateral View

Condylar neck Right Lateral View

Endocoronoid ridge        Superior View

Coronoid process            Right Lateral View

Lingula                Left Lateral View

Pterygoid tuberosities Posterior View

Mylohyoid line               Left Lateral View

Submandibular fossa  Posterior View

Sublingual fossa              Posterior View

Digastric fossa Posterior View

Gonial angle   Left Lateral View

Masseteric tuberosity  Left Lateral View

Mandibular foramen   Posterior View

Ramus Right Lateral View

Oblique line        Left Lateral View


Skull Bones

Foramen spinosum          Inferior View

Frontal Bone   Right Lateral View

coronal suture Right Lateral View

Parietal Bone  Right Lateral View

Saggital Suture               Posterior view

occipital Bone Right Lateral Bone

Squamous Suture            Right Lateral View

Lambdoid Suture            Right Lateral View

Termporal Bone              Left Lateral View

Occitimastiod suture   Right Lateral View

Pterion Suture Right Lateral View

Zygomatic bone              Anterior view

Maxilla bone   Right Lateral view

Mandible             Anterior View

spheniod bone Anterior View

Ethmoid bone Posterior View (in the orbital cavity)

Lacrimal bone Anterior view of right side

Nasal Bone         Right Lateral View

Palatine Bone  Posterior View

Vomer Anterior view

Inferior nasal concha  Anterior View

parietomastoid suture Right Lateral View

Occipitomastoid suture               Right Lateral View

zygomaxillary suture  Anterior View

Nasomaxillary Suture Anterior View

frontonasal suture           Anterior view

Sphenotemporal suture               Right Lateral View

Frontozygomatic suture              Anterior view of left side

Sphenofrontal suture   Right Lateral View

Mental Foramen             Right Lateral View

Orbit        Anterior view

perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone  Anterior View

supraorbital foramen  Anterior view

supraorbital margin        Anterior view

Supraorbital Fissure        Anterior View of Right side

inferior orbital fissure Anterior view of right side

foramen magnum            Posterior View

jugular foramen              Posterior View

foramen lacerum             Posterior View

Crista Galli         Posterior view

Olfactory Foramina        Posterior View

optic foramen  Posterior View

sella turcica         Posterior View

hypoglassal foramen   Superior View

internal auditory meatus             Superior View

formane ovale Superior View

Foraman Rotundum        Superior View

frontal squama Anterior View

Zygomatic process on frontal bone        Anterior View

Supraorbital notch          Anterior View

frontal eminence             Anterior View

supraciliary arch             Anterior View

Frontal Crest   Inferior View

arachnoid fovea              Inferior View

saggital sulcus Inferior View

Horizontal portion of frontal bone          Posterior-Inferior View

Foramen Cecum             Superior View

meningeal grooves          Right Lateral View

frontal sinus        Right Lateral View

lacrimal fossa  Anterior View of the Left Side

ethmoidal notch              (Labeled C) Inferior View

parietal tuber   Superior View

Parietal Foramen            Superior View

Frontal angle (of parietal bone)              Superior View

Superior Temporal Line             (Blue) Right Lateral View

Inferior Temporal Line               (Pink) Left Lateral View

Sphenoidal angle            Left Lateral View

parietal striae  Right Lateral View

Mastoid Angle Right Lateral View

Sigmoid (transverse) sulcus        Superior View

Petrous pyramid              Superior View

internal aucoustic meatus           Right lateral View

Parietal notch  Left Lateral View

Parietomastiod process               Left Lateral View

Mandibular Fossa           Right Lateral View

Tympanic Part Right Lateral View

Vaginal Process              Left Lateral View

Stylomastoid Foramen                Inferior View

Articular eminence         Left Lateral View

Carotid Canal  Inferior View

styloid process temporal bone Right Lateral View

Jugular Fossa  Inferior View

Occipital groove of temporal bone         Right Lateral View

Mastoid Foramen            Inferior View

mastoid notch of temporal bone             Left Lateral View

stapes  Ear bone

Incus   Ear bone

malleous             Ear Bone

occipital planum             Posterior view

superior nuchal line of occipital bone (Top blue line) Posterior View

inferior nuchal line of occipital bone (Bottom blue line) Posterior View

Condylar Foramen          Inferior View

Condylar Fossa               Inferior View

Groove for Medulla Oblongata              Inferior View

Hypoglossal canal          Inferior View

Occipital Condyle           Inferior View

External Occipital Crest             Inferior View

Nuchal planum (occipital)          Posterior View

external occipital protuberance              Posterior View

Sagittal Sulcus on occipital bone           Inferior View

Interal occipital protuberance 360 Superior View

Cruciform eminence   Superior View

Transverse Sulcus           Superior View

cerebella fossa Inferior View

jugular process of the occipital bone  Inferior View

jugular notch of the occipital bone         Inferior View

hypoglossal canal of occipital bone        Superior View

internal occipital crest Superior View

frontal process of maxilla           Anterior View

canine jugum  Anterior View

Canine fossa of maxilla              Anterior View

infraorbital foramen        Anterior View

zygomatic process of maxilla Anterior Process

palatine process of maxilla         Inferior View

maxillary sinus                Anterior View

nasoalveolar clivus         Anterior View

anterior lacrimal crest Left Lateral View

anterior nasal spine         Right lateral view

alveolar process              Right Lateral View

infraorbital sulcus           Superior View

Orbital Margin                Anterior View

lacrimal groove of maxilla         Left Medial View

Greater palatine groove              Inferior View

Incisive Foramen            Inferior View

Alveoli on the maxilla bone   Right Lateral View

Conchal crest of palatine            IDK what view

Perpendicular plane of palatine              IDK what view

Pyramidal process           Anterior View

Posterior Border of palatine   Left Medial view

Pterygopalatine canal Right Medial View

Nasal Crest on palatine               IDK what view

Ala          Superior View

perpendicular plate on vomer Anterior View

nasopalatine groove of vomer Right Lateral View

Posterior border of vomer           Right Lateral View

Lacrimal process of the inferior nasal conchae              Anterior View

Maxillary Process of inferior Nasal conchae IDK what view

Lamina of inferior nasal conchae           Anterior View

Ethmoidal process of inferior nasal conchae IDK what view

Cribriform plate              Superior View

lamina orbitalis of ethmoid        Anterior View

ethmoid air cells             Anterior and inferior view

middle nasal concha of ethmoid bone Anterior View

crista galli of ethmoid bone        Anterior VIew

labryinth of ethmoid bone          Anterior and Posterior View

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone  Anterior and Posterior view

Posterior lacrimal crest of lacrimal bone            Lateral View

Lacrimal groove of lacrimal bone          Right Lateral View

front process of the zygomatic bone   Right Lateral View

Masseteric origin of zygomatic bone Left Lateral View

Temporal process of zygomatic bone Right Lateral View

Zygomaticofacial foramen         Anterior View

superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone           Anterior View

sphenoidal sinuses of the sphenoid bone            Right Medial View

lesser wing of sphenoid bone Superior View

Orbital surface of sphenoid bone            Anterior View

Greater wing   Superior View

angular spine of sphenoid           Anterior View

Lateral pterygoid plate               Anterior and Superior View

Medial pterygoid plate               Anterior and Superior View

pterygoid canal of sphenoid bone           Anterior View

pterygoid process of sphenoid bone   Inferior View

Infratemporal crest         Anterior View

Sphenoidal crest             Anterior View

Hypophyseal fossa          Superior View

Posterior clinoid process            Superior View

Anterior clinoid process             Superior View

Sphenoidal rostrum         Inferior View

Foramen ovale Inferior View

Pterygoid hamulus          Posterior View

dorsum sellae of sphenoid bone             Superior View

optic canal of sphenoid bone  Superior View

Foramen rotundum         Superior View

pterygoid fossa of sphenoid bone           Inferior View

Clivus of sphenoid bone             Superior View

body of the maxillary bone         Anterior View

Mental spines  Posterior View

Extramolar surface         Anterior/Right Lateral View

Mandibular notch           Right Lateral View

Mandibular condyle        Right Lateral View

Condylar neck Right Lateral View

Endocoronoid ridge        Superior View

Coronoid process            Right Lateral View

Lingula                Left Lateral View

Pterygoid tuberosities Posterior View

Mylohyoid line               Left Lateral View

Submandibular fossa  Posterior View

Sublingual fossa              Posterior View

Digastric fossa Posterior View

Gonial angle   Left Lateral View

Masseteric tuberosity  Left Lateral View

Mandibular foramen   Posterior View

Ramus Right Lateral View

Oblique line        Left Lateral View
