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Made by Matthew Rexel C. Dungca

Edited by Gian Carl Lim

Lesson 1

Parallelism - it is the repetition of the same grammatical form in two or more parts of the sentence

  • Words

  • Phrases

  • Clauses

Parallel words - a noun should be grouped with other nouns, an adjective to adjective and so on.

Example (Red parallel) (blue not parallel)

Not parallel

  1. The company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and is going to arrive to work on time.


  1. the company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and punctual.

Parallel Phrases - should be used to balance a series of phrases with the same grammatical structure


Not parallel

  1. initial trials showed that exposure to chemicals caused memory problems, intermittent dizziness, and deters sleep.


  1. initial trials showed that exposure to chemicals caused memory problems, intermittent dizziness, and insomnia.

Parallel clauses - is applicable to a series of clauses in a sentence


Not parallel

  1. The report card stated that the student often talked in class that he bullied other students, and rarely finished his homework.


  1. The report card stated that the student often talked in class that he bullied other students, and that he rarely finished his homework.

(way too lazy to type i am not typing allat)


  1. He is neither ornamental nor useful.

  2. Lily likes eating M&Ms and binge-watching series in netflix

Figurative language- language used to convey a complicated meaning.

Simile- it is a comparison of two unlikely things using “like” or “as”


“The poster is as pretty as a bouquet of flowers.”

Metaphor-comparison of two unlikely things that does not include the word “like” or “as”


“The room is an oven

Personification-human qualities to non human things


“The building can touch the clouds”

Hyperbole-Extreme exaggeration.


“Im so hungry i could eat a horse”

Alliteration-It is when words in a phrase start with same letter or sound


Mary read a magazine last Monday with Mom at the mall”

Assonance-vowel sounds anywhere in the middle or end of a line or stanza are repeated


Lake takes the cake”

Onomatopoeia-word that sounds like the noise or action it is describing


“The “boom” of a firework”

Repetition-Literary device that involves using the same word or phrase over and over again


“I have a heart to heart talk with my brother”

Oxymoron- use of words that are exactly the opposite in a line of poetry


“They knew they could feel the joyful sadness on his arrival.”


Made by Matthew Rexel C. Dungca

Edited by Gian Carl Lim

Lesson 1

Parallelism - it is the repetition of the same grammatical form in two or more parts of the sentence

  • Words

  • Phrases

  • Clauses

Parallel words - a noun should be grouped with other nouns, an adjective to adjective and so on.

Example (Red parallel) (blue not parallel)

Not parallel

  1. The company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and is going to arrive to work on time.


  1. the company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and punctual.

Parallel Phrases - should be used to balance a series of phrases with the same grammatical structure


Not parallel

  1. initial trials showed that exposure to chemicals caused memory problems, intermittent dizziness, and deters sleep.


  1. initial trials showed that exposure to chemicals caused memory problems, intermittent dizziness, and insomnia.

Parallel clauses - is applicable to a series of clauses in a sentence


Not parallel

  1. The report card stated that the student often talked in class that he bullied other students, and rarely finished his homework.


  1. The report card stated that the student often talked in class that he bullied other students, and that he rarely finished his homework.

(way too lazy to type i am not typing allat)


  1. He is neither ornamental nor useful.

  2. Lily likes eating M&Ms and binge-watching series in netflix

Figurative language- language used to convey a complicated meaning.

Simile- it is a comparison of two unlikely things using “like” or “as”


“The poster is as pretty as a bouquet of flowers.”

Metaphor-comparison of two unlikely things that does not include the word “like” or “as”


“The room is an oven

Personification-human qualities to non human things


“The building can touch the clouds”

Hyperbole-Extreme exaggeration.


“Im so hungry i could eat a horse”

Alliteration-It is when words in a phrase start with same letter or sound


Mary read a magazine last Monday with Mom at the mall”

Assonance-vowel sounds anywhere in the middle or end of a line or stanza are repeated


Lake takes the cake”

Onomatopoeia-word that sounds like the noise or action it is describing


“The “boom” of a firework”

Repetition-Literary device that involves using the same word or phrase over and over again


“I have a heart to heart talk with my brother”

Oxymoron- use of words that are exactly the opposite in a line of poetry


“They knew they could feel the joyful sadness on his arrival.”