COM 220 3/3/25

Introduction to Situational Analysis in Advertising

  • Purpose of situational analysis: Understand the foundational aspects of a brand's current market position to drive advertising campaigns.

  • Involves research on brand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).

  • Integral part of marketing strategy development.

Understanding Brand Positioning

  • Brands perform situational analysis to:

    • Identify why they are launching an advertising campaign.

    • Assess the current market conditions and brand landscape.

  • Methodology: SWOT Analysis

    • Strengths: Attributes that give the brand an advantage.

    • Weaknesses: Areas where the brand is at a disadvantage.

    • Opportunities: External factors that can be leveraged for growth.

    • Threats: External challenges that may negatively impact the brand.

Research Component

  • Assignment involves conducting qualitative and quantitative research:

    • Analyze brand challenges and opportunities.

    • Frame recommendations based on SWOT analysis findings.

  • Importance of research in crafting a strategic advertising message.

  • Expected Deliverables:

    • Qualitative insights, quantitative data, and a situational analysis report for a selected brand.

Assignment Structure

  • The assignment is a group presentation format guided by a template focusing on:

    1. Title Slide: Brand name and student name.

    2. Background/Product Overview: 300-500 word write-up on the brand's history, current state, and key product details.

    3. Competitive Landscape: Identify and analyze three main competitors, focusing on these aspects:

      • Branding

      • Market share

      • Target demographic.

    4. SWOT Analysis: Visual representation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

    5. Rationale for New Campaign: Recommendations for future brand strategies based on the insights derived from research.

    6. Sources Slide: Include a minimum of five APA formatted sources.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Presentation requires in-depth analysis and professional writing; emphasis on clarity and visual appeal.

  • Use visuals like graphs, charts, and infographics for clarity and engagement.

  • Ensure slides have a clear structure and minimal text to keep attention focused on the presenter.

  • Grammar and proper format are crucial to maintain a professional tone.

Audience Segmentation Exercise

  • Objective: Identify key target market segments for an energy drink brand, focusing on:

    • Demographics and psychographics.

    • Qualitative and quantitative data to understand consumer behavior.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Who are the typical consumers?

    • What segments currently engage with energy drinks?

    • Recommendations for potential target segments to pursue further.

Strategies for Effective Research

  • Encourage deeper exploration beyond surface data to uncover unique insights.

  • Emphasize the importance of filtering information through personal analysis.

  • Maintain an eye for trends and new consumer sentiments to support strategic recommendations.

Final Notes

  • Address questions related to assignment structure and content.

  • Mention the importance of building a strategic approach early to avoid last-minute rushes.

  • Continuous availability for guidance throughout the assignment process.
