Institution Name: Curtin University of Technology
Subject: Science and Professional Practice in Psychology
Copyright Notice: Material used under Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Regulation 1969.
Empiricism: A fundamental part of the scientific method.
Originated from philosophical thinkers such as Vaisheshika, Aristotle, Bacon, Locke, Hume, Descartes.
Key Concepts:
Hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations.
Importance of empirical research (experiments and validated measurement tools).
Quote: "You can observe a lot just by watching" (Yogi Bear).
Must be systematic and theory-driven; not random.
Structured observation enhances understanding of the world (Stanovich, 2010).
Historical Figures:
Rise of empiricism linked to experiments by Skinner and Thorndike.
Focus on observable behavior (e.g., Skinner’s Box and Thorndike’s Puzzle Box).
Shift in Focus:
Moved from non-quantifiable processes to sophisticated behavioral measures.
Wilhelm Wundt:
Known as the founding father of experimental psychology; established the first lab in Leipzig, Germany.
Specialized in psycholinguistics and introspection.
William James:
American psychologist associated with behaviorism, taught at Harvard, and focused on functionalism.
Disagreed with Wundt about the scientific study of the mind.
Edward Thorndike:
Emphasized learning as an automatic, incremental process seen in all animals (including humans).
Developed "Law of Effect"—reinforcement strengthens associations.
B.F. Skinner:
Developed behaviorism and emphasized environmental influence on behavior, neglecting private events like thoughts or feelings.
Conducted experiments to understand learning (e.g., Project Pigeon).
Principles for Empirical Psychology:
Well-designed studies: experimental and correlational.
Clear hypotheses: Testable and defined variables.
Established measures and appropriate sample sizes.
Operational Definitions:
Process of defining concepts so they can be measured appropriately (e.g., IQ through WAIS-IV or symptoms of depression).
Consistency of measurements over time (test-retest, inter-rater reliability).
Internal reliability assessed via statistics (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha).
Accuracy of measurement: are we truly measuring what we aim to?
Different types of reliability and validity will be discussed later.
Bathroom scales to measure IQ: High reliability, low validity (inappropriate measurement).
Scientific Theory:
Created to explain and predict phenomena.
Must describe observations and make predictions about future results.
Quote from Stephen Hawking:
Theories are provisional; a single contradictory observation can disprove a theory.
Importance of Falsifiability:
A theory must allow for predictions to be proven false.
Example: All swans being white.
Falsifiability Concept:
Based on classical logic (Modus Tollens).
Theories must specify predictions that can be shown to be either true or false.
Hypothèse should state specific outcomes.
Theories evolve based on new evidence.
Sigmund Freud (1856–1939):
Made significant contributions to developmental psychology, personality, and psychoanalysis.
Criticism of Freud’s Theories:
Lack of predictive ability and usefulness.
Non-falsifiable ideas limit scientific testing.
Verifiability Doctrine:
Science is public and must be testable by others.
C. Hempel's assertion on empirical testing.
Transparency in methodologies and findings increases credibility.
Peer Review Importance:
Articles undergo scrutiny by other scientists before publication.
Open access promotes accessible scientific communication.
Critique on "Custard therapy for manic depression" highlights peer review’s necessity.
Replication in Research:
Consistency in obtaining results is vital for scientific validity.
Examples of studies documenting replication efforts.
Wakefield’s Study:
Published flawed research linking MMR vaccine to autism.
Resulted in public health crisis over vaccine refusal.
Retraction of findings and detrimental impacts on vaccination rates.
Notable Cases:
Instances of serious ethical breaches in scientific research worldwide.
Emphasis on the importance of peer review and replication in maintaining scientific integrity.
A structured procedure in natural science characterized by observation and experimentation leading to hypothesis testing.
Stages in Research:
Observations lead to questions, testable predictions, and experimentation for hypothesis modification.
Ongoing Process:
Proposal of theories, deriving predictions, collecting empirical data, verifying results, modifying theories as needed.
Model Description:
Integrates scientific knowledge with psychological practice, emphasizing evidence-based practices.
Real-world Uses:
Applied by various psychologist disciplines to enhance practice with verified methods.
Key Insights:
Scientific knowledge must be empirical, falsifiable, and verifiable.
An understanding of these principles strengthens the integrity of psychological science.