Forms of innovation - use of application of the innovation.
3 applications
product, process, service innovations.
Degree of novelty - associated with the innovation.
making valuable changes to physical products.
appear large in the public imagination.
Products must be incrementally improved or adjusted as problems are identified in product, service or new requirements demand emerges.
vital work of product design team to keep on adding products to the product families.
main activities of the product design team is to work and produce.
work on designing radical new products or new core products that expand the portfolio significantly and often involve radically new processes to create them.
form of a new method of providing a service. entirely new service.
intro of a new or improved method for the production that adds value to the organization.
Incremental innovations
refines and improves and existing design.
improvements not changes, the components are not fundamentally changed.
Radical innovation
developing a new design by using new components configured and incorporated into the design in a new way.
Modular innovation
architecture and configuration associated with he existing system of an established product are used and it employs new components.
Architectural innovation
changes in the subsystem.
providing freedom to explore new ideas.
weed out ideas that lack potential.
tests sustainability of ideas for particular organization.
“an invention is considered an innovation only once it has been commercialized.”
diffusion gains final recognition of a innovation
implementation setts up the structures, maintenance and resources.
step 1: innovation starts with a problem.
step 2: transform the problem into a challenge.
step 3: challenge others to give suggestive solutions.
step 4: collaborative idea generation.
step 5: combine and evaluate ideas.
step 6: develop the new ideas.
step 7: implementing the idea.