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apush unit 2 flash cards

Vocabulary List – Unit 2 Vocabulary Assignment Name _______________________________


Date? What is it?

Why is it important?

Roger B. Taney

5th Chief Justice of the US

Barbary Pirates

mainly Muslim pirates and privateers who operated from the Barbary states

Cotton Gin

A machine that removes seeds from cotton fibers → increase in cotton production

Embargo Act

Outlawed trade between America and any foreign port

Closed off our economy → led to further conflict with Britain

Missouri Compromise

half free half slave

Louisiana Purchase

Bought the midwest from France

Marbury v. Madison

Judicial review → has the power to interpret laws and decide if they violate the constitution

Market Revolution

Transforming American Business and Global Trade

2nd Great Awakening

Religious + reformation

Battle of Tippecanoe

Fought over the white expansion of the Indian territory


Deusts accepted the existence of God, but considered him a remote being that after creating the universe, withdrew from involvement with the human race.

John Marshall

-established the court's power through landmark decisions (Marbury v Madison, etc.)

Lewis and Clark

Went on expeditions to explore the west of the US → after the LP

McCulloch v. Maryland

upheld constitutionally of the natio nal bank using an “elastic clause”

Battle of New Orleans

Part of War of 1812 → The British tried to take NO

Hartford Convention

Convention where the Federalist Party dissolved

Henry Clay

The “Great Compromiser”

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty between GB and USA ended the war of 1812

Gibbons v. Ogden

Federal government holds the authority to regulate interstate commerce.

Monroe Doctrine

A policy that furthers European colonization of the West is considered hostile.

Wildcat/Pet Banks

Financial institutions that sprang up int he West and were involved in risky land speculation on the frontier.

Tariff of Abominations

raised taxes on imported manufactured goods as to reduce foreign competition with American manufacturing

John C. Calhoun

The senate's most prominent state’s rights advocate

Spoils System

The political tactic of employing and promoting civil servants who are the supporters and friends of the group in power to office.

Nullification Crisis

Showdown between president Andrew Jackson and the South Carolina legislature over former attempts to declare null and void of Federal Tariffs

Indian Removal Act

The forcible removal of Indians from their land

Worcester v. Georgia

states did not have the right to impose regulations on Native American land.

Frederick Douglass

African American abolitionist

Hartford Convention

A series of meetings in which New Englad federalists discussed their complaints and and wrongs that they felt had been done → opposed the war of 1812

Erie Canal

An artificial waterway connected the Hudson river with lake Erie

The first great westward movement

Nicholas Biddle

President of the second national bank.


The policy of protecting native-born inhabitants


A 19th-century political party that opposed immigrants in the US and those who followed the Catholic faith

Nat Turner

Slave from VA that led a group of slaves to kill slaveholders and their families

Cyrus McCormick

Invented the mechanical reaver → made farming more efficient

Susan B. Anthony

A leader in the woman suffrage movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Organized the first demand for woman suffrage in the US

Dorothea Dix

A pioneer in the movement to improve conditions for the mentally ill

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote the abolitionist book → encouraged people to stand against slavery

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist

Hudson River School

19th century art movement focused on nature and inspired by romanticism

Charles Grandison Finney

Charles Grandison Finney was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States

Horace Mann

Criticized the educational system of the US

William Henry Harrison

-shortest presidency

-served in the indian wars, war of 1812.

Seneca Falls Conference

First women’s right convention


a religious group who were followers of Joseph Smith

Dartmouth v. Woodward

States cannot interfere with the property rights and contracts of private businesses


Bank of the U.S.

A central bank

-private bank issued paper money, completed commercial transactions, and collected government tax revenues as well as lent money to the government.

apush unit 2 flash cards

Vocabulary List – Unit 2 Vocabulary Assignment Name _______________________________


Date? What is it?

Why is it important?

Roger B. Taney

5th Chief Justice of the US

Barbary Pirates

mainly Muslim pirates and privateers who operated from the Barbary states

Cotton Gin

A machine that removes seeds from cotton fibers → increase in cotton production

Embargo Act

Outlawed trade between America and any foreign port

Closed off our economy → led to further conflict with Britain

Missouri Compromise

half free half slave

Louisiana Purchase

Bought the midwest from France

Marbury v. Madison

Judicial review → has the power to interpret laws and decide if they violate the constitution

Market Revolution

Transforming American Business and Global Trade

2nd Great Awakening

Religious + reformation

Battle of Tippecanoe

Fought over the white expansion of the Indian territory


Deusts accepted the existence of God, but considered him a remote being that after creating the universe, withdrew from involvement with the human race.

John Marshall

-established the court's power through landmark decisions (Marbury v Madison, etc.)

Lewis and Clark

Went on expeditions to explore the west of the US → after the LP

McCulloch v. Maryland

upheld constitutionally of the natio nal bank using an “elastic clause”

Battle of New Orleans

Part of War of 1812 → The British tried to take NO

Hartford Convention

Convention where the Federalist Party dissolved

Henry Clay

The “Great Compromiser”

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty between GB and USA ended the war of 1812

Gibbons v. Ogden

Federal government holds the authority to regulate interstate commerce.

Monroe Doctrine

A policy that furthers European colonization of the West is considered hostile.

Wildcat/Pet Banks

Financial institutions that sprang up int he West and were involved in risky land speculation on the frontier.

Tariff of Abominations

raised taxes on imported manufactured goods as to reduce foreign competition with American manufacturing

John C. Calhoun

The senate's most prominent state’s rights advocate

Spoils System

The political tactic of employing and promoting civil servants who are the supporters and friends of the group in power to office.

Nullification Crisis

Showdown between president Andrew Jackson and the South Carolina legislature over former attempts to declare null and void of Federal Tariffs

Indian Removal Act

The forcible removal of Indians from their land

Worcester v. Georgia

states did not have the right to impose regulations on Native American land.

Frederick Douglass

African American abolitionist

Hartford Convention

A series of meetings in which New Englad federalists discussed their complaints and and wrongs that they felt had been done → opposed the war of 1812

Erie Canal

An artificial waterway connected the Hudson river with lake Erie

The first great westward movement

Nicholas Biddle

President of the second national bank.


The policy of protecting native-born inhabitants


A 19th-century political party that opposed immigrants in the US and those who followed the Catholic faith

Nat Turner

Slave from VA that led a group of slaves to kill slaveholders and their families

Cyrus McCormick

Invented the mechanical reaver → made farming more efficient

Susan B. Anthony

A leader in the woman suffrage movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Organized the first demand for woman suffrage in the US

Dorothea Dix

A pioneer in the movement to improve conditions for the mentally ill

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote the abolitionist book → encouraged people to stand against slavery

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist

Hudson River School

19th century art movement focused on nature and inspired by romanticism

Charles Grandison Finney

Charles Grandison Finney was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States

Horace Mann

Criticized the educational system of the US

William Henry Harrison

-shortest presidency

-served in the indian wars, war of 1812.

Seneca Falls Conference

First women’s right convention


a religious group who were followers of Joseph Smith

Dartmouth v. Woodward

States cannot interfere with the property rights and contracts of private businesses


Bank of the U.S.

A central bank

-private bank issued paper money, completed commercial transactions, and collected government tax revenues as well as lent money to the government.