Psychological Disorder – Dysfunction in cognition, emotion, or behavior causing distress or impairment.
Abnormal Behavior – Actions that deviate from cultural norms, causing dysfunction.
Phobia – An irrational fear of a specific object or situation.
Psychopathology – The study of psychological disorders.
Scientist-Practitioner – A mental health professional who integrates scientific research into practice.
Clinical Description – A detailed summary of a disorder, including symptoms and history.
Prevalence – The proportion of a population with a disorder at a given time.
Incidence – The number of new cases of a disorder in a specific period.
Course – The pattern of development and change of a disorder over time.
Prognosis – The expected future course of a disorder.
Etiology – The study of the causes of disorders.
Exorcism – Ritualistic expulsion of demons from a person.
Psychosocial Treatment – Therapy focusing on social and psychological factors.
Moral Therapy – A humane psychological treatment approach from the 18th century.
Mental Hygiene Movement – A movement for humane mental health treatment.
Psychoanalysis – Freud’s theory emphasizing the unconscious mind.
Behaviorism – A psychological approach focusing on observable behaviors.
Unconscious – Thoughts and feelings outside conscious awareness.
Catharsis – Emotional release linked to unconscious conflicts.
Psychoanalytic Model – A framework explaining behavior through unconscious forces.
Id, Ego, Superego – Freud’s structures of personality.
Intrapsychic Conflicts – Conflicts between the id, ego, and superego.
Defense Mechanisms – Psychological strategies to manage stress and anxiety.
Psychosexual Stages of Development – Freud’s stages of childhood development.
Neurosis – A non-psychotic psychological disorder.
Ego Psychology – A focus on the ego’s role in behavior.
Self-Psychology – The study of how the self develops.
Object Relations – How early relationships shape psychological development.
Collective Unconscious – Jung’s theory of shared human memory.
Free Association – A psychoanalytic technique where patients say whatever comes to mind.
Dream Analysis – Interpretation of dreams to uncover unconscious thoughts.
Psychoanalyst – A professional trained in psychoanalysis.
Transference – Patients projecting feelings onto their therapist.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – Modern therapy based on psychoanalytic principles.
Self-Actualizing – Achieving one’s full potential.
Person-Centered Therapy – Therapy focused on empathy and acceptance.
Unconditional Positive Regard – Accepting and supporting clients without judgment.
Cognitive-Behavioral Model – A therapy model integrating thoughts and behaviors.
Classical Conditioning – Learning through associations (Pavlov).
Extinction – The process of unlearning a conditioned response.
Introspection – Examining one’s own thoughts and feelings.
Systematic Desensitization – Gradual exposure therapy for phobias.
Behavior Therapy – Therapy focusing on changing behaviors.
Reinforcement – Reward-based behavior modification.
Shaping – Gradually reinforcing closer approximations of a desired behavior.