Maslow Theory
Until the more basic needs are adequately met, a person will not fully strive to meet higher needs
Two Factor Theory
Assumes that one group of factors, motivators, accounts for individual motivation.
-Work itself
Hygiene Factors
-Interpersonal Relations
-Company Policy/Administration
-Working Conditions
Intangible Rewards
Non-material awards provided to an employee that do not have inherent financial value
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Process in which employees leave an organization and have to be replaced
Voluntary Turnover
Employees leave by choice
Involuntary Turnover
Employees are terminated for poor performance, work rule violations, or layoffs
Tangible Rewards
Concrete, visible forms of compensation or recognition that employers give to employees
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Psychological Contract
Unwritten expectations employees and employers have about the nature of their work relationships
Any failure by an employee to report for work as scheduled or to stay at work when scheduled
Exit Interviews
Individuals who are leaving the organization are asked to give their reasons
Process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs
Recruiting Advertising
Newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and billboards are widely used in external recruiting. Internet media sources such as postings, ads, videos, and webinars are also used
Labor and Applicant Population
Labor- All individuals who are available for selection if all possible recruitment strategies are used
Applicant-Subset of the labor forcepopulation that is available for selection using aparticular recruiting approach
Employment Agency
An organization that matches employers with suitable job candidates
Professional Employment Organization
Provide human resource HR Management services for businesses, including payroll, benefits, compliance, and more
Passive Job Seeker
Qualified individuals who aren't actively looking for work but might be interested if the right job comes along
External Recruiting
Hiring from outside the organization
Internal Recruiting
Promoting from within the organization
Selection Criteria
Characteristic that a person must process to successfully perform job duties
Predictors of Selection Criteria
Measurable or visible indicators of selection criteria
Person/Organizational-Group-Job Fit
-Person/organization fit: Congruence between individuals and organizational factors
-Person/group fit: Congruence between individuals and group or work unit dynamics
Extent to which a test or measure repeatedly produces the same results over time
Extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure
Behavioral Interviews
Applicants give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task
Biographical Interviews
Focuses on a chronological assessment of the candidate's past experiences
Situational Interviews
Questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations
Interview Problems/ Interview Biases
Poor Interviewing Techniques:
-Snap judgments
-Negative emphasis
-Halo effect
-Biases and stereotyping
-Cultural noise
Realistic Job Preview
Process through which a job applicant receives an accurate picture of a job
Right to Work
State laws that allow employees to work without being required to join a union or pay union dues
At Will Employment
A legal doctrine that gives both employers and employees the right to terminate employment at any time for any reason, except for illegal reasons
process whereby people acquire capabilities to perform jobs
Types of Training
-Legally required
-Basic and remedial skills
-Job and technical training
-Soft skills
Law of Effects
Good work/behavior can result in reward, making workers want to continue their good work
Behavioral Modeling
Copying someone else's behavior
Active Practice
Perform job-related tasks and duties during training
Technology in Training Delivery
E-learning is the use of web-based technology to conduct training online
Types of Interviews
Biographical- focuses on a chronological assessment of the candidate's past experiences
Behavior- applicants give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task
Situational- questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations
(Short Answer) The Five Main Drivers of Retention
-Organizational and Management Factors
-Employee-Supervisor Relationships
-Job and Work-Life Balance
-Career Training and Development
-Employer Policies and Practices
(Short Answer) The Four Classifications of Training
-Legally Required
-Basic and Remedial Skills
-Job and Technical Training
-Soft Skills
(Short Answer) The Big Five Personality Types and One Adjective to Describe a High Score
-Extroversion (ex of a high score = talkative)
-Agreeableness (ex of a high score = trusting)
-Conscientiousness (ex of a high score = hardworking)
-Neuroticism (ex of a high score = emotional)
-Openness to Experience (ex of a high score = creative)