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AP Psychology Study Guides
AP Psychology Ultimate Guide
Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior
Unit 2: Cognition
Unit 3: Development and Learning
Unit 4: Social Psychology and Personality
Unit 5: Mental and Physical Health
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Unit 3: Sensation and Perception
AP PSYCH 3.4 Visual Perception
Distortions of scale
Based on manipulation of monocular cues
Messes with depth perception
Visual system gets overstimulates
Excitement or fatigue of photoreceptors
Fatigue or overstimulation of feature detectors in the visual cortex
Mismatch between what you perceive and what you sense
Takes advantage of top-down processing and perceptual set
Manipulation of a Gestalt principle
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AP Psychology Study Guides
AP Psychology Ultimate Guide
Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior
Unit 2: Cognition
Unit 3: Development and Learning
Unit 4: Social Psychology and Personality
Unit 5: Mental and Physical Health
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AP English Language and Composition
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AP United States History