FOOD Room Safety Rules Review the list of safety rules for the food classroom. For each rule explain why you believe this is a rule.

The Rule



Keep sharp knives sharp.

Keeping the knives sharp is essential to cut through foods better as they require less force. 


Wrap your hand in a towel to pick up broken glass.

The towel becomes a protective barrier to reduce the risk of cutting yourself with the glass. 


Remove lids and plastic wrap carefully to avoid steam burns.

When using lids or plastic wrap, make sure you are wearing proper clothes and keep your face away from the lid to avoid the hot steam that accumulated to burn you.


Avoid long, loose sleeves, sashes, and dangling jewelry.

To avoid the clothing getting caught on or getting into the food, do not wear dangling jewelry, as it could get into the food and create a safety hazard. 


Pull your hair back and secure it so that it stays away from your face and shoulders

Pulling your hair back helps prevent the spread of bacteria and maintains proper food hygiene


While working with food, avoid touching your hair, skin, face, or other unclean objects.

To avoid cross-contamination and maintain a sanitary working environment. 


Wipe up all spills at once

Cleaning spills immediately prevent someone from slipping and getting hurt, reducing the risk of injury. 


Wash, dry, and store knives separately from other dishes and utensils

Keeping knives separate prevents accidental cuts when reaching into dish draws. 


When opening cans, cut the lids completely off using a can opener

This prevents the serrated part from cutting anyone when reaching into the garbage or the can. 


Do not put knives in a sink full of soapy water.

The next person washing the dishes will not be able to see the knives and accidentally cut themselves. 


Store flammable substances such as cleaning fluid or aerosol sprays away from heat sources.

Keeping flammable substances away from heat prevents fires and explosions. 


Keep pan handles turned inward on the range.

This prevents people from accidentally walking into the handles and knocking hot handles over which can cause burns. 


When removing a pan from the oven, pull the oven rack out. Don’t reach into the hot oven

As it increases the risk of getting a burn. Pulling the oven rack out allows more space to safely remove the pan. 


Disconnect appliances before cleaning them

Unplugging appliances prevents electric shock when cleaning. 


Plug the cord of portable appliances into the appliance first, then into the wall.

This prevents electrical shock by reducing the sudden surge of energy from the wall plug.


Never damage the door of a microwave oven or use a microwave oven if the door appears damaged

A damaged microwave door can lead to radiation leaks, which is a health risk and safety hazard


No personal music devices or phones are allowed in the kitchens. No headphones/earbuds may be used on cooking days.

They cause a sanitary issue because devices have a lot of bacteria on them that we wouldn’t want getting into our food. 
