Course Title: ECON10004: Introductory Microeconomics
Semester: 1, 2025
Instructor: Eik Swee
Department: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne
Definition of a Market:
A marketplace where buyers and sellers trade a specific good or service.
Buyers represent the demand side, while sellers represent the supply side.
Decision to Transact:
Buyers and sellers make transactions by weighing Marginal Benefit (MB) against Marginal Cost (MC).
Trade occurs when MB is greater than or equal to MC for both parties.
Many buyers and sellers trading identical goods.
No product differentiation; competitive due to multiple sellers.
Market Power:
Individual sellers have no market power and are referred to as "price-takers."
Perfectly competitive markets serve as a useful benchmark for analyzing other market structures.
Demand Curve Definition:
A graphical representation of the quantity demanded at various prices.
Behavior of Demand:
As prices rise, the quantity demanded generally decreases.
The demand curve slopes downward due to inverse price relationship.
Price of ice-cream at $3.00 and $2.50 broken down into individual demands from buyers Catherine and Nicholas.
Aggregation of individual demand results in market demand, showcasing how demand can be totaled across different buyers.
The price of the good itself is a primary factor influencing demand.
Income Changes:
Income influences demand for normal (positively related) and inferior goods (inversely related).
Other Factors:
The quality and price of alternative goods.
Consumer tastes and preferences.
Inverse Relationship:
Quantity demanded decreases as price increases, holding other factors constant.
Demand Curve Movement:
Price changes lead to movements along the demand curve.
Price of Other Goods:
Substitutes: A rise in the price of one increases demand for the other.
Complements: A rise in the price of one decreases demand for the other.
Additional Factors:
Consumer tastes, opportunity costs, price expectations, and the number of buyers can shift the demand curve.
Market Supply Definition:
Summation of supplies from all sellers in the market.
Factors Influencing Supply:
Price and technology are among several influencing factors.
Positive Relationship:
Quantity supplied increases with an increase in price, ceteris paribus.
Supply Curve Movement:
Price changes result in movements along the supply curve.
Factors Shifting the Supply Curve:
Technology advancements;
Changes in input prices;
Price expectations.
A state where demand equals supply, resulting in a balance.
Trade Clearance:
Market clears when buyers and sellers reach an acceptable price and quantity.
Graphical Representation:
Equilibrium is visually depicted at the intersection of demand and supply curves.
Demand and Supply Functions:
Given: QD = 120 - 20P, QS = 20P.
Solve for equilibrium price (P*) and quantity (Q*) using the equation QD = QS.