Vocab #5 Flashcards

Term: Acrimonious
Definition: Caustic; bitter (language)
Sentence: Their acrimonious argument left both of them feeling bitter.

Term: Ameliorate
Definition: To make better; to improve
Sentence: The new policies aim to ameliorate working conditions for employees.

Term: Amenable
Definition: Open to or willing to follow advice; tractable
Sentence: She was amenable to the idea of trying a new restaurant.

Term: Amorphous
Definition: Shapeless; having no definite form
Sentence: The dark, amorphous shape in the distance turned out to be a foggy hill.

Term: Buoyant
Definition: Capable of floating; cheerful
Sentence: Despite the hardships, he remained buoyant and optimistic.

Term: Cajole
Definition: To persuade with deliberate flattery; to coax
Sentence: He tried to cajole his mother into giving him extra dessert.

Term: Calamity
Definition: A serious event causing distress or misfortune
Sentence: The hurricane was a calamity that destroyed thousands of homes.

Term: Debase
Definition: To reduce in dignity or quality
Sentence: He refused to debase himself by lying to get ahead.

Term: Efface
Definition: To erase; to wear away
Sentence: Over time, the rain began to efface the writing on the tombstone.

Term: Elucidate
Definition: To make clear; to explain
Sentence: The professor was able to elucidate even the most complex theories.

Term: Ephemeral
Definition: Lasting a short period of time; fleeting
Sentence: The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral but breathtaking.

Term: Ferocity
Definition: Savagery
Sentence: The lion attacked its prey with great ferocity.

Term: Flourish
Definition: To thrive; to grow well
Sentence: With enough care, the small business began to flourish.

Term: Haughty
Definition: Arrogant; excessively proud and vain
Sentence: The haughty student looked down on those who asked for help.

Term: Impervious
Definition: Incapable of being entered or penetrated
Sentence: The raincoat is impervious to water.

Term: Inane
Definition: Lacking significance; silly, insipid
Sentence: Their inane conversation was full of silly jokes.

Term: Indolence
Definition: Laziness
Sentence: His indolence kept him from finishing his assignments on time.

Term: Infallible
Definition: Incapable of error
Sentence: No one is infallible; we all make mistakes.

Term: Inscrutable
Definition: Difficult to understand; mysterious
Sentence: Her inscrutable expression made it hard to tell what she was thinking.

Term: Languid
Definition: Slow, sluggish, listless, weak
Sentence: His languid movements showed his exhaustion.

Term: Malice
Definition: Desire to harm others
Sentence: He spoke with malice, intending to hurt her feelings.

Term: Oblique
Definition: Slanting, indirect, evasive, misleading
Sentence: Her oblique response made it clear she was avoiding the question.

Term: Opulence
Definition: Wealth, affluence, abundance
Sentence: The mansion’s gold-plated doors were a symbol of opulence.

Term: Penitent
Definition: Showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing; repentant
Sentence: He was penitent after realizing how much he had hurt his friend.

Term: Perfunctory
Definition: Acting routinely with little interest or care
Sentence: His perfunctory apology didn’t seem sincere.
