The Enlightenment was known as the age of reason, a time where people were thinking, understanding and forming judgments by a process of logic separate from the government. It came around in England during the 1600’s after political turmoil. It was a philosophical era.


a. reason - truth could be discovered through logical thinking

b. nature - believed many things were natural. laws of economic and politics just as laws of motion.

c. happiness - living by natures law could find happiness. accept misery to find joy in the hereafter

d. progress - progress in society

e. liberty - society could be set free


A. Thomas Hobbes

  1. Wrote Leviathan (Sea Monster)

  2. Believed all humans were selfish & wicked

  3. Argued people gave up their rights for a strong ruler for gaining law and order & self interest, this is known as a social contract

  4. Believed the best government was the one that had an absolute monarchy in which they could impose order and demand obedience

B. John Locke

  1. Believed people could learn from experience and had the natural ability to govern their own affairs, and to look after welfare of a society favoring a self-government

  2. Believed all people were born free and equal with 3 natural rights: Life, Liberty & Property

  3. John Locke believed that the purpose of the government was to protect the rights of the people. If the government fails to do so, citizens have a right to overthrow it

C. Voltaire (Francois Marie Arbouet)

  1. Often considered the most brilliant and influential philosopher

  2. Voltaire used satire against his opponents, often targeting the clergy, aristocracy and the government

  3. Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech.

D. Montesquieu

  1. French writer, studied ancient Rome and concluded their collapse was directly related to its loss of political liberties

  2. Separation of Powers - division of power among different branches

  3. Checks & Balances - each branch of government is equal and would eliminate either branch from gaining more power than the other.

  4. His ideas became the basis for the U.S constitution

E. Jean Jacques Rousseau

  1. Philosopher, committed to individual freedom.

  2. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains”

  3. Believed in direct democracy

  4. Believed all people were equal and that titles of nobility should be demolished

F. Bonesana Beccaria

  1. Italian philosopher who criticized common abuses of justice such as torturing witnesses & suspects, irregular proceedings in trials and cruel + unusual punishment.

  2. Believed that people should receive a quick trial and never be tortured.

  3. Punishment should be based on crime, no capital punishment.
