chapter 1

1.1 Data Communications

Definition & Process

  • Data Communications is simply sharing information (data) between two devices over some physical connection (like a cable).

  • Communication can be local (face-to-face) or remote (over distances).

Four Key Characteristics

  1. Delivery: Data must reach the correct destination (only the intended device/user).

  2. Accuracy: Data must be sent without errors; any change during transmission can make it unusable.

  3. Timeliness: Data needs to arrive on time; delays can render it useless (important for things like video or audio).

  4. Jitter: Variation in packet arrival times can cause uneven quality (e.g., in video streams).

Main Components of a Data Communications System

  1. Message: The actual data (text, numbers, images, audio, video).

  2. Sender: The device that sends the data (e.g., computer, phone).

  3. Receiver: The device that gets the data.

  4. Transmission Medium: The physical path (like wires or radio waves) that data travels on.

  5. Protocol: A set of rules that allows the sender and receiver to understand each other (like speaking the same language).

Representation of Data

  • Text: Encoded as bits using systems like Unicode.

  • Numbers: Represented directly in binary form.

  • Images: Made up of pixels; more pixels mean higher resolution but need more memory. Colors can be represented using systems like RGB or YCM.

  • Audio & Video: Audio is a continuous signal (can later be digitized), while video is either a continuous recording or a series of images that create the illusion of motion.

Data Flow Types

  • Simplex: One-way communication (e.g., keyboard → monitor).

  • Half-Duplex: Both devices can send and receive but not at the same time (e.g., walkie-talkies).

  • Full-Duplex: Both devices communicate simultaneously (e.g., telephone calls).

1.2 Networks

What is a Network?

  • A network connects devices (like computers, phones, routers) so they can communicate.

Key Criteria for a Network

  1. Performance: Measured by how fast data travels (transit time) and how quickly a device responds.

  2. Reliability: How often the network fails and how quickly it recovers.

  3. Security: Keeping data safe from unauthorized access and damage.

Physical Structure and Connection Types

  • Point-to-Point Connection: A dedicated link between two devices.

  • Multipoint Connection: One link shared by more than two devices (can be time-shared or space-shared).

Common Network Topologies (Physical Layouts)

  1. Mesh Topology: Every device is directly connected to every other device.

  2. Star Topology: All devices connect to a central hub; they don’t connect directly with each other.

  3. Bus Topology: All devices share a single cable (backbone).

  4. Ring Topology: Devices are connected in a circle, and data travels in one direction around the ring.

1.3 Network Types

Local Area Network (LAN)

  • Covers a small area (office, building, campus).

  • Devices within a LAN have unique identifiers (addresses) for sending and receiving data.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

  • Covers larger areas (cities, countries, or even the world).

  • Can be a simple direct connection (point-to-point WAN) or more complex (switched WAN) connecting multiple networks.

Internetwork & The Internet

  • Internetwork: When two or more networks are connected, they form an internetwork (or “internet” with a lowercase “i”).

  • The Internet: A huge network made of many internetworks, including backbone networks (large high-speed networks), provider networks (regional/national ISPs), and customer networks (individual users).

Accessing the Internet

  • Telephone Networks:

    • Dial-up: Uses a modem over the telephone line; slow and ties up the line.

    • DSL: Faster than dial-up and allows simultaneous voice/data use.

  • Cable Networks: Use upgraded cable TV networks for faster internet (speed may vary with usage).

  • Wireless Networks: Increasingly popular for connecting homes and businesses.

  • Direct Connection: Large organizations can connect directly by leasing high-speed WAN links.

1.4 Protocol Layering

Why Layer Protocols?

  • Protocols are sets of rules for communication.

  • For complex communication, the task is split into layers (like building blocks). Each layer handles a part of the process, making systems modular and easier to manage or update.

Examples of Layering

  • Single-Layer Communication: Two people talking face-to-face follow basic rules (greetings, taking turns).

  • Multi-Layer Communication (e.g., sending an encrypted letter):

    • One layer creates the plain message (plaintext).

    • A second layer encrypts the message (producing ciphertext).

    • A third layer handles packaging (putting it in an envelope with addresses).

  • If only one layer has a problem (like encryption), you can replace just that layer without changing the others.

Principles of Protocol Layering

  1. Bidirectional Functions: Every layer must be able to both send and receive.

  2. Consistency Across Layers: The “object” (like a letter, ciphertext, or packet) must be the same on both ends for each layer.

Logical Connections

  • Each layer is logically connected to the corresponding layer on the other side. This makes it easier to manage data flow from one device to another.

1.5 TCP/IP Protocol Suite


  • The TCP/IP protocol suite is a collection of protocols used on the Internet. It is organized into layers, each with specific functions.

Layered Architecture Example

  • In a small internetwork with LANs, routers, and switches:

    • End Systems (hosts): Use all five layers of the TCP/IP model.

    • Routers: Typically work on the network layer (and adapt for the link layer depending on the connection).

    • Switches: Work on the data-link and physical layers, managing local connections.

Key Points About Layers

  • Application, Transport, and Network Layers: Handle end-to-end communication (from one host to another).

  • Data-Link and Physical Layers: Manage communication between immediate hops (local devices or routers).

Each layer transforms the data in a specific way and passes it to the next layer until it reaches the destination, where the process is reversed.

1.5.3 Description of Each TCP/IP Layer

Physical Layer

  • Role: Carries individual bits (0s and 1s) across the physical medium (wires, fiber, wireless, etc.).

  • Note: Although it works at the bit level, it still interacts with the transmission medium beneath it.

Data-Link Layer

  • Role: Transfers frames (data units) across a single link (for example, within a LAN or WAN segment).

  • Note: When a router sends data onto the next link, the data-link layer handles that step.

Network Layer

  • Role: Establishes host-to-host connections across multiple networks.

  • Function: Routers select the best path for each packet as it moves from the source to the destination.

Transport Layer

  • Role: Provides end-to-end communication services between processes running on hosts.

  • Function: Encapsulates application data into segments (or datagrams) and ensures that a complete message is delivered from one process to another.

Application Layer

  • Role: Facilitates process-to-process communication between application programs.

  • Function: Handles requests and responses so that applications (like web browsers or email programs) can exchange information.

1.6 The OSI Model


  • The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a framework defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help design and understand network systems.

  • Purpose: To allow different computer systems to communicate without changing their underlying hardware or software.

OSI Model Layers

  • The OSI model has 7 layers:

    1. Physical

    2. Data-Link

    3. Network

    4. Transport

    5. Session

    6. Presentation

    7. Application


  • Key Difference: The TCP/IP suite has 5 layers because it combines or omits some of the OSI layers:

    1. The Session and Presentation layers of the OSI model are not separate in TCP/IP; their functions are handled within the Transport and Application layers.

  • Reasons for the Difference:

    1. TCP/IP supports multiple transport-layer protocols, some of which already provide session-like services.

    2. The application layer in TCP/IP is flexible—developers can add functionalities as needed without being restricted by a fixed layer.

Why OSI Didn't Replace TCP/IP

  • TCP/IP was already well-established and widely used.

  • OSI's additional layers (session and presentation) were never fully defined or implemented.

  • Performance issues in OSI implementations made it less attractive compared to the proven TCP/IP suite.
