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Habito 3 Liderazgo

  • be modest, do not do anything all at one and be patient

  • just get it done

  • Don’t get overwhelmed, take one class at a time , one assignment at a time, prioritize what needs to be done first

Saying No for a deeper YES

“The pyramid of success” = Loyalty, Friendship, Cooperation, Honesty, and Integrity.

Those are great building blocks to cooperative greatness.

  • Wooden said no because he had a bigger yes inside him, eve tho the offer was ten times his salary, he prioritized what he really wanted which was to train those kids for life and nor just for a game and so he did, he said no for his bigger yes.

  • The art of will power and the art of won’t power

  • Habit 3 is about executing your program

College success formula:

A compelling why + Solid Academic skills + Effective life skills = highly effective student.

Paradigms of putting first things first:

  1. Effectiveness first, then efficiency

  2. Importance over urgency

  3. relationship before schedules

Quadrant 2:

is about planning and it has things that are important but not urgent. is the quadrant of planning, preventing and preparing.

Habit 3 : DO IT, not just mentally but physically.

  • The enemy of the best is the good

  • go for two marshmallows

  • Say no with a smile

  • Use moderation in all things

Dive into the Courage Zone:

moving outside of your comfort zone,

People who practice habit 3:


  • put effectiveness first, then efficiency

  • focus on importance first, then urgency

  • prioritize relationships first then schedules


  • Live in quadrant 2

  • plan weekly

  • adapt daily

  • organize stuff

  • dive into the courage zone


  • more productivity

  • less stress

  • greater life balance


Habito 3 Liderazgo

  • be modest, do not do anything all at one and be patient

  • just get it done

  • Don’t get overwhelmed, take one class at a time , one assignment at a time, prioritize what needs to be done first

Saying No for a deeper YES

“The pyramid of success” = Loyalty, Friendship, Cooperation, Honesty, and Integrity.

Those are great building blocks to cooperative greatness.

  • Wooden said no because he had a bigger yes inside him, eve tho the offer was ten times his salary, he prioritized what he really wanted which was to train those kids for life and nor just for a game and so he did, he said no for his bigger yes.

  • The art of will power and the art of won’t power

  • Habit 3 is about executing your program

College success formula:

A compelling why + Solid Academic skills + Effective life skills = highly effective student.

Paradigms of putting first things first:

  1. Effectiveness first, then efficiency

  2. Importance over urgency

  3. relationship before schedules

Quadrant 2:

is about planning and it has things that are important but not urgent. is the quadrant of planning, preventing and preparing.

Habit 3 : DO IT, not just mentally but physically.

  • The enemy of the best is the good

  • go for two marshmallows

  • Say no with a smile

  • Use moderation in all things

Dive into the Courage Zone:

moving outside of your comfort zone,

People who practice habit 3:


  • put effectiveness first, then efficiency

  • focus on importance first, then urgency

  • prioritize relationships first then schedules


  • Live in quadrant 2

  • plan weekly

  • adapt daily

  • organize stuff

  • dive into the courage zone


  • more productivity

  • less stress

  • greater life balance