) frivolous - not serious; trivial; silly
) taciturn - quiet; saying little
) vacillate - to waiver between choices
) redundant - repetitive; unnecessary; superfluous
) engender - to create; to produce
) exhaustive - thorough; complete
) profuse - flowing freely; generous; excessive
) expedient - useful for effecting a desired result
) fastidious - not easy to please; overly critical
) prosaic - uninspired; dull; banal
) reticent - quiet; uncommunicative; taciturn
) languid - slow; tired; drooping; weak
) astute - perceptive; clever
) authentic - real; genuine
) brevity - briefness
) relevant - pertinent; important to know
) incoherent - impossible to understand; chaotic
) mitigate - to make milder; to make less severe
) didactic - instructive
) augment - to add; to increase; to make bigger