Geography and History
The word geography is
based on two Greek
words. Geo means “Earth”
and “graphy” means “to
Human geographers ask
“Where are people and
activities found on Earth?”
and “Why are they there?”
A geography can take a
plane or car to another
place on Earth, but a
historian cannot travel
back to another time in the
1.1 Welcome to Geography (2 of 3)
Geographers Explain Where and Why
A place is a specific point on Earth distinguished by a
particular characteristic.
A region is an area of Earth distinguished by a particular
Scale is the relationship between the portion of Earth
being studied and Earth as a whole.
Space refers to the physical gap or interval between two
Connection refers to relationships among people and
objects across the barrier of space.
1.1 Welcome to Geography (3 of 3)
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (1 of 6)
What is a map?
A map is a two-dimensional or flat-scale model of Earth’s
surface or a portion of it.
For centuries, geographers have worked to perfect the
science of mapmaking, called cartography.
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (2 of 6)
G I Science: Analyzing Data
Geographic Information Science (G I Science) is
analysis of data about Earth acquired through satellite
and other electronic information technologies.
A geographic information system (G I S) captures,
stores, queries, and displays the geographic data.
The science of taking measurements of Earth’s
surface from photographs is called photogrammetry.
The acquisition of data about Earth’s surface from a
satellite orbiting Earth or from other long-distance
methods is called remote sensing.
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (3 of 6)
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (4 of 6)
G P S: Pinpointing Locations
Global Positioning
System (G P S) is a
system that determines
the precise position of
something on Earth.
G P S is most commonly
used for navigation.
Geotagging is the
identification and storage
of a piece of information
by its precise latitude and
longitude coordinates.
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (5 of 6)
V G I: Collecting and Sharing Data
Volunteered geographic information (V G I) is the creation and
dissemination of geographic data contributed voluntarily and for
free by individuals.
V G I is part of a broader trend in citizen science.
A mashup is a map that overlays data from one source on top of
a map, such as Google Maps or Google Earth.
1.2 Contemporary Geographic Tools (6 of 6)
Geocode System:
What3words is a
geocode system that
has divided the entire
world into 57 trillion
squares of 3 meters
(10 feet) per side.
Each 9 square meter
(100 square foot)
square is identified by
three English words.
1.3 Making Maps (1 of 6)
Geography in the Ancient World
The science of geography has prehistoric
roots. Some of the major contributors from
the ancient eastern Mediterranean include:
Pythagoras—proposed a spherical
Aristotle—demonstrated Earth was
Eratosthenes—inventor of the word
“geography” and accurately calculated
the circumference of Earth
Strabo—described the known world in
a 17-volume work
Ptolemy—wrote eight-volume Guide
to Geography, codified basics of
mapmaking, prepared many
impressive maps
1.3 Making Maps (2 of 6)
China was another early center of geographic thought
“Yu Gong” (“Tribute of Yu”), a chapter in a book called
Shu Jing (“Classic of History”), by an unknown author
from the fifth century B.C.E, described the economic
resources of China’s different provinces
Pei Xiu, the “father of Chinese cartography,” who
produced an elaborate map of the country in C.E. 267
1.3 Making Maps (3 of 6)
Geography’s Revival
After Ptolemy, little progress in mapmaking or
geographic thought was made for centuries in
Europe. Maps became more fanciful and less
But outside Europe, progress continued, for example:
Muhammad al-Idrisi (1100–1165), a Muslim
geographer who prepared a world map and
geographic text in 1154, building on Ptolemy’s
long-neglected work.
1.3 Making Maps (4 of 6)
The Age of Exploration and Discovery revived mapmaking, where Columbus,
Magellan, and other explorers needed maps to explore. Influential European
cartographers included:
Martin Waldseemüller (c a. 1470–1521) was credited with producing the first map
to use to label “America.”
Abraham Ortelius (1527–1598), a Flemish cartographer who created the first
modern atlas and the first to hypothesize that the continents were once joined
1.3 Making Maps (5 of 6)
Types of Maps
A choropleth map is a map where recognizable areas are
shaded or patterned in proportion to the data collected.
A graduated symbol map displays a graphic multiple times that
changes in size according to the value of data.
1.3 Making Maps (6 of 6)
Types of Maps
A dot distribution map depicts data as points and shows how those points are
clustered together or spread out over an area.
An isoline map connects with lines all the places that have particular values.
A cartogram is a map in which the size of a territory is proportional to the value
of particular data.
1.4 The Geographic Grid (1 of 6)
The Geographic Grid
Latitude and Longitude
A meridian is an arc drawn
between the North and South
Poles. The location of each
meridian is identified on
Earth’s surface according to a
numbering system known as
A parallel is a circle drawn
around the global parallel to
the equator and at right angles
to the meridians. The
numbering system to indicate
the location of a parallel is
called latitude.
1.4 The Geographic Grid (2 of 6)
Distances on the geographic grid are expressed in degrees of
longitude and latitude based on the
in a circle.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Hall has coordinates of
north latitude and
west longitude.
The Ęąs are minutes and Ęşs are seconds.
G P S typically divides degrees into decimal fractions
instead, so the above examples would be
north latitude and
west longitude.
longitude runs through Greenwich and is known
as the prime meridian.
1.4 The Geographic Grid (3 of 6)
Telling Time
Longitude is the basis for calculating time
We assign
for each time zone so that there are 24 time zones
Greenwich Mean Time (G M T), or Universal Time (U T) is the master
reference time for all points on Earth
The International Data Line is an arc that for the most part follows
1.4 The Geographic Grid (4 of 6)
Map Scale
The level of detail and the
amount of area covered
on a map depend on its
map scale, which is the
relationship of a feature’s
size on a map to its actual
size on Earth.
What does a scale of
mean in
Figure 1.4.3?
1.4 The Geographic Grid (5 of 6)
Earth’s spherical shape poses
a challenge for cartographers
to make flat maps that are not
distorted. Transferring
locations on Earth’s surface to
a flat map is called projection.
One of many attempts to
product low distortions maps is
the Mercator Projection. Do
you think Greenland is really
bigger than South America?
1.4 The Geographic Grid (6 of 6)
The shape of an area can be
distorted, so that it appears
more elongated or squat than in
The distance between two
points may become increased or
The relative size of different
areas may be altered.
The direction from one place to
another can be distorted.
The choice of projection
depends on which of these four
distortions are most important to
the map user. You would not
use Gall-Peters Projection if
you need the shape of the land
masses to be undistorted.
1.5 Place: A Unique Location (1 of 3)
Geographers describe a feature’s place on Earth by
identifying its location, which is the position that
something occupies on Earth’s surface.
Place Names
A toponym is the name given to a place on Earth.
The U.S. Geological Survey is the final arbiter in
the U.S. for names on U.S. maps.
Names can be controversial. They can be
offensive to certain groups, such as those with
racial or ethnic connotations.
1.5 Place: A Unique Location (2 of 3)
1.5 Place: A Unique Location (3 of 3)
Site & Situation
Site is the physical
character of a place, such
as topography or elevation.
Humans have the ability to
modify the characteristics of
a site.
Situation is the location of
a place relative to other
1.6 Region: A Unique Area (1 of 3)
Cultural Landscape
A region derives its unified
character through the cultural
landscape, which is a
combination of cultural features
such as language and religion,
economic features such as
agriculture and industry, and
physical features such as
climate and vegetation.
Example: The southern
California region can be
distinguished from the north
California region.
1.6 Region: A Unique Area (2 of 3)
Geographers identify three types of regions:
Formal Region, also called uniform region, is an area within
which most people share one or more distinctive characteristics.
1.6 Region: A Unique Area (3 of 3)
Geographers identify three types of regions:
Functional Region, also called a nodal
region, is an area organized around a node or
focal point.
Vernacular region, or perceptual region, is
an area that people believe exists as part of
their cultural identify.
1.7 Scale: From Global to Local (1 of 4)
Globalization of Culture & the
Globalization refers to actions
or processes that involve the
entire world and result in
making something worldwide in
Globalization of Culture
Increasingly uniform cultural
preferences lead to uniform
“global” landscapes. Fast food,
service stations, and retail
chains look quite similar in
many countries.
1.7 Scale: From Global to Local (2 of 4)
Globalization of the Economy
Globalization of the economy has been led primarily by
transnational corporations that conduct research,
operate factories, and sell products in many countries.
1.7 Scale: From Global to Local (3 of 4)
Local Diversity
Despite globalization, many cultural differences within places are
actually flourishing in many cases.
The communication revolution actually offers countless channels
of programming that people can choose for more “local” content.
1.7 Scale: From Global to Local (4 of 4)
Spatial Association
Spatial association occurs within a region if the distribution
of one feature is related to the distribution of another
What might you conclude about the spatial association
between the two maps below?
1.8 Space: Distribution of Features (1 of 4)
Distribution Properties: Density
The arrangement of a feature in space is known as its
distribution. Density is the frequency with which
something occurs in space.
Distribution Properties: Concentration
The extent of a feature’s spread over space is its
concentration. If objects in an area are close
together, they are clustered. If they are far apart, they
are dispersed.
1.8 Space: Distribution of Features (2 of 4)
Distribution Properties:
Pattern is the
arrangement of
objects in space.
Objects form linear
distributions, square
patterns, and many
other distributions.
1.8 Space: Distribution of Features (3 of 4)
Distribution: Social Distance
Understanding the difference between density and
concentration became essential during the COVID-19
1.8 Space: Distribution of Features (4 of 4)
Distribution Properties:
Major League Baseball
As a result of team
relocations and
additions, the
density of teams
increased, and the
distribution became
more dispersed.
1.9 Space: Identity (1 of 2)
Distribution by Ethnicity
The distribution of
ethnicities in the
United States varies
considerably at all
Ethnicities are also
highly clustered in
distinctive areas
within cities.
1.9 Space: Identity (2 of 2)
Distribution by Sexual Orientation
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LG B T Q) people may
be attracted to some locations to reinforce spatial interaction with
other L G B T Q people. Some countries protect L G B T Q people; other
countries criminalize the practice.
1.10 Space: Inequality (1 of 4)
Inequality: Gender
Children learn gender roles
through socialization.
Expectations about gender
roles often create hierarchies
between and among groups
that can lead to unequal
power, advantaging one
group over another.
1.10 Space: Inequality (2 of 4)
Distribution by Gender
Gender inequality is reflected in numerous societal norms.
Worldwide, the average income of women is around 50 percent
that of men.
1.10 Space: Inequality (3 of 4)
Inequality Among Countries
The increasing gap in economic conditions between regions in the core
and periphery that results from the globalization of the economy is
known as uneven development.
The income gap between rich and poor countries is growing.
1.10 Space: Inequality (4 of 4)
Inequality Within Countries
Unequal access and economic inequality have also increased within
In the United States, the share of the national income held by the
wealthiest 1 percent increase from 24 percent in 1970 to around 40
percent in 2020.
1.11 Connection: Diffusion & Interaction
(1 of 5)
An innovation originates at a node, known as a hearth, and spreads
across space from one place to another through a process called
Relocation Diffusion
The spread of a feature through physical movement of people from one
place to another is termed relocation diffusion.
1.11 Connection: Diffusion & Interaction
(2 of 5)
Expansion Diffusion
The spread of an innovation from one place to
another in an additive process is expansion
diffusion. This expansion may results from one of
three processes:
Hierarchical diffusion is the spread of an idea
from persons or nodes of authority or power to
other persons or places. For example, ideas can
spread from political leaders or the social elite.
1.11 Connection: Diffusion & Interaction
(3 of 5)
Contagious diffusion is the rapid, widespread diffusion of a
characteristic when something “goes viral.”
Stimulus diffusion is the spread of an underlying principle,
such as features from Apple’s iPhone adopted by competitors.
1.11 Connection: Diffusion & Interaction
(4 of 5)
Spatial Interaction
The diminishing importance
and eventual disappearance
of a phenomenon with
increasing distance from its
origin is called distance
The reduction in the time it
takes to diffuse something to
a distant place is space-time
1.11 Connection: Diffusion & Interaction
(5 of 5)
Spatial Interaction
Assimilation is the process by
which a group’s cultural features
are altered to resemble those of
another group.
Acculturation is the process of
changes in culture that results
from the meeting of two groups.
Syncretism is the combination of
elements of two groups into a new
cultural feature.
Interaction takes place through a
network, which is a chain of
communication that connects
places. Some airlines, for
example, have hub-and-spoke
1.12 Connection: Sustainability (1 of 4)
Connection: Sustainability
Sustainability is the use of Earth’s resources in ways that ensure their
availability in the future.
Three Pillars of Sustainability
Environmental Pillar—we want consumption to be less rapid than
Social Pillar—people can choose products that support sustainability.
Economic Pillar—the price of a resource depends on the value people
put on it.
1.12 Connection: Sustainability (2 of 4)
Three Pillars of Sustainability
1.12 Connection: Sustainability (3 of 4)
Earth’s Connected Physical
A biotic system is
composed of living
organisms. An abiotic
system is composed of
nonliving or inorganic
matter. Three of Earth’s
four systems are
One of the four systems is
biotic: the biosphere
consists of all living things
on Earth.
1.12 Connection: Sustainability (4 of 4)
Earth’s Connected Physical Systems
A group of living organisms and the abiotic spheres with which they
interact is an ecosystem.
The scientific study of ecosystems is ecology.
1.13 Humans & Their Environment (1 of 3)
Adjusting to the Environment
geographers argued that the
physical environment
caused social development,
an approach called
Modern geographers
embrace possibilism: the
physical environment may
limit some human actions,
but people have the ability to
adjust to their environment.
1.13 Humans & Their Environment (2 of 3)
Sustainable Ecosystem: The Netherlands
A polder is a piece of land that is created by draining water from an
The Dutch have created many polders and dikes that have altered their
Today the Dutch have changed their attitude toward these types of
massive project, but climate change and the resulting sea-level rise
threaten their coastlines.
1.13 Humans & Their Environment (3 of 3)
A Sustainability Doughnut
The city of Amsterdam has
adopted a sustainability model
known as doughnut economics.
The inner ring shows what
people need to lead a decent
The lines radiating from the
center represent the use of
various resources.
The outer ring of the
doughnut represents
ecological boundaries set by
Review Summary (1 of 2)
Key Issue 1 Geography is most fundamentally a spatial science.
Geographers use maps to display the location of objects and to
extract information about places. Early geographers drew maps of
Earth’s surface based on exploration and observation.
Contemporary G I Science, including remote sensing, G P S, V G I,
geotagging, and G I S, assist geographers in understanding
reasons for observed regularities across Earth.
Key Issue 2 Geographers identity unique places (specific points)
and regions (areas) distinguished by distinctive combinations of
cultural as well as economic and environmental features.
Review Summary (2 of 2)
Key Issue 3 Geographers work at all scales, from local to global. The
global scale is increasingly important because few places in the
contemporary world are totally isolated. Because places are
connected to each other, they display similarities. Geographers study
the interactions of groups of people and human activities across
space, and they identify processes by which people and ideas diffuse
from one location to another over time.
Key Issue 4 Sustainability is the use of Earth’s resources in ways
that ensure their availability in the future. Sustainability is based on
three interrelated pillars: environmental, economic, and social action.
An ecosystem comprises a group of living organism in the biosphere
and their interaction with the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
The sustainability of some of Earth’s resources is being damaged by