CCS2 - Final

C programming language

#include - preprocessing directive: instructions to the compiler that our program will need to include

main () - main entry point of the program, must have only one.

{ - open curly brace to begin statements inside the main.

} - ends statements

printf(“hello world.”);

  • example of program statement

  • allows us to display strings to the screen


  • C programming is case-sensitive

  • spacing and indention do not affect execution. only makes it more readable

The main ()

C defaults to int. C is not strict on return statement.

void main () - no need for return statement


// - single line

/* */ - multi-line

  • inserting explanations

  • hide code

Special character: \n, \t

\n - adds new lines to the display

\t - adds 5 empty spaces instead of new line

Displaying variables - DATA TYPES

  • Integer - whole number positive or negative and 0

  • Float - rational numbers (decimal) except 0 but 0.0 included

  • Character - single symbol ‘ ‘

  • String - set of characters “ “

Data type

Data format


%d, %i








placeholders for values.

  • must not have the same name as predefined words in the language

  • cannot have numbers as first character

  • no spaces or special characters

  • unique within the same program

assigning variables - left gets right

Arithmetic operators

addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo

precedence - parentheses, multi and divi, add and subtract

assignment ops

+=, -=, *=, /=, %=

constant declaration #define <variable> <value>

increment decrement: ++ --

a++ postfix compiler sees ‘a’ first

++a prefix compiler sees ++ first


string: contains data format “%d” and argument: corresponds data type of variable &num

Making programs that solve problems

G – Given

R – Required

E – Equation

S – Solution

A – Answer

oval - terminal, start or end

rectangle - process symbol

diamond - decision symbol

parallelogram - input/output symbol

arrows - connect the symbols, show relationship


  • On-page connector - replace long lines on flowchart page, circle

  • Off-page connector - target is on other page, five-pointed polygon

  • used in pairs

  • first connectors is the end, second is the continuation


  • specifies condition and executes statements only if condition is true


  • condition is true, first part executes, otherwise second part executes\

Else if

  • specify new conditions if first condition is false

nested if

  • multple conditions apply

  • condition depends on another condition

shorthand ternary

  • takes less space writes in shortest way possible

first is comparison, second is result if true, third is result if false


  • usefule if we have to choose between n numbers of alternatives

  • execute one code block among many alternatives, if-else-if ladder statement


  • used to repeat block of code until condition is met

  • entry controlled

    • for and while

  • exit controlled

    • evaluated at the end of loop

    • do-while



Repeating Action(s)

condition to continue

Process for the loop to continue and eventually reach the “stop”


  • the body of do is executed once before testing expression


  • for (initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement){
    // statements inside the body of loop

Jumping Statements

Jumping statements are generally used within a branching statement. used to jump out of loops

  • break

    • ends the loop immediately when it is encountered.

    • terminates only the nested loop if used in nested loops

  • Continue

    • used to skip the statements if we dont want to write any statement inside a condition.

  • Goto

    • can be used anywhere unconditionally in between the program. Jump the control anywhere in between the program

  • Exit

    • use to terminate a program

  • gotoxy sets curosr to a pos


  • block of statements to perform tasks

  • instead of writing a block of code again and again, we can create a function and call it as many times as required.

  • when the function is called the controller is passed to the function then return back from where it was called

  • reduces the size of a program
