Set 1
1. Apocryphal: Of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.
2. Arcane: Understood by few; mysterious or secret.
3. Convene: To call together, assemble, or gather, especially for a meeting.
4. Expedient: Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.
5. Gesticulate: To use dramatic gestures instead of speaking or to emphasize one’s words.
6. Imperturbable: Unable to be upset or excited; calm and composed.
7. Increment: An increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale.
8. Levity: Humor or lack of seriousness, especially in a serious matter.
9. Mortify: To cause someone to feel deeply ashamed, humiliated, or embarrassed.
10. Periphery: The outer limits or edge of an area or object.
11. Reiterate: To say something again or repeatedly for emphasis or clarity.
12. Subterfuge: Deceit used to achieve a goal or avoid detection.
13. Vacillate: To alternate or waver between opinions or actions; be indecisive.
Set 2
1. Accoutrements: Additional items of dress or equipment, typically used for a specific activity.
2. Aggrieved: Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated.
3. Disconcert: To unsettle or disturb the composure of someone.
4. Interpose: To place or insert something between two things; intervene.
5. Modicum: A small or moderate amount of something.
6. Opulent: Ostentatiously rich, luxurious, or lavish.
7. Propensity: A natural inclination or tendency to behave in a certain way.
8. Therapeutic: Relating to the healing of disease; having a beneficial effect on body or mind.
9. Utilitarian: Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.
Set 3
1. Autonomy: Independence or self-governance; the ability to make one’s own decisions.
2. Circumspect: Wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious.
3. Composure: The state of being calm and in control of one’s emotions.
4. Edifice: A large, imposing building or structure; also, a complex system of beliefs.
5. Incognito: Having one’s true identity concealed.
6. Interim: The intervening time; temporary or provisional arrangements.
7. Mausoleum: A large, stately building housing a tomb or tombs.
8. Reverie: A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream.