Gendered racism: a form of oppression based both on gender and race/ethnicity
People of color: umbrella term to refer to people
Latinx: a Latin American person, unmarked by gender
Asian Americans: Americans of Asian descent. Includes people from Indian subcontinent, people of Asian heritage are groups with people of Pacific Islander heritage.
European Americans:
Concept of race: a socially constructed system of human classification, once considered a biological concept referring to discrete and exclusive groups of people with common physical features.
Problems with race as a biological concept: the assumptions that racial groups are distinct and exclusive
Ethnic Group:
European Americans are the norm: unjustified inference from an all-White sample to all people. The experiences of people of color are then marginalized and made invisible. White represent “people.” and everyone else becomes “subcultures”
Bem Sex Role Inventory:
Biased observations:
Bias in interpretation of results: European American are the norm, so then behaviors and experiences of people of color are the deficit.
Conceptual equivalence: In multicultural research, the construct measured by a scale has the same meaning in all cultures being studied.
Translational equivalence:
Racial microaggressions: subtle insults directed at people of color, consciously or unconsciously.
Core values of Asian Americans:
Bicultural competence: