Chapter 11 Sec 3

The Parish Priest

  1. Who was the only contact that most people on a manor had with the Church?

    • The parish priest.

  2. What were sacraments?

    • The sacred rites of the Church.

  3. Why were sacraments important to medieval people?

    • They believed participation in sacraments would lead to salvation.

  4. What other duties did priests perform?

    • They preached the gospels, performed marriages, baptisms, and funerals.

The Village Church

  1. What role did the village church play in medieval life?

    • It was the social center and a place of worship.

  2. What additional role did some priests take on?

    • Some priests ran schools.

  3. Why were churches built to last and made to be visually impressive?

    • To reflect their importance in the community.

  4. What was a tithe?

    • A tax equal to a tenth of a person’s income paid to the Church.

Views of Women

  1. What did the Church teach about men and women?

    • That they were equal before God.

  2. How were women viewed on Earth according to the Church?

  • As "Daughters of Eve," meaning they were weak and more likely to sin.

  1. How did the Church try to protect women?

  • By setting a minimum age for marriage.

  1. What could Church courts do to men who harmed their wives?

  • They could put them in jail.

Monks and Nuns

  1. Who created rules for monks and nuns to follow?

  • Benedict.

  1. What were the three rules under the Benedictine Rule?

  • Obedience to the head of the monastery or convent,

  • Vow of poverty,

  • Chastity (purity).

  1. What services did monasteries and convents provide?

  • They acted as hospitals and schools.

  1. What other role did some monasteries and convents serve?

  • They acted as hotels for travelers.

  1. How did convents give women a voice in the Church?

  • Women in convents could speak more freely.

The Power of the Church Grows

  1. What does "secular" mean?

  • Worldly (non-religious).

  1. Why was the Church considered the most powerful force in medieval Europe?

  • It had great influence over both religious and secular matters.

The Church and Feudal Society

  1. Who was the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church?

  • The Pope.

  1. What was papal supremacy?

  • The Pope’s authority over all secular rulers.

  1. What land did the Pope control in central Italy?

  • The Papal States.

Religious Authority

  1. What were Canon Laws?

  • A body of laws developed by the Church.

  1. What was excommunication?

  • A punishment where a person could not receive the sacraments or a Christian burial.

Reform Movements

  1. What were Friars?

  • Monks who did not live in isolated monasteries but traveled to towns preaching to the poor.

Jews in Europe

  1. Where did Jews live during medieval Europe?

  • Throughout Europe.

  1. What is anti-Semitism?

  • Prejudice against Jews.

  1. What did many Christians blame Jews for?

  • Disease and famine.
