Who was the only contact that most people on a manor had with the Church?
The parish priest.
What were sacraments?
The sacred rites of the Church.
Why were sacraments important to medieval people?
They believed participation in sacraments would lead to salvation.
What other duties did priests perform?
They preached the gospels, performed marriages, baptisms, and funerals.
What role did the village church play in medieval life?
It was the social center and a place of worship.
What additional role did some priests take on?
Some priests ran schools.
Why were churches built to last and made to be visually impressive?
To reflect their importance in the community.
What was a tithe?
A tax equal to a tenth of a person’s income paid to the Church.
What did the Church teach about men and women?
That they were equal before God.
How were women viewed on Earth according to the Church?
As "Daughters of Eve," meaning they were weak and more likely to sin.
How did the Church try to protect women?
By setting a minimum age for marriage.
What could Church courts do to men who harmed their wives?
They could put them in jail.
Who created rules for monks and nuns to follow?
What were the three rules under the Benedictine Rule?
Obedience to the head of the monastery or convent,
Vow of poverty,
Chastity (purity).
What services did monasteries and convents provide?
They acted as hospitals and schools.
What other role did some monasteries and convents serve?
They acted as hotels for travelers.
How did convents give women a voice in the Church?
Women in convents could speak more freely.
What does "secular" mean?
Worldly (non-religious).
Why was the Church considered the most powerful force in medieval Europe?
It had great influence over both religious and secular matters.
Who was the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church?
The Pope.
What was papal supremacy?
The Pope’s authority over all secular rulers.
What land did the Pope control in central Italy?
The Papal States.
What were Canon Laws?
A body of laws developed by the Church.
What was excommunication?
A punishment where a person could not receive the sacraments or a Christian burial.
What were Friars?
Monks who did not live in isolated monasteries but traveled to towns preaching to the poor.
Where did Jews live during medieval Europe?
Throughout Europe.
What is anti-Semitism?
Prejudice against Jews.
What did many Christians blame Jews for?
Disease and famine.